Trump has been briefed on aliens, libs in panic mode

Ignoring the peach mints, Trump admits he's been briefed on UFOs.

>"We will unlock the mysteries of space" speech
>Trump pushing Space Force
>Massive overhaul to US Military protocols to encourage all personnel to report sightings aka "no you're not crazy we want to hear about it"
>Unprecedented disclosure of top secret/special-access pentagon program to identify unknown objects (AATIP). Massive encounters in 2004 and 2015 buried for years.
>Leader of said program steps down, starts an org full of literal skunkworks/DIA/spooks + Blink-182 dude, who mysteriously don't get suicided. Front man is boomer squared/has PR-friendly everyman appeal.
>They get a NYT article going, media gets green light to begin a multi-year warm up campaign from the top.
>Videos released show hypersonic craft that don't need thermal propulsion. ItsAliens.jpg
>Proceed to get multiple decorated fighter pilots, radar operators, radar techs, and gov employees all on camera talking about this and get it aired on the history channel. (You Are Here)
>Trump is first President to welcome ET in the oval office October 2020. Dems melt down about foreign interference in our election, demand we ban illegal aliens

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Other urls found in this thread:

"Unidentified" episode 2 literally has a former high level (civilian) gov official on camera claiming he has a DoD powerpoint, with snippets such as "The fact that we have no viable countermeasures to them is considered Highly Sensitive", "We have people who understand the physics", "They could deliver a weapon anywhere on the planet at will" etc etc. It's the kind of stuff you'd see on conspiracy boards, but these are real-life people with major careers who are putting their face/name on this. The political implications of disclosure are huge

Fuck off Luis, no ones watching.

If we get space travel, can we please fire the furries into the sun?

You can't deny the media push, the gov program existed, even trump commenting on it, etc. Something is up.

If Steven Greer is legit I will shoot myself in the throat.

Even though Unidentified has some typical TV/History Channel artificiality (pretending to drive to meet with people and so on, stupid dramatic music), it has been interesting.

The last episode they went to Mexico, in Baja California, and lots of local fishermen have seen similar UFOs as the Nimitz incident (which was near Guadalupe). That's pretty significant.

You didnt know? How? Let me ask you. In easy reasoning, and knowing probability mathematics says its 100% probable that other life exists in the universe and reverse probabilty math puts the probability if earth having the only life near infinite zero. What would any other life forms capable of space/interdimensional travel want with earth. Hint, IT AIN'T RAW RESOURCES

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what if we just kill all the niggers and jews? who would complain if they were gone? no one. the only way "remember the holocaust" happens is if we don't do our job.
>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50

You'd have to be a retard to believe in aliens, it is simply the most impossible explanation for UFOs when we consider that large enough distances may as well be another dimension. Here are 3 much more likely explanations:

1. (((Project bluebeam)))
2. Inner Earth Nazis
3. Inter-dimensional demons

All three of those things make more sense than aliens when you consider the realities of duration and distance.

jews are the great filter and the ayys are humanities ally against them

>Asked if he thought he would know if there were a case of extraterrestrial life, the president replied, "Well, I think my great pilots would know. Our great pilots would know."

Military knows. Time to spill the beans, military anons. Drop the NDA and tell us what you know.

These turbo space niggers have been chillin out at pine gap with the bois. It's only a matter of time

No, that's not inefficient enough. Let's kill them with delousing agents and roller coasters.

Hillary wants to know about it so bad but she was always denied the information.

The fact that Trump's in the know and she isn't must make her seethe.

And if you'd told someone 200 years ago that virtually every person in the world could be instantaneously connected to virtually every other person by a little device in their pocket they would've called you retarded as well, yet here we are calling each other retards on a Nepalese flyfishing forum

Except you are using physics equations that have been disproven in Quantum states. Your hypothesis is flawed, however, interdimensional traveling life forms have collaterally defeat distance travel as well.... And you forget spacial folding.... Aka... Tesseracting. CATCH UP!

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The To the Stars Academy videos are of deep state/breakaway civilization black projects, not "aliens".

greer is a conman, and all the other ufo-lite conmen are mad they're not in on the real disclosure project

i dont trust trump at all anymore, whatever this is, its to benefit kikes

and i even believe in UFOs

>Even though Unidentified has some typical TV/History Channel artificiality (pretending to drive to meet with people and so on, stupid dramatic music), it has been interesting.
it has some boomer-tier made-for-tv crap that pisses me off, but it does work with the normies so idk

More like black budget military aircraft

I'm not sure whats going on with the whole Nimitz shit, I doubt its disclosure but clearly these fuckers are up to something.

>when we consider that large enough distances may as well be another dimension
We have realistic evidence for other planets, stars, and solar systems etc. We just don't know how to travel fast enough to get to them. We have zero evidence for time travel, demons, or other dimensions with sentient life.

its 3

I'm not saying I take what they say at face value. I definitely think there's more going on under the surface. I'm saying this "event" is a significant cultural inflection point. Shits getting real, and the fact that the powers that be are allowing this to flow now represents a major shift in internal policy I haven't seen in my life time. Idk what will happen, but this isn't normal at all

>I doubt its disclosure but clearly these fuckers are up to something.

Consider the following: 1) We have them 2) russia has them 3) china has them 4) israel has them 5) aliens

Honestly idk which is worse, exotic field propulsion is crazy tech and if we agree to agree it's real it would change just about every part of our "daily" lives.

the nuclear weapons program is fundamentally bullshit
nuclear missiles have never been used, they're a total waste of taxpayer funds
the taxpayers don't understand nuclear weapons, there's an information and tech denial program in place that prevents civilians from researching and funding their own nuclear missile program
this is fundamentally bullshit
as a result, NASA funds programs that go
and this is supposed to distract them from the fact that public funds are being wasted on weapons that won't be used, ever
NASA should be dissolved and investigated for fraud
it's a fundamentally bullshit operation

We can't say anything definitive except that there are several phenomena that are real.

>Written from computer powered by nuclear energy

I think Trump dissolved the Majestic 12

The Bush guys were part of it, who knows what went on there ….

What really sucks is Trump is pretty much the only President in our life times that might be able to shed some light on ufos or secret projects and he doesnt seem to care enough to bother. Deep state probably wouldnt allow it anyways I guess, he gives orders and just gets ignored.

I completely agree, but the evidence they have shown strongly indicates it's a black project. We already know DARPA had various anti-gravity programs. The Nimitz incident and the 2015 one (with the Gimbal video) both happened during naval training exercises using the same new radar tech. It's far more likely that the UFO's we saw in the videos are black project anti-gravity drones with advanced propulsion than aliens.

Trump works for Israel and his Jewish donors like Sheldon Adelson, he doesn't care about his voters or what's right for the US.

UFOs are not extraterrestrial / belonging to aliens as in beings from other planet. It's all Third Reich technology from the NeuSchwabenLand bases under miles of ice in the Antarctic and the inside of the Earth. Vril, Haunebu, letter from Admiral Karl Donitz, Admiral Byrd, Foo-Fighters, Operation HighJump - read about that and connect the dots - they all lead to the same conclusion - German elite before WWII, during and after went to the inside of the Earth and created there a breakaway civilization and they are the source of the "anti-gravity" (there is no "gravity" as we are told, it is a force similar to electromagnetism and it can be manipulated) UFOs in many different shapes such as saucer, bell, cigar, triangle etc. It is a fact, that there are openings to the inside of Earth at both poles. Admiral Byrd is not the only one who went there.
There is also this one big issue with "UFOs turning American nukes on and off":
It was Germans from the NeuSchwabenLand in the inside of the Earth who did that as a technological show of power. Also remember when few high-profile people like Orthodox Church Patriarch Kiril, Buzz Aldrin, John Kerry, Minister of Defense of New Zealand, Prince Harry of Great Britain, King Juan Carlos of Spain, Tom Hanks and possibly Barack Obama went to Antarctica? It was a diplomatic meeting with the government of NeuSchwabenLand Germans. Nothing is as it seems. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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>applies Occam's razor
>arrives at demons

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Based and Keelpilled

>Admiral Byrd is not the only one who went there.

They removed video in the posted link, so here I give you another:

Um. You're completely stupid when it comes to technology and hard science. I know how to build nuclear stuff just by using the internet for its noble purpose. Originally ftp mostly with government and collegiate access, it was easy to get classified info in the early 90s and smart people took advantage. Other people fap to porn. Porn fapper. Youre probably a moon landing denier because ITS NAZI TECHNOLOGY. And a flat earther too.....

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That comment just bought you every brainlet in my folder.

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You didn't obviously see the political score when he got elected. You should do some more strategic research. Ww3 almost happened in 2016. Fucking literally....


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Where would they have got the cash?

All part of the alien deception


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Crop circles, UAP, etc., were reported around the globe, long before WW2 and Nazis. Not saying it's not Nazis, but they're not all Nazis. But imagine the salt if they were actually Nazis. It would be glorious.


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Dudes buff af for a 62 y/o


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Are you rewarding him with images because you liked his comment so much or are you dumping brainlets on him because you hated it?

Govts will hide serious info. We are living in a binary star system (there is another sun like ours and they orbit around each other-see Sirius) and that's responsible for the almost 26 thousand-years-long "Great Year" or precession of the equinoxes and great disasters happen when our current sun gets closer to the other sun due to gravitational and electromagnetic anomalies. Suddenly fish start to beach themselves en masse, suddenly birds start to fall off the sky en masse (because both fish and birds use electromagnetic forces as kind of natural GPS-that's how they know where to migrate), suddenly volcanoes erupt en masse, suddenly earthquakes and tsunamis show up all over the world etc., and this kind of disaster happens over and over again and our intellectual elite has been preparing themselves for the next global disaster by diverting money from mostly Pentagon-over 21 trillion is currently missing: - and that money has been most likely used in another-world economy-probably inside our Earth, where a breakup civilization has been created there (starting with the Third Reich) as a kind of a backup if ours, here on the surface would be totally decimated by the next disaster. What is very important is the fact, that electromagnetic field even influences behavior of mammals, including humans - see attached picture - and the effects can be extremely significant, so even if there will be survivors from the prepper community, living deep in their bunkers, they will still be affected negatively due to electromagnetic field changes/anomalies, which most likely will affect their behavior by turning them intro aggressive, psychopathic cannibals, unless they shield their bunkers from it's effects. Humanity has gone through the "Great Year" and it's stages multiple times and that's why religious texts can predict what will happen.

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Highly underrated post


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aliens in iran's own central bank?


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I spoke with who I can only describe as "the council members" last night while on 7 grams of mushrooms. They are the overwatchers and told me they would be make their presence known shortly and to sit tight.

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>>implying they haven't been on earth for millions of years already

brainlet detected

Where do you find all this information?


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Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government. -Henry Kissinger, 1992

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What is it with kikes and derpjaks? You rats positively love this forced meme, it's weird.

Trump knows there is a dome

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i dont trust anything coming from Tom "Even Joe Rogan thinks I'm retarded" Delonge and Skippy himself


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Daily Reminder: Elizondo's To The Stars outfit is just a scam by a former Blink 182 guitarist who lost his mind and spot in the band to milk boomer senators of taxpayer monies to pay for his side projects.


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I just read, a lot. Hours and hours every single day, for past 10+ years. I read and watch documentary movies, gather information, check if it's a fact or not, analyze it and then connect the dots to create the big-picture of the reality that makes the most sense based on possessed information.

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The impeccable credentials of those involved in the series make it clear to me at least, that this show is part of their "Disclosure" protocol. "They" are here, lads

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>We are living in a binary star system

latest CIA psyop detected. The clowns are literally using lens flare to convince the shizos that other planets are here... like... closer than our moon here. Just behind the sun's light. search youtube for iSolar cams and you'll find them. It's some next generation refined faggotry


>>Trump is first President to welcome ET in the oval office October 2020.



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Heil Hitler


You spoke with your internal self, which was pre-doped to tell you exactly what you wanted to hear. Hallucinogens are slav-tier trap, they don't actually provide a path to enlightenment.


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Didn't elija ride to heaven on "a chariot of fire" or whatever

Muh "Black Projects" ...More like reptillians are here and walk among us. Proof here

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great, so now not only will i have to fight aliens but also blue helmets