>be a man >go to a bar >have sex with the first woman you see >the next morning >women regrets having sex with you because she doesn't want to be labeled a slut who fucks the first man she see's >files a false rape allegation against you to avoid responsibility >police arrest you the next day >go to court >have to prove you didn't rape her, because when it come to rape your'e guilty until proven innocent >impossible to prove your innocents >lose the case >go to prison >get gang raped
i'm sick of seeing anti MGTOW trends. SEX DOLLS AND ANIME are not the cause of low fertility
as you can see in the chart above the fertility rate has been on decline long before sex dolls, anime, porn and MGTOW became a thing.
MGTOW isn't the causing the west to collapse female empowerment is the cause. MGTOW is only one of the many symptoms of a dying civilization, not the cause.
how to fix the Wests fertility rate? >take away women's rights going back as far as the 1920s before they could vote. >as women enter the work force they choose not to have children
>>be a man >>go to a bar >>have sex with the first woman you see Dont care fornctaion should be illegal and you deserve everything you get
Cameron Reed
This is why you don't have casual sex. It's dangerous for a number of reasons. Diseases, for one. Legally, you could get in a lot of hot water.
Best to only have sexual relations with people who are part of your social circle and who you know at least relatively well.
Adam Nguyen
as you can see the decline in japans birth rate after they lost the war, was because they where forced by the Americans to allow women to vote and work .
one of the philosophy's of mgtow is to take away women's right's.
Oliver Sanders
And how is not marrying and having a family going to do that?
Juan Gomez
women are the gate keeps of marriage and giving birth. they choose not to get married and not to have kids. even if you actively wanted to get married you would have a hard time trying.
Liam Roberts
>they choose not to get married How many women do you know that have rejected a marriage proposal Woman want to get married far more than men >even if you actively wanted to get married you would have a hard time trying. it has never been easier for a man to get married
Hunter Thomas
by the way you can be a pickup artist and mgtow, voluntarily celibate and mgtow, incel and mgtow.
Luke Allen
to 40 year old hags
Blake Ortiz
Have sex with something else than a potato
Mason Hughes
nope, you're just faggot and MGTOW
Caleb Gonzalez
56% face Brazilian
Jack Rodriguez
No to young women that want to get married
Alexander Morris
I'm lucky to be in a country where the police are too incompetent to even arrest someone for rape, let alone get a conviction.
Owen Johnson
Have you ever actually seen this happen or heard of it happening to somebody you actually know?
Levi Cox
>be a man >go to a bar >raise the bar >leave the bar
>how to fix the Wests fertility rate? >take away women's rights going back as far as the 1920s before they could vote. >as women enter the work force they choose not to have children
You're literally not wrong, though. Women should not be allowed to have a public voice.
Henry Lewis
>girls saving themselves for marriage top kek. unless you're rich and can buy a virgin wife from a third world country
Isaac Watson
MGTOW refuse to take responsibility for their failures so they cope by saying its impossible
ok go and take women's rights away and prove to me that i was just too much of a cuck to do it my self.
William Martinez
How do women's rights prevent you from starting family? You are using an unrelated issue as an excuse for your failure
Jacob White
lol fuck womens rights, that shit is gay
Charles Sanchez
women choose not to have children and the only women who want to get married and settle down are in there 40s
Dylan Martin
>the chart conveniently doesn't show the trends in Africa
Gavin Bell
only north Africa it says
Noah Price
>women choose not to have children No they dont Women who say they dont want kids is cope just like mgtow saying they dont want a woman
Brandon Reyes
chart is bullshat e. asia and pacific region has way lower fertility than europe and central asia
Jacob Barnes
Is that true in Ireland? Thats only true in America if you live in cities, but thats mainly because people tend to self select. Most women who didnt go to college are married in their twenties and have several kids.
>women own the legal system >men sit around a bitch and cry about it while doing fucking nothing >men are women
Kevin Baker
when society collapses and women loose their rights because there is no government to enforce it. sure i would happy to have 50 wifes and breed the shit out of them to have white baby's. until that happens in staying mgtow
Brody Wilson
Europes birth rate is slowly increasing the fact they put it with Asia to hide this makes me wonder what agenda they are pursuing. Why is it slowly increasing? Because a number of countries are paying women to stay home and have children or offering them generous benefits to raise children so you are correct. If you want women to have children then they have to afford to be able to stay home an breed. It use to be possible to raise a family on a single income 100 years ago yet today with all our technology most can't afford to raise more than a single child. Makes you think what the real cause is.
Bentley Gutierrez
>take away women's rights You lost me.
Dominic James
im 20 i live in a small town. 5 of my friends the same age as me try to propose to their GF but they all said there not ready to settle down.
Jayden Brown
how is mgtow going to cause a societal collapse
Daniel Bennett
i says south asia not the low birth rate north asia
Nathan Lopez
>being a man whore fuck off normie.
Jacob Diaz
The first generation of animators in the late 1910s included Ōten Shimokawa, Jun'ichi Kōuchi and Seitaro Kitayama, commonly referred to as the "fathers" of anime.[2] Propaganda films, such as Momotarō no Umiwashi (1943) and Momotarō: Umi no Shinpei (1945), the latter being the first anime feature film, were made during World War II. During the 1970s, anime developed further, with the inspiration of Disney animators, separating itself from its Western roots, and developing distinct genres such as mecha and its super robot subgenre. Typical shows from this period include Astro Boy, Lupin III and Mazinger Z. During this period several filmmakers became famous, especially Hayao Miyazaki and Mamoru Oshii.
In the 1980s, anime became mainstream in Japan, experiencing a boom in production with the rise in popularity of anime like Gundam, Macross, Dragon Ball, and genres such as real robot, space opera and cyberpunk. Space Battleship Yamato and The Super Dimension Fortress Macross also achieved worldwide success after being adapted respectively as Star Blazers and Robotech.
The film Akira set records in 1988 for the production costs of an anime film and went on to become an international success. Later, in 2004, the same creators produced Steamboy, which took over as the most expensive anime film. Spirited Away shared the first prize at the 2002 Berlin Film Festival and won the 2003 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, while Innocence: Ghost in the Shell was featured at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival.
Connor Hernandez
Hudson Lopez
Damn. Tell them to move to the american midwest. Any 20 year old girl will marry a guy if hes not an addict and has a steady job.
Wyatt Baker
i never said that. the social welfare is broke the us government is 22 billion in dept. its going to collapses anyway
Nathaniel Sullivan
I'm totally apathetic at this point. This country is not even a country anymore. It's just a mix of random faggots. Anyway they won't get my taxes.
Prepare for the bloodiest conflict in human history.
In Italy?I though only the US of A decided regret after sex ment it was rape.
Eli Mitchell
>have to prove you didn't rape her, because when it comes to rape your'e guilty until proven innocent
thats not how it works
Luis Thompson
Socially yes it is,when a man gets accused he will forever after be suspected because "what if".Also its possible you get the gang raping while sitting in jail waiting for trial.
Jordan Nelson
you need to be financially prepared before the crash and chasing women burns through your money and to avoid women in the age of metoo where regret sex is rape
Owen James
Cyberpunk 2077 is nothing but infuse tranny garbage and I’m disappointed in Jow Forums not trying to discredit these fucking kikes. They are the real Jews
>you need to be financially prepared before the crash No you need a large family
Jordan Gomez
and that's why i want men to pull their heads out of their ass and take away there rights
Jaxon Thomas
Video games like cyberpunk 2077 are another reason fertility rates are low Jews will play the messiah when they use companies shit shill company’s talking about passion. This company is a Jewish death camp they work white aryan people to death they make males who play the game incels and then in turn provide a win to the Jews. But we keep supporting them I’m going to start a campaign to bring this fucking Jewish scumbag company’s credit down they are no better then Satan ea but I will make sure they aren’t placing themselves as a messiah when really they are jew in disguise.
Xavier Thomas
I dont see the connection between not having a family and womens rights
Eli Bailey
>having sex Lmao
Eli Taylor
good luck trying to have a large family when most women divorce you after the second child and to collapse is a few years away. good luck getting your toddler son to fight along side you
Dylan Allen
>most women divorce wrong
Liam Smith
By destroying the vagina Jew and returning our nations to biological order.
Christian Rodriguez
mgtow exists because of feminism controling the divorce courts and regret sex is rape
Austin Stewart
For those of you who don't know, there is software you can download to your laptop that will allow your camera to record in several modes (including night vision) for several hours on end. Simply angle your laptop toward your bed and have it recording before you leave. When you bring her home, do your business, and when she leaves that night or the next morning simply save the recording...just in case.
How will you do that? You don't have the fucking balls to handle one woman, what makes you think you're going to 'breed fifty wives'?
Brandon Sullivan
Exactly. Education has completely flunked birth rates. Say no to free college to save the white race! Even a theocracy like Iran has awful birth rates, and its purely because of education (and contraception).
Robert Ramirez
if my wife goes crazy and starts hitting me and i slap her back i go to prison
Parker Hall
final some here understands
James Torres
Dont marry a crazy women
Jaxon Rogers
When society collapses, I will create a mercenary company and kidnap warbrides to breed a new generation of hyperboreans to help me in my wars against my enemies, so that the world population lowers, then the world temperature lowering, thus finally raising Atlantis. You wont stop me, lizard.
Justin Barnes
Why would anyone follow some mgtow beta loser?
Aaron Watson
when you date a girl they seem all sweet and kind but when you marry them the mask comes off.
telling a man to marry a women who wont divorce rape you is like tell a women to just marry a man to wont rape you if hypothetically speaking the marriage rape was 50%
Nicholas Stewart
i like the way you think
Austin Bailey
dating is a degenerate modern concept
Dylan Green
mgtow beta loser i'm 20 i live near a tourist attraction where i fuck Asian teens
Nathaniel Bennett
so arranged marriage is what your saying
Anthony Bell
No, he wants to you ride a horse to your future brides garden and kidnap her when shes outside. Then force her to marry you under a full moon to have a better chance at conception when shes ovulating during the big night.
Michael Perry
Lol you can't command the respect of a single woman, how are you going to 'create a mercenary company'? You're going to wind up like one of Lord Humongous' fucking gimp boys, licking boots and getting ass fucked so you can eat table scraps
Justin Gray
no gays in my mercenary company sorry
Nathaniel Reyes
Well, but you need to admit Cyberpunk 2020 is pretty woke af, actually. They wrote pic related in 1995. Good foreshadowing.
you have to beat a women for her to respect you, but how can you if you go to prison for even looking at a women the wrong way
Austin Morales
>I can't have sex >therefore it should be banned for everyone
have sex incel
Carson Carter
Really? Has it ever happened to you or anybody you know or have you just heard that from other nerds on reddit?
Luke Robinson
You are correct. Studies have shown when orphan puppies are presented with three options, a furry object that gives out milk all the time, a furry object that shocks all the time, and one that does both at random. The puppy will choose the one that does both at random. Women primordially crave abuse and love. Cant be mister nice guy all the time.
Alexander Johnson
it was on the guardian news. man arrested for staring at a women in the pharmacist