Who is in the wrong here?

Who is in the wrong here?

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Idk i need more context

niggers for existing and meme flag trannys for not killing themselves

Michael munday should be shot in the face
the police don't realize but we are their best frens

They can just buy stun guns, or have better ones created and then used.
Also the twitter user isn't really making things any better either.

Is this fuck seriously threatening to doxx police officers? It doesn't matter what they did. This will end badly for him.

the fag who is instigating harm upon the persons or property of the officers

Lick more boots.



As long as they have antifa blood on them, any day.

So you think it's okay to steal and escalate the situation by not complying? Found the nigger.

Copy the text you fucking normalscum piece of shit

those are 2 videos you dumb motherfucker

That's not what I'm saying.

Imagine (ik, this is pol), if you will, that it's possible to hold a position that is not binary.

Enjoy your AIDS.

PHXPD for using twitter

Hoo boy. So that's the video? It's...significantly worse than I had expected. I assumed the dindus had provoked the cops a lot more, but nope. That footage is not easy to defend to a normie who doesn't understand how few risks the cops can afford to take to keep those animals in line.

Post the link to the tweet in the op you dumb nigger


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There apparently was a short pursuit and a LOT of non compliance and a couple chicks hopped out and ran leading up to that moment.

never. go find it yourself or ask op to.

lol no there wasn't. the cops are shit because they turned their bodycams off.

They didn’t have body cams. And I’ll believe the police report over a car full of thieving niggers any day

Opinion noted and ignored.
Consider yourself ignored.

Not an excuse. You prepare to exercise deadly force only when threatened with deadly force. Someone running away is not an excuse to pull a gun. Why should the police be held to a different moral and legal standard than civilians when it comes to the use of force?

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Because they’re the police. There are no laws dictating when a cop can and can’t draw a weapon. And after a pursuit it’s pretty typical to treat it as such. You’re just a dumb nigger. Go suck an anarchist dick faggot

Reminder that all cops are bastards.

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but so are niggers so it kinda redeems them a little bit am i rite fellas?

Copa BTFO niggers and are therefore based

Yes, antifa go harass armed members of the law at their homes, I can't imagine what could go wrong.

how is twitter not instabanning shit like this? if they aren't banned within minutes of a report, twitter should be sued

Haha they should release home addresses then get the feds to kick that faggots door down and shoot em.

>i'm going to tell everyone where armed men live

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That's a great question. You'd think twitter wouldn't want to take the risk.

and all blacks are niggers
so until we're nigger free
bastards >>>> niggers

>Why should the police be held to a different moral and legal standard than civilians when it comes to the use of force?
The same reason doctors are held to a different moral and legal standard when it comes to prescribing drugs, because it's a prerequisite to accomplish their fucking job. What kind of question is that, user? It's asinine.

Hes going to be held liable if any of those officers are hurt

Honestly this. I hate human noise. Let me read the thing, it'll take a quarter of the time, and i dont have to interrupt my post rock.

the memeflaggot that thought he would start a thread.

It's mostly the police yelling at a woman to put her hands up.

The woman responds that she can't because she's holding a baby and is pregnant.

It seems that she figures that she can get out of trouble if she manages to convince the police to let her remain in her car.