The book of Soph

A reading from the Book of Soph.

“I’ve become a devout follower of the Prophet Muhammad. Suffice to say, I’ve been having a fuck ton of fun,” Soph said in the video. “Of course, I get raped by my 40-year-old husband every so often and I have to worship a black cube to indirectly please an ancient Canaanite god — but at least I get to go to San Fran and stone the shit out of some gays, and the cops can’t do anything about it because California is a crypto-caliphate.”

Attached: B90F81F2-0307-48AA-A00E-2781590942F2.jpg (1024x1024, 185K)

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is she Sunni or Shia?
or Sufi?


Islam is the future, Islam is the shining light in the sea of degeneracy that the modern western world has become. The Christian faith failed to keep the degenerates at bay but Islam is unrelenting.

>B.. but muh child marriage

Child marriage isn't supported by Islam. Islam doesn't impose a made up number for when someone isn't a child anymore - ask yourself this, what's more logical? That you define an arbitrary number of years since the start of a person's life as a measurement of whether they're a child or not, OR, you allow the people close to the child to judge when the child has reached a level of maturity that they may be considered an adult.

>B.. but muh wemen's rights

Islam defines a strict framework for how much power women have in society. They play a crucial role in the micromanagement and development of children into productive adults but leave the larger scale decisions to men who are capable of more rational thought. The concept of western feminism and gender equality is flawed at it's core and is the root cause of many of the moral and ethical problems faced by the west in the modern day.

>B.. but muh rights and constitution

Islam doesn't impose any unfair laws upon you and you have many basic rights guaranteed by it, such as the right to own weapons and the right to defend yourself, your family, your home and your country. Many of the constitional rights are already guaranteed under Islam.

>B.. but muh imposed islamic education

Islam doesn't forbid you from exploring the world, on the contrary, it encourages you to study the world around you and to make your own conclusions from what you observe. In essence, Islam promotes scientific discovery.


Maybe you shoud read your own book. I recommend the official translation of Saudi Arabia.

You deserve to be raped

Death cults will be wiped out when their balls drop. Also go suck a dick nigger.

Islam doesnt allow trannys

isn't she an ancap retard anti-Islam pro-Israel alt-lite le ebin zoomer?

This kid is going to get exactly what they ask for.
They are too young and brain dead to know how words work.


>beta orbiting a soon-to-be coalburner
I hope you realize that the one making her scripts is none other than her brazilian nigger boyfriend:

yes itdoes look up iranian trans laws they think it to be a disorder not a deviation

With the way she runs her mouth in rather graphic fashion about the sexual escapades of her cohort, it does leave one to wonder what she'll do when she does get to the point of wanting a relationship. I can't imagine being this much of a e-celeb and having an easy time trying to have a normal relationship with anybody at your school.

no no no
I'm marrying Soph
she's going to be a presbyterian and say nice things to middle class blacks
while we all blurt out hymns, off key and out of sync

I'm so glad my favorite Portuguese racquetball forum's hero is a 12-year-old girl now.
A salmi shitlikeum, the original unaltered VERBOTEN version.

By Mahamood, piss be on his name, lets commence the shill-bingo.

Attached: anti-soph bingo.png (638x784, 162K)

As a Christian man i'm quite happy with my current beliefs but I would take Islam over people who want to sexually mutilate children and put them on hormones.

Attached: 1154C0C6-2B75-4B30-95BB-9DAD691AD1E4.jpg (1000x1644, 879K)

She's catholic. It's a joke.

she is kosher, i believe