Do you think Kevin later committed suicide out of shame?
Do you think Kevin later committed suicide out of shame?
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No he grew to level 9 Jehovas Witness and now has 3 kids
You know this cartoon isn't very new because the kid who's sitting isn't black.
kevin whooped that cripple's ass right after that bitch ran her mouth. broke the rest of his spine.
I stand for the pledge but this comic fucking reeks of boomer cringe
"He defended your right not to stand"
So fucking let him sit then, isn't that the point?
kevin probably learned that the man never defended his freedom. the soldier probably was trying to pay for college while defending israel and cia drug assets
not before chopping his dick off and wearing a dress
I never got this line of reasoning.
>I fought for your rights, so stop exercising them!
This. He didn't get blown up by an Iraqi IED because Mohammed was coming to burn the constitution.
Agreed. The most cowardly boomer conservatives are the passive-aggressive ones.
“Sure, you HAVE freedom, but let me guilt you into not using it.”
"Are you going to bring in the same guy the next time frank starts acting gay again?"
They never understand that part of it. Hell, I remember being the first kid in my school to stop pledging the allegiance. I had multiple meetings with the principal about it, the same sort of spiel about "troops died for your rights" and they never once had a response when I said they died for my right to not stand for the pledge. Ironically, by the end of high school, almost nobody stood for the pledge, including the students that would insult and berate me for it.
No. He just didn't believe in indoctrination.
compulsory education is fundamentally bullshit
Kevin became addicted to drugs. He is HIV positive, and lives in a tent on a sidewalk in L.A.
He scrounges in dumpsters for food.
It's not a use it or not use it issue. It's a use it to honor people or use it to protest them issue. You never stop using freedom of speech
No one in any country says it's illegal to honor the military and government. There's nothing special about being free to do that. They have that freedom in North Korea too.
What's special about free speech in truly free countries is precisely that you can say fuck the government
Sure are a lot of kikes and neocohens on this board after the recent events.
Without it america would never have achieved its success, what a fucking retarded statement
Why should he stand for that fag rag?
Patriots should be the first ones to kneel and burn the flag if they knew what was goong on. Obviously for completely different reasons.
i was going to suggest this
good job
no, the marine did....
You see, we send our troops off to needless wars to enrich old white men. Then when the troops come home, they're treated like shit -- VA privatization has ruined it so they can't get the care they need
Lady, I'm willing to be dead to not stand for that pledge, eat my dirty underwear.
>t. faggot.
>Muh jooz
Jesus, do you people ever stop?
I didn't know Americans have the god given right to not stand up inside their constitution. I guess that explains all those mobility scooters.
I wasn't aware that random middle east country was trying to stop me from sitting.
sir yes sir, uphold gay marriage SIR
fuck the troops
Its disrespectful not to be respectful and kevin is a little cunt is the point , Kev is ***so edgy***tm . Stop respecting the flag (symbolic for America, so you dont respect America) , stop respecting men , stop respecting whites and now here we fuckin are .
When I was going to school the only kids who were allowed to sit out the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance were Jehovah's Witnesses because of their 1st Amendment rights. Everyone else would get their ass kicked if they tried it.
>fuck the government
America =/= the government
>defending that right by killing Iraqis to protect Israel
Based and redpilled.
I think SSGt would probably stand with Kevin on this one, no pun intended. Myself being a fucking Semper Fiddlestick I'm all for fucking edgelords sitting for the pledge. It's well within their rights. i'm not here to guilt trip them. It's another thing when one of my boots visibly wants to fucking dodge colors, because in uniform you don't have a choice faggot. :^)
Boomers please leave.
Imagine believing that American isn't under the boot of Israel. That's not even an antisemetic idea. When when we can't pass our own budget without months of negotiations and shutdown while we can pass a bipartisan pledge for billions of dollar to Israel without a second thought you know that America is the bitch.
>You're an edge lord if you dont show respect for a Masonic invention puppeteered by kikes who want to genocide you.
Good one faggot.
This but it extends beyond Israel. America is under the foot of international jewry. Jews are genetically evil.
you can tell this comic was made by a women
it has that classic mother shaming son to get him to capitulate vibe to it
One of his classmates hopefully stuck Kevin through the ear with an ice pick.
As much as I appreciate veterans I hate when people tell me I owe them something when I didn't ask them to do something for me.
You can make that excuse for anything. You don't need to give up your kidney for a vet... But you you get to not make that choice because of him. Just saying.
Yeah how dare he not respect a Jewish empire.
>I appreciate zog bots
>"veterans fought your right to freedom!"
What does this even mean, genuinely?
We're told it all the time, but I dont see how killing arabs in the middle east affects me
what are the students promising anyways?
>I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
i don't see how you can say that and obey the clown world rules at the same time. i mean if you're gonna actually do what the pledge says you're gonna have to kill some folks.
Why do you 'appreciate' them? Have you ever thought about it? Shit I'm a fucking vet and I don't have any special respect for vets. We're fucking mercenaries, we fought (or a lot just did paperwork for 4 years lol) so some rich assholes could sell the government guns and sell Iraqis cell phones and you could pay us all good money and give us a free ride through college and free health care
The under God part is largely omitted now to be more in line with our secular nation. America is post christian as the founders intended
>being this new
>being this jew
what happens if no one pledges allegiance?
do they start acting like the elites, only think of themselves and outsources all the jobs?
Except that America's wars have nothing to do with defending America. They are offensive wars, that in fact make America less secure.
maybe they just want the peasants to be patriotic in case they're needed for a war
no, kevin said
>have sex
to the dickless "vet"
My sides flew off
nah nigga
lel thx user
this image been on Jow Forums longer than you dumb ass fucking boomer scum.
reverse mortgage your house so your children can honor kill you
Best one.
holy shit stop watching fox news you fucking kike controlled boomer
Same thread posted hundreds of time. I's almost like the jewish Putinbots were shilling some sort of anti-West propaganda hard mode.
Shame and fear are the most loathsome traits and people who kill themselves are disgustingly weak.
It's not Kevin's problem that this nigga joined the military like a dumbshit.
The asshole in the wheelchair should be grateful the right he fought to keep is being exercised by a free thinker instead of wasted by the sheep standing. What’s the problem?
pfft haha
Low hanging fruit
nicely done
Kevin Goldberg
I'm so glad the boomer flag and military worship that I was taught in school is starting to end
Not if he was injured fighting for some raghead shithole's oil resources.
>Wheelchair has a sticker on it
>Red with white lettering
>It says semper Fi
>Not supreme
Yeah he should kill himself out of shame
they want the kids to believe that
Saying "the pledge" at school is real and not a meme???
>let me introduce you to someone who can't stand because he was fighting for Greater Israel
>there, fify
Nope, he knew that milfags die for isreal and semper fi was just lucky enough to not die
More and kore schools are doing away with it because
>no american flag, no kkk, no usa
They are all fags
go back to eating cereal and laughing at black people twitter