How fucked is China?

That... that's a lot of protestors.

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White Americans should be coming out in those numbers to protest their nation being given away.

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Notice this is no where on ZeroHedge

I point this out, because the "tylers" are chinese in Hong Kong

At least they get out on the street to protest when their government does dumb shit instead of letting their governments bring sand niggers in to rape their daughters.


Chinese govt does not value life over rule. They will turn them into paste with tanks just like tiananmen.

>White Americans doing anything but wage slaving
white America's are brainwashed by the jew to only care about working, the whole country can fall apart around white people(which is happening) and they don't care as long as they have their " work "
Only when white male unemployment reaches 30-40% will white Americans do anything

They can't G20 is coming up and the populus is willing to escalate.

>Carpet bomb incoming they will definitely slaughter their own people. Shit is going to be lit

speak for yourself leaf Chan, unlike you cucks we did vote the RIGHT person as prime minister

>China will collapse any day now, says increasingly nervous glownigger

Dude the chine government run newspaper acknowledged Tiananmen square massacre as a good thing, and that keeping it secret afterwards was a great accomplishment. This PRC government does not give a flying fuck about appearances or the people.

That would explain the British hate in the articles.

(((CIA))) can organize cheaply a protest in HK,

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What? Of course not! A divided and unstable China surely is in the best interest of the chinese people, that's why they're protesting! No foreign influence at all!

>1-2 million people
>organized by CIA
do you know how retarded that sounds?
the cia can't even overthrow Maduro in its own hemisphere

this is why we have guns, if hk had guns china wouldnt try to do anything.


Yeah I'm sure you'll use them any day now lmao. You fat cunts always talk shit but the time to use them was 1965 and not a fucking peep since then.

it usually takes 4 cops to tackle a sandnigger, the only thing they good at is shooting armless students

the law will be passed sooner or later, they will let the people vent first. I don't think the PRC wants to make HK another PRC city.

It seems like major conflict approaching just about everywhere in the world. What are we headed towards?

Does the chinese goverment really care when hong kong complains anymore

>2 million people without weapons
the chonks will just use some force and then apply pragmatism and wait couple of weeks. And everything is forgotten

I think the commies would be wise to just cut ties with HK peacefully rather than risk dissent spreading to the main land. US govt is just chomping at the bit for more justification to economically sink the commies at this point and widespread violent repression would definitely unite the world against them.

'a war between banks' is the shortest answer I can think of.

It's going to get really really bad

ours would be easily solved if you burgers can successfully tear China apart

nope,not even the hong kong government,after all these shitshows we still achieved nothing

lee kuan yew said the same thing. Amerimutts and Yuropoors are in love with Jewish color revolutions. Chinese are the only ones to shut them down. I think the chinese did good.

China isn't fucked at all. America is closer to collapse than China.

I support Hong Kong and wish death to the CCP.

not at all true.. China is infinitely closer to collapse.. and it's coming my bucktoothed friend.

There is no proof that happened during the June 4th incident.

good fucking luck. Americans are mental slaves

people have been saying that for the past 30 years. it's not happening soon.

you probably have never been to china. Take a trip through any chinese city and then do a walking tour of a dozen americna cities and ask yourself which is in better shape.

Turnley brothers were there and they took photos of people being turned to paste but they were soldiers not civilians so it dispels any notion of tyranny and actually creates a narrative of a western backed coup.

so where are the commie tanks?
when can we see some squeeze bugs?

china doesn't really even need to mow them down this time.they can just wait it out. nothing that the HKers do will do anything.


How fucked is U.S.A?

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China will be the dominant superpower of the 2020's. Meanwhile Americans will continue fighting each other in the streets over politics thanks to the social justice that is corrupting the west. Time is up for you yank.

Giving into protesters makes you look weak and usually ends up with your government overthrown.

Did they find that quarter?


Are the Jews in that picture on a mass coin hunt or something?

the what?

Honk Kang is delusional, they think that stopping the mainland chink steamroll is possible. West won't dare do anything due to reliance on cheap chink shit, sorry but this is what you get with globalism

Not really.
China has broken apart and reformed more then any other country ever. The chink is eternal.


Remember how over a million Brits protested against the Iraq war I 'member


What are they protesting?

Yeah keep telling yourself that Chang

Mainland china manipulated the democratically elected government of HK to propose an extradition law which would make HKers face trial in Chinese courts rather than local courts. Thus making them susceptible to Chinese arbitration which is completely biased in favor of the party.

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You'll never fire a shot.

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get your ass out of major cities lmao.

Memes of epic proportion.

Chinese government is founded on the idea that they are the rightful sovereigns of all Chinese people. Giving up Hong Kong or Taiwan would ruin them.