If you don't know who Jonathan Bowden was, you are a fucking newfag and should watch at least three of his lectures immediately.
If you don't know who Jonathan Bowden was, you are a fucking newfag and should watch at least three of his lectures immediately.
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literally who?
the man who predicted Jow Forums
I wish he was alive now to see what's going on. He saw a lot of this coming.
Pls sir, do the needful.
jonathan bowden plz go
You got me. I'm not dead
Dude died in like 2012.
>three of his lectures
isn't the quality of all of his stuff god awful?
fat autistic little brit with a youtube channel with puberty issues who took testosterone and turned into an even more disgusting fat monster, advocates for socialism, thinks doctor who is real and writes weird fiction where women get raped en masse
That's Jahans, that guy legitimately scares me.
>As we look around us in this society now, our people have an absence of belief. They’re very technically sophisticated. We still as a civilization bestride much of the rest of the world, like a sort of empty technological colossus. But if you peer inside, as to what we are supposed to believe, and account for, and what we think our destiny is individually and as a group, there’s a zero; there’s a nothingness; there’s a blank space for many people.
>A hundred years ago, Christianity was an overarching system in our society, for those who went along with it socially, for those who believed in it in a deep core way. It’s now virtually — apart from small minorities — invisible. It’s extraordinary how a faith system that can shape a civilization in part for a millennium-and-a-half to two millennia, can disappear. Those who say that certain ideas and ideals are impossible should look at what’s happened to many of our belief systems.
>To me this is what right-wing politics is really about. The issues that people campaign on at the level of the street are not incidentals. They are the expression of what’s happened when you are ruled by liberal ideas. We’ve been ruled by liberal ideas for many centuries but in their most acute form in the last 50 years. Liberal ideas say that men and women are the same and are interchangeable, that war is morally bad, that all races are the same and should all live together. That a population just exists, that a country is just a zone, just an economic area, that everything’s based on rationalism and materialism and is purely a calculation of economic self-interest.
>Now there’ll be millions of our people who say “What’s this chap talking about? This is all abstraction.” Go out there on the street, and you see the example of the society that is based on these sorts of ideas.
>Most people in Western societies now are so dumbed down and so degraded by almost every aspect of life that nearly any philosophical speculation about life is indeterminate and almost completely meaningless. It’s a channel which they never turn on.
>[...] the society that we have now is the result of the fact that every politician in all of the parties represented in the major assemblies, including radical Right parties essentially of a populist hue actually, believe in Homo economicus. They believe that man is an economic integer and nothing else matters. Immigration? It’s good for the economy, don’t you know? Everything is based upon the freeing of people from prior forms of alleged servitude due to economic enhancement.
>What is life really about? Is life really about shopping? Is life really about making more and more money? Is life really about eating yourself to death? These are the sorts of things that Evola’s viewpoint pushes before people, which is why the majority will always push it away.
>I personally believe, as with Evola, that people are hardwired for faith. Maybe 1 in 10 have no need for it at all. But for most people it’s a requirement. The depth of the belief, the knowledge that goes into the belief, the system they come out of, is slightly incidental. But man needs emotional truths.
>George Bernard Shaw once said, “The one man with belief is worth 50 men who don’t have any” Philosophical, quasi-philosophical, religious, semi-religious, philosophical melded into religious and vice versa. Without the belief that there’s something above you and before you and beyond you and behind you that leads to that which is above you, we seem as a species content to slough down into the lowest common denominator, the lowest possible level.
Not really, each one of his speeches is legit trance-inducing. Even the books with the transcripts of his lectures are rich and amazing.
I loved his talk on Punch and Judy even though I'm a burger and know little about it. I would have loved to have seen him to a performance, the guy was so passionate about it.
I discovered him in a video lecturing about Julius Evola, i believe.
May he RIP.
Be honest, and say what these features remind you of.
>What do our people believe in now? What do they believe in now? Christianity has collapsed. The educational yardsticks that used to empower our establishment and they imposed on their on the rest of the society, classical learning and so forth, all collapsed, all gone down the toilet. Large stretches of our population know little of our history, little of our art, little of our architecture, little of our law, little of our science.
>There is a degree to which, and this is true of quite a lot of Rightist and perennially-minded people – and I’m not philosophically perennialist but many Right-wing people are — actually admire elements of Islam for their belief, for their strength, for their ferocity, for their knowledge of who they are, because unless we begin to recover as a people and as a nationality and as an ethnicity, a sense of who we are and what we have achieved and what it means culturally, until we reignite and reanimate forms of belief and consciousness in who and what we are, and when we stop being afraid, because fear and risk aversion is endemic with our people at the moment because they’re moderately comfortable many of them. The group that’s conquered a quarter of the planet is now in certain respects frightened.
> If you build a city on a floodplain and don’t have any dams it will flood it out. If you begin your married life in a urinal in Manchester, you will die of a sexually transmitted disease. Nature will destroy you over time if you go against its norms, because all are rooted in it. It is only when people realize these verities and realize that they must come forward to speak for them and to incarnate them that we will revive.
>Because we will revive. It’s inevitable. Otherwise, we will completely disappear and our culture will be completely destroyed, a culture which has existed for thousands of years.
The worst quality ones are where Richard Spencer interviews him, and the audio quality there is fine.
What I really like about him is his ability to talk with great love and stereotypical British melancholy, but then also great passion and strength.
(Just noticed they got Granville's channel. F)
He made a great book about EU becoming a warmongering state it was pretty good
bump for becoming
Doesn't he mention that in his talk? About the Jewish looking nose and the role of sausages in keeping Jews out from being punchmen? I never thought a silly puppet show could have so much meaning.