One of you is doing this

And whoever you are, know that you are doing god's work

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Other urls found in this thread:

>One of you is doing this
no, its random murder. there is like 40-50 of them each day.

Hope this is a white man with family in action.......

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>oh fuck this thots got a dick
>shieeeet mang

>get to change your name from Kunta Kinte
niggerfaggots deserved it

Glow harder

It's ghetto niggers killing tranny prostitutes, user:
>finna bouta get muh dick suck
>sheeeeit Shaqueefa gotta bigga dick then me

The person behind it is definitively a race fanboy.
You have to compete with the trans thing on who will kill him faster, and in many cases, the trans win.


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Being murdered by bigoted black people who hate gays.
But some how, in some way, its the white mans fault.


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>go to fuck tranny
>tranny shouts "ima firin muh laysia"
>tranny comes on your face

Fag probably deceived another black dude and was murdered for it.

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Why kill them when they do it themselves?



No it's there fUlt for lying to a nigger and they proceed to kill them


>There is a crisis of black trans women being murdered
>We need to act to protect trans women from violence and we need to do it now.

But we can't do it by asking about the circumstances of their murders, which almost certainly involved drugs or prostitution.

Trannies are all prostitutes. They get murdered by johns who discover the dick after the BJ is concluded.

It's niggers killing nigger trannies. If it was white people we'd never hear the end of it, so they have to settle with just the transphobia card.

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Thank you for your service anti-trans user.

lol this wouldn't be the work of a Jow Forums poster, this is just niggers finding out the chick is a dude then killing them


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Meme this nao pls

Lost again

yep. my sister was basically a pimp for these trannies she was the fag hag of in school. the mayr, the judges, cops, preachers, the anti-gay muslim guys, all of them would go fuck these hideous motherfuckers that looked like fucking muppets.

every single tranny dreams of being a dirty cocksucking slut. its all they think and talk about. besides makeup.


rofl women have dicks now

>finna bouta
Finna doesn't mean finally, user

Jow Forums is a board of peace.

their fault for choosing to be tranny.

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100% this is niggers picking up what they think is a thot, then realising it a dude and chimping put bashing their brains in

only onceded they git they diq succc

Nope, that's niggers doing it. There are some benefits to being essentially entirely separate from police.

>Killing off both Niggers and Fags at once.
I see no issue with this.

>Brittany White

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Killing them on their own month, too. Kek

No you are NOT. We have to keep black trans because blacks ONLY group up with blacks, socially (girlfriends are an exception).

Keeping black trannies within the black community POISONS their kind and makes them weaker.

Seriously, if you all fucking strategically supported this evil shit on their creators this won would be won sooner than you think.

>inb4 shill
Commies mass genocide every revolution, clearly I support African communists (in fucking Africa of course).
Fag enablers weaken overall masculinity of men, and spread AIDs. I support black homosexuals.
Abortions LOWERS population growth, I fucking support black/brown womens right to ABORT!

Man, you guys have all the tools you need ... ALL of it ...

Can we make it 5?

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Is Chris Chan the chad and our Guy?

It means "fixing to"

>muh laysia

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he's trying to get the focus on actual violence instead of non-existent white supremacist violence

Nope, but I refuse to eat at a restraunt where one of these things is employed, and I make a point to call it man dude or sir. i have never seen a white tranny IRL only brown and black.

My money is on this

It's black guys killing them but they want you to pretend its a societal problem

This is the only solution against LGBT: Violence.

They are cowards, a little bit of violence will put them in their places

>CHYNAL Lindsey
what is it with niggers naming their brute like some fucking family wagon

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Is it wrong that i want to stuff him in a trashcan with air/screaming holes, seal up the ends so he cant get out, and leave it for big cats to tear up trying to get to the FLAVORFUL midget mcnugget inside, as i savor his squeals of terror and fright?

yeah fuck off cia

its what they want, to be disciplined. these are normal god fearing people, these are deranged, degenerate perverts. they want to be beaten and abused for being scum of the earth.

oldfags out

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>Jow Forums
>killing nigger tranny faggots

no, niggers who take these things home and realize they are nigger tranny faggots are the culprits.

Since when is anybody alarmed by niggers getting killed in America?

kek a fucking Portagee explaining American slang.
Why do Yuropoors worship American Black culture so much?
You know this olive-skinned, curly-haired Portagee goes around in gold chains and track suits rappin' rhymes. Rap us some rhymes bruh
Maybe you and the Chinese kid can have a rap battle and rap us some rhymes

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yes, you're a sick degenerate

>nigger tranny hookers getting shot a few times a year in the ghetto
Oh look trannies being delusional again. What else is fucking new?

>found dead.

Now is a good time to inform normal people about the 45%.

It's almost guaranteed to be a nigger who got trapped. They can't control their emotions and when they reach down for that black pussy and get a donger instead they chimp out.

No, but personally I'd tear his limbs off with my thumb and forefinger.

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I've been around those kinds of people god damn they stink and their voices are the worst holy shit.

This I do it at work
>Yeah HE needs some help with getting these materials into HIS car, you think you could help HIM, because once you're done with HIM I need you in the back
>Laugh your ass off later in the back afterwords

Other blacks are the ones doing it lmao.

Nigger trannies getting killed is usually the result of some simple nigger getting cat fished by a chick with a dick and go on a killing spree.
Its how their cognitive function works mate.

It's mostly likely other blacks. They beat-up a black tranny in Dallas recently also.

Gives me hope that globo-homo won't succeed.

>They're being murdered

I have a feeling most of them are deaths from when Tyrone realizes pussy isn't that dry and doesn't need that much lube. Despite having higher rates of gays and AIDs niggers can be extremely homophobic and it's hilarious.

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sure thing Kang


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Nah, it's just black guys and nignogs reacting angrily after finding out they got tricked. Old black movies covered this culture trope of theirs. Black trannies are apparently notorious for not being upfront about it for some reason.

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Didn't they arrest some black guy for these already?

Niggers did this.

>muhlaysia booker
Thank you user tranny killer.


...oh wait another unfunny post that a bunch of people have already posted laughing reaction images to... better post one too to fit in!!

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>be you
>Europoor faggot
>come to Jow Forums to lecture 56% face burgers on American negro slang
I don't come to your thread and tell you the best way to swallow Gypsy cum, because I assume you're an expert. Extend the same courtesy to me, you muzzie rape baby.

They all killed themselves. It's very unlikely with a 45% suicide rate that anyone would waste time killing trannies when there are groups with much lower suicide rates that need exterminating.

Holy shit...based

there is a 40% chance they died on their own

This guy

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My is money on this too.
Black dudes go ballistic on shit like that.

Guarantee you this is another tranny faggot. Like dahmer. He's probably eating a penis as we speak.

overrated post

I remember that dude, and I know whatever he does it is considered God's work.

You should be redpilling them, not teaming up with the kikes to destroy them. Their culture is the last bastion of masculinity in this country.

Wouldn't call them women


Being a nigger in a nigger area isnt exactly a precision strike

Why only niggers?

Tranny faggots better kee away from me cuz ita not just niggers who will rek your faggot ass

Black women are so ugly you probably wouldn’t tell if one is a tranny until the dick is in your face.

there should be a benefits program that provides public housing/ health care to trans women so they dont have to risk their lives with this shit. its ridiculous that in the most prosperous country in the world people have to do this to survive

No brainer
Guy gets drunk desperate sleeps with what he thinks is a passable chick wakes up to a sobering horror of reality of a disfigured naked man in bed with him he panics realizes he cant ever let anyone know hed never live with the shame or ridicule and does the only sane thing he can think of kill the fag & get rid of the evidence
your dead trannie mystery is solved

yeah I’m sure they’re so eager for a chance with you lmao

We should put them all on a boat and send them away somewhere safe, for their protection of course.