>hurr durr wHy DoNt BuRgErS jUsT uSe TrAiNs
Hurr durr wHy DoNt BuRgErS jUsT uSe TrAiNs
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another shit thread by a mutt
Well a train going at top speed of 267 mp/h would be beneficial for long distance travel.
>extremely low quality thread
lol if this is true it crazy, ive drove across Texas over a dozen times.
We don't use trains because Niggers do.
Europe is fucking tiny
This is with mercator projection to show a moer accurate comparison than just laying on on top of the other.
Europe is larger than the US you stupid fuck.
Yeah, why don't you use trains?
Trains are lame, and they only go to the train stations instead of wherever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want.
>Well a train going at top speed of 267 mp/h would be beneficial for long distance travel.
Problem with train fags is you always list top speed and conveniently forget average speed.
>if europe became one political entity trains would suddenly stop working
As if you ever need to be more than 15km from your house, hick.
What about high speed trains like japan
Show your flag, Juan.
texas is way bigger than that
Exactly. It's always retarded Americans hiding behind meme flags.
But Texas is larger than the US.
european landmass: 3.931 million mi2
USA landmass: 3.797 million mi2
Keep in mind 663,300 mi2 of the US is Alaska which isnt even connected tot he country
You're wrong unless you're including Russian, but that is large enough to stand on it's own. Sweden is just barely larger than California. Germany is the size of Montana.
>which isnt even connected tot he country
This does not matter, the comparison is not limited to the contiguous 48, it is limited to the nation as a whole.
Russia isnt included you stupid fuck.
Russia is almost twice the size of the USA by itself.
They wouldn't work as well, leaf. Imagine trying to un-knot the commuter and commercial train lines that had formerly been internal only with a scarce handful of international lines. Building new linkups for the lines would put many lines out of commission while they were installed, further aggravating congestion while commuters now expect to be able to travel from France to Poland and bitch about having to switch trains. Expect widespread riots and even more trains being damaged or destroyed by the chimpouts, leading to even fewer commuter lines and still worse congestion and wait times.
The US has a huge rail system, but it's mostly used for moving things other than people.
Americans like cars.
United states had trains, on the NEC. Fast ones too.
120 mph in 1969
Also > 1 post by this ID
What a load of shit,, only an Amerimutt could believe the image they have just posted.
>Bongs don't actually realize how big the US really is
This is what you get when you can't legally own cutlery.
Keep in mind that the Euro landmass includes russia, the barren Nordic states, and probably turkey.
The land mass of the EU is 1.728 million mi^2
Which we all know are the European states that matter. Plus the Meds ofc.
The point still stands anyway. The parts of Europe people compare the US to like GER FR and the UK have very dense populations, compact cities, and small distances between cities very much unlike the US.
fuck off mutt
883 miles from Sabine River to El Paso.
Ive made it in 11 hours.
Lol ok
El Paso TX to Slidell LA is like 15 Frances
I can watch the sunrise in the very south of England, have breakfast, fuck your wife, watch a footy match and be in the very North of England in time for tea
Trains are only bad because niggers would ruin them.
Already in majority white states, all the supply trains are covered in nigger graffiti so do you really want the public bus experience on a train going much faster and without the ability to pull over and kick off the uppity niggers?
Texas is getting a high speed rail from Houston to Dallas so...
Miami to Seattle is about 3,300 miles.
Scotland to Ukraine is about 2,700 miles.
Because we drive or fly.
There is no such thing as Ukraine, I think you were talking about Moldova.
Just like the LA to SF train, right?
i'd love to desu, but i also don't want to be stuck in confined spaces with niggers
Ah you mean the city that just decriminalized theft under $750
This will end well
cool story bro, doesn't change the measurement of john o'groats to mariupol
>LA to SF
Could you have picked a worse example? Those trains are absolute nightmares full of niggers and spics
the entire US got ~3 times the railway net of germany but 27 times the area
Sometimes I think trains would be nice. But then I see videos of them from bigger cities and think otherwise.
The European rail network isn't as nice as they claim.
I've been on them. A lot of it is literally Amtrak tier but with Muslims instead of niggers.
You realize if we had more trains, they would be less congested and thus have less niggers on them?
I am a huge train advocate but many things need to change in order for trains to make a comeback in the US
>People against trains need to be shot on sight
>Cities big or small in the US need to completely change infrastructure to be made for walking rather than driving
>Amtrak needs more funding
>Need to start by connecting the people within states first by connecting major cities and then moving to having rail that goes from one part of the country to the next (Ex: Houston to Chicago or NYC to LA).
That is a long process, and since the US is becoming more non-white, I don't see that ever coming into fruition.
this is one country
I don't think passenger trains will be as big of a deal in the US as they are in the EU, any time soon. We have massive railway infrastructure but it's all for freight.
>>Cities big or small in the US need to completely change infrastructure to be made for walking rather than driving
>>Amtrak needs more funding
Lol you poor pipe dream faggot.
I work with a lot of local governments
And what you're suggesting will never ever happen.
>yeah mutt, but what about the distance from this one irrelevant place to this other place that may as well not exist?
Sure, but there are zero niggers in my car.
It was wonderfull when I was a child. Well we got robbed by slav niggers when we rode through yugoslavia to greece and they pumped sleeping gas for robbery into the compartment
And only the contiguous 48 at that. Pic related is Alaska
What has that got to do with how many miles are between places in Europe and the USA?
Imagine how the tent niggers couldn't build empires in a country this big
You're missing the point entirely, public transportation is cheaper in the long run
nice memeflag you got there, kike
I still won't use it.
i'll pay the extra few dollars a day for more freedom of movement, and to avoid niggers
Jesus, how can Europe even compete?
>what do you mean most of Alaska doesn’t have a road system?
>me col heem kaik
>gud bern, ryte maet
Cry more nigel.
Bullshit, if you were saving thousands a year you wouldn't. You can cry about niggers all you want but that isn't the reality.
>more trains
>less congested
i absolutely would, and do
I hate to defend the memeflag kike here but fuck public transport.
Until we get our ethnostate I won't use public transport. It's disgusting.
Hasn't Alaska like only 1 million inhabitants?
Suck more car cock, boot licker
So if its disgusting, demand higher standards and better care? Jesus its almost like properly funding cleaners would fix that issue.
Closer to 900,000
90% of which live in Anchorage.
So outside Anchorage it’s about 10miles/1person
Africa got everything the US got but better.
Just that there are too many niggers and not enough europeans or asians.
Nice cope, trainlets
not even 1 mil. maybe 800k but probably less
but we do have a long ass rail line from seward to fairbanks
The most multicultural city in the USA
Nigger I lived in the NYC boroughs for years. Born and raised. The only timme I took public transportation was to go to Shea or Citi.
7 line army.
I don't think you can ask the train/bus company to hire "cleaners" to remove subhuman filth from their service.
Although that would be pretty based.
Don't blame me for knowing more about zoning and ordinances than you.
I honestly can't help that a lot of you Train faggots don't understand local laws and shiiet
NYC public transportation is a fucking a joke. Cuomo actively sabotages it and takes the money and uses it for other things.
As long as this country is full of niggers, who you can't legally discriminate from using public transportation, public transportation will never reach the levels of Europe.
The USA has more trains, train stations and miles of railway than any other country in the world.
We just want to use airplanes and cars.... trains are for products.
>boasting about china's train transport
do you just have a daiper fetish?
Motherfucker when I was born Mario Cuomo was governor and Ed Koch was mayor. Fuck off. You're talkin' directly outta yer ass.
This. Air travel is heavily subsidized and affordable here. I'll never understand the hard on liberals have for choo choos.
trains are good for a leisurely vacation but most people consider vacations to be a get somewhere as quick as possible and do everything in a short time and get back event
Euro-fag in denial
The US is larger than China. And china has way more people, confined in the East
>chinese infrastructure
top kek
>Have cities built for walking ages ago
Let me paint a picture for you.
A locality I work with is trying to change a zoning ordinance about gazing animals.
Do you want to know how long this process is taking?
About six months so far and with no end in sight.
Do you really think your beloved trains will be easy to make happen?
You'd have to dynamite whole cities to make it a reality.