Operation Lebensborn

Ive found a genius way to make that meme ours. The enemy is literally giving us the solution to white genocide which is to have sex and make more white babies! Seriously start a family and have 5+ kids and we can win this war peacefully and not die in a useless race war. In addition, we can make posters like: Have Sex! Make white babies" or "have white families" something like that. This is using the enemies own memes against them and they will feel pretty stupid once they find out. Operation Lebonsborn needs to commence in order to retake this planet so start contributing and posting posters in your area. This will be "its ok to be white" 2.0 and a humiliation for the leftists fools.

Attached: 1560729185762.jpg (1280x1707, 1.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:


lets make this viral goys

Any white ladies want to have Aryan babies with me? I have that big Aryan penis you want and I shoot big Aryan loads and guarantee many pregnancies.

>imblyign this won't drive mutts and virtue signalling whites to crap out more mulattoes to fIgHt WhItE sUpReMaCy

Could someone put the slogan in this one? I'll post a few more that I'd like the slogan in also

Attached: 20190605_112428.jpg (285x370, 95K)

Attached: 1F44EBA0-1B44-4AEA-9645-4AEC6BFAF132.jpg (480x479, 36K)

I'd like the slogan in this one

Attached: 15552733680006c9b72a26bc2733095015daee40c1cd05a3b11b03fcbb48a076bce86d7a9cb5a8633d6d86e20796ad0e1bfd (812x1000, 73K)

Another for the slogan to be placed in

Attached: IMG_0278.jpg (338x254, 14K)

hey shlomo
why don't you post your geographical location

Dear diary. Today, OP was not a fag.

Seriously good idea. I love it. Best flipping if an enemy meme since "Fake News."