Is it true most Europeans prefer their steak well done?

Is it true most Europeans prefer their steak well done?

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I go one step beyond

Med rare for me

They had mad cow disses. So I imagine It's more of a fear/superstition.

Tartare is the patrician's choice

Medium rare, little on rarer side.

I'm such a phone fag.

Rare to medium rare is how i like it

Well done with ketchup.
t. 100% white man

Med rare is best for me, I like the blood but I like my meat warm not cold in the middle.

anything passed medium rare is the taste of third world shithole

not political. MODS MODS MODS

I like mine medium

I like the texture and I like the outside caramelized more

I'll eat it medium rare but not rare, It doesn't feel like I have had anything if its rare

Medium Well to Well Done.

You rare fags disgust me.


Never eaten a steak so i can't say. But if i would i would get a well done steak.

Wait until you've had food poisoning a few times - you'll realize "rare" is a meme.

They're all onions boys. European "men" are all vegan atheists.

Try ordering a steak well done in france. You'll get lynched. Only mutts like their meat well done.

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>Never eaten a steak so i can't say

Also, isn't your shithole undergoing riots or something these days?

I prefer medium to medium-well. If it's too rare it feels squishy and stringy. I prefer for the meat to be consistently chewable.

even medium rare disgusts you? i like medium rare-medium well, same as eggs too.

Fuck you, you're an uncultured piece of shit. I bet you ask to get your meat circumcised too


Anything below medium is caveman tier and I'm reporting this spam thread and all the other obvious garbage threads in the catalogue and also saging this thread.

>this is perfection

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im surprised im not the only heretic here that pref medium rare- med well, i was under the impression that most people would pref rare on a fine steak. or are restaurants trying to push this meme for a reason?

>Is it true most Europeans prefer their steak well done?

I think its a generational thing
Opa is from Germany, other Grandfather burger
both liked their steak damn near burnt

Think it had to do with growing up with great depression for burgers and war with old Germans. You simply couldn't afford to get sick from food, so everyone cooked the shit out of everything.

Most men I know my age like it as rare as they can get it

The patrician answer is it depends on what cut you're cooking.

Medium rare is the best temp for a steak

This is the gentleman's choice

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>Also, isn't your shithole undergoing riots or something these days?

Don't care.

Depends moron! Sorry about the moron thing, tho I'm sure you get that kind of thing all the time right? Nothing new for you... You're probably used to it huh? Again sorry... Gotta go...

It is but you're misrepresenting a grilled steak to a broiled prime.

>well done
absolutely barbaric and povertypilled

Tell me about it

It's definitely restaurants trying to push the meme, with every rare steak they have to pay less on fuel/labor and therefore make more money.
Wake up sheeple.

nigger learn how to cut against the grain

God I hope this bait

>it's fucking RAW

Seriously though that steak is raw. The fat isn't even rendered at all. While still technically edible that is disgusting and the chef should neck themselves for sending it out like that

It needs to be so rare that the steak moos at you when you sink the fork into it
Anything else is for manchildren

The patrician answer is it depends on the cut.

Unironically a good conspiracy theory

No, i only eat rare and mid rare

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Correction, only niggers eat their steaks well done

It's boiled

what kind of meat do you eat?

I only eat well cooked meat who wants to eat blood are you a vampire?

Yes, we don't like raw meat.

I eat only raw grass fed beef

People who fag on about steaks needing to be medium rare are the worst

We get it, you're a very cultured and masculine steak eater dude

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kudos if you finished it. glad to see you put some green stuff on the plate.

eat your greens Jow Forums. we can't have you dying of colon cancer.

Corruption replaced with new corruption. No riots just peaceful protests.

This is Jow Forumsfuck off retard

steak is all about the a1 sauce. i don't care what cut it is, it's shit without a1. let me know if there's a better sauce i should try, i don't know of any. also, medium well done for me. yeah hate away.

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t. mutt

If you don't gut and skin the animal yourself before eating you're a manchild. Nothing better than making sure your steak is taking its last breaths by sticking a cold blade through its throat to let the blood out.

What color is you skin?

Go back to /b/

If you order a steak anything more than medium-rare the chef will pick out the worst steak he has because he knows these types don’t care about taste.

>No riots just peaceful protests

Get it rare with some wild mushroom butter - an absolutely based meal

Trump eats well done with ketchup pussy nigga

it's good on shit cuts. good cuts only need salt, pepper and oil

Gr8 b8

>Israel lover has no taste
Color me surprised

dresden style

Says the most cucked country in the world.

If you pick anything less than well done the chef won't wash his hands because he knows these types don't care about parasites.

>t. rubber

The only sauce for steak is blood.


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No but it's true that americans can't into steak

You must be some kind of a commie bastard to be hating on decent folk talking about steaks, take a hike you commie bastard! Go eat your borsch and pickles elsewhere you freak! No vodka and potato for you here!

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I'm not a vampire, tomato juice tastes better than blood anyway.

how can you have never had a steak? go get one right now!

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white but i dont really eat steak anyway. but ive never understood earing undercooked meat. souns retarded.

Shut the fuck up autist

Beef is done when the center reaches 128°F

Start a go fund me

I would rather have bbq. Steak is a meme food for retards.

Holy fuck you 2 are dumb. That was slow roasted, crusted in salt, for over 6hrs. It's perfection. They serve ~700#/day.

Depends on the steak.

However the easy answer is medium-rare on average, however depending on how shitty the place you go to is you might have to ask for rare because they overcook to tailor to the retards that will complain if their steak is pink.

>Says the guy who wants his steak mooing at him

that cow is still mooing on the fucking plate

I don't have problems with any meat desu. Its the preparation that matters to me.

if you can afford a nice steak you can afford a camera you sperg, why would you even bother taking a photo that looks that shitty

Daily reminder that if you don't cook the living hell out of your meat you aren't white, and you deserve to die food-borne illnesses.

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so is my cum, want some user

No it's not true

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yeah i like bbq more too actually. jamaican jerk is really good, if you haven't tried that.

Reported for being a jewish faggot non-politcs goblinkike

Anything over rare is fucking pathetic.

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Suksi vittuun

what is that green shit it looks disgusting

Painu sä vitun turskahuuli syömään sitä vitun surströmmingiä äläkä tule mulle ulisemaan ja kyllä tiedän, että se hikinen hapansilakka on hurrien ruokaa mutta olet saman tason syöpää.

creamed spinach. its really good.

KYS leaf, a moldovan baited you