There is no counter argument

There is no counter argument.

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Still a man

Yes it does make me a pedophile but at least I'm not gay

Yeah.. the concept of time and what it means to be an adult make sense to you.

Children naturally grow into adults. Men do not naturally become women.

>the girl ur dating used to be a child so are u a pedophile?

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>4 yo tweet

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It's true, he's sucking a FEMALE penis

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>There is no counter argument.
that's because there's no argument.

That's really retarded and probably a freudian slip by a cross dressing pedo.

does the individual still have a dick?

men do not become women period,
even post surgery a non lubing non muscle tighting wound between your legs does=!pussy
or and you cant have kids

>posted every day since and the goyim still fall for it

Thank you for this correction fren. I absolutely agree. But that was kind of my point bro

So if a guy is born male and then at 20 years old he decides he is female, somehow that retroactively makes him female at birth?

Not only is he gay, but he is a retard.

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Concept of time for the child to adult part and well for a person suffering from transgenderism you still have a dick so you're still biologically male. Shitbait.

If I was dating a child who had surgery to look like an adult it would be pedophilia yes.

Sage sage

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Are sexual preferences transphobic?

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There are only two genders and you can't switch between them. It's encoded into every cell through DNA. This is not too hard to understand. There are people who mis-identify their genders just like there are people who hear voices in their head. In both cases the person suffers from mental illness.

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not to me, but that seems to be the root of its argument.

growing up from child to adult is NATURAL.
chopping dick off and improvising a fake vag then holding normal society hostage is NOT natural. it is insane, perverted and needs to be addressed by sane and healthy straight white men of good character. faggot.

you're still having sex with XY chromosomes

>the girl
Flawed logic from the start.

I concede. Well played.


The argument by that lady would only work if the premise:
"Men naturally become women." were correct. As the premise is obviously wrong though, the conclusion is wrong as well. A girl who used to be a child, is, however, now an adult woman. So, the comparison only leads to a contradiction. Thus, she didn't even make an argument in the first place, which is why there is nothing to counter here. In other words: Dating a trans woman as a guy, is still considered homosexual, no matter how you see it. Period.

This. Sage

Every time I've looked at younger pictures of my girlfriends that their parents have shown off in family albums, I've always gotten pretty turned on, so probably.

Next digits = number of trannies OP banged this year.

Sound logic

>There is no counter argument.
>a pigeon jumps onto the chess board and starts knocking over pieces and shitting on everything
>there's no way to win

The answer is 3. Im a straight guy who loves fucking traps.

The B in LGBT stands for bisexual. Bi denotes two. Sexual denotes sex.

That means there are only two sexes. Maybe change LGBT to LGT or strictly T?

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Being trans is transphobic because it implies you started as one gender and then changed, implying gender exists, and also implying that you weren't retroactively whatever gender you eventually chose (even if gender existed).
If I was born with a penis and say I'm a woman now, that isn't trans. I am a woman now and I always was one, even at birth. There was no transition because I was always a woman. If gender existed though.

0 because OP can't even get laid by a tranny

>fucks traps
Choose one

still has xy chromosomes, and either a penis or a mashed up meat sock

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>non binary bisexual
What now, bitch?

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I choose both. Its not gay if your mind perceives them as a woman

Traps are a heterosexual fetish

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This. The little girl became a woman, the dude just became a dude in a dress.

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Easily debunked. Install tits and a fuck wound, grow your hair out, put on makeup and a dress, etc., and you still have the male chromosome. There's no "used to be" about it. A man is a man is a man is a fucking man. He was a man, is a man and will be a goddamned man.

Chopping your dick and balls off does not make you a woman. You will still be unable to breastfeed, menstruate, or give birth.

people like this make me wants earth to be blown up to smithereens

But that guy is still fucking a guy and I am fucking a woman. So, he is a fag.


TFW the only time you can suck a girl's dick is if you are another girl. This fucking timeline I swear.

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I would say Traps are not only a straight fetish but I would call them the thinking mans fetish as well. There is probably a direct correlation between loving traps and being high IQ.
I have a wife but love fucking trans women on the side, much in the same way Aristotle did.

a child naturally becomes an adult, a man does not naturally become a woman. ez pz

lets assume for a moment that age is a state of maturity, and that sexuality is a quality of an adult.
Oh wait, you see the problem? They aren't equivalent ideas.
But hey, let's assume they are because it's a Romanticism claim.

it's not like one concept is dependent on the passing of time, or anything.

No, you see if you consider it a woman in your mind it may as well be a woman because thats how your dick thinks.

gender is biological, specifically genetic. you cant chop off you dick, wear women's clothing and suddenly be female.

>there is no counter argument
True, because there is no argument. False equivalence, hasty generalization aren't valid argument.

Nicetry schlomo but traps and trans are not the same.
Trannies are retards who think they’re women
Traps are cute boys pushing the limits of feminine masculinity

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Almost my post identically
Sup logicbro

That's true. Most of the people following him on Twitter are, in fact, pedophiles.

does the dude still have a dick?

Nah he’s gay cause his girlfriend has a big floppy cock that he sucks and gets fucked up his faggot queer hole

this is a fake twitter account...y'all posting in a gay homo faggot thread

Yes there is. Children grow into adults, and that is natural and normal thing.

Trannies chopping off their dicks and replacing them with an open wound that has to be maintained so that it doesn't scab over and close up? Yeah, that's anything but natural or normal.

Trannies need to kill themselves faster.

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You finna trigger someone somewhere

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Girls naturally go through puberty and become women
Men unnaturally pop pills, get purely cosmetic surgery, and keep a wound open to play pretend.

dumb bitch/tranny is dumb

how can you be trans gender if you have no genitallia? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

OP banged 33 trannies this year! At least he picked a lucky number!

Oh yeah, and SAGE.

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It's over the left will never recover from this.

I'll agree with the first part, but...


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Great bait.
You’re either jewish, or fucked in the head.. or, any combination of the two.

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It's right you know? if the transgender thing is femenine enough then it is natural for the male to being attracted to it.

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Have them come off the hormone replacement therapy for a while, and ask again.

Stop watching porn.

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>if a male is feminine enough
there are biological markers which you can't chop off that will ALWAYS give them away

>be me
>5'5 and a half
>slender shoulders and frame
>no visible adams apple
>no visible male facial features
>wider hips than most natal males
there is nothing givin me away except my dick sweetie.

Shit man I got nothing against the gays, but the fact they don't want to admit this shit is gay just seems weird to me.

Males and females have different bodily ratios - sorry champ, the people feeding your delusion are just being polite.

So the girl I'm dating was a child, but so was I. We both developed and grew into adults.
Trannies on the other hand, even though they grew, they purposefully delayed their natural development. They consciously negatively affected their growth because of a mental illness. Le 40% is because their body's reaction from the massive shift from the their body's hormonal norm, their body knows that's not right. Why is it that MtF have to dilate their front hole? If transgenderism is natural, what does their body actively try to heal the wounds their mind decided to inflict?
There's no counter argument you can make, nor can they. You all know it's wrong and unethical, yet you try to push it. If you think nothing's wrong, show us a .webm of you sucking a "feminine penis" or eating out a front hole. You won't, because this statement you provided is shit-tier.

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>used to be

A man can never be a woman, so he will always be a mutilated fag

So what will you all say when artificial wombs/womb transplants become reality? Because it's coming sooner than you think.

Contradiction and also an unrelated element of pedophilia. Thats basically all of tranny logic

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Trannies are mentally ill retard, and traps are faggots.
And you're a nigger, so seeth harder Leaf, for the day of the rake won't affect he and my pure white european, non degenerate blood

the fact that you think all men are both with the same body ratios as well as women just tells everyone you havent left your house long enough to see a real person in a very long time. Women can have complete fridge bods and men can have wider hips. It is rare, but it does happen.

Have sex.

Non-binary bisexual is linguistically illogical.

Non = none = not
Binary = dual = consisting of two
Bi = dual = two
Sexual = sex = natural

By saying "non-binary bisexual", you're saying "not consisting of two, two sex" or "not two, two natural". You are acknowledging two sexes is the natural order, but you're not part of the natural order. You come from nature, so by default you are part of the natural order no matter how much you try to fight it.

What now, faggot? Would you like me to break down the linguistic meaning and latin origin of "thrown off the roof top"?

The fact you think I care about the opinions of the mentally ill shows how mentally ill you are.



>the girl ur dating used to be a child

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The tranny is still a male.

Thats not what the law says

Woman and man are definitive in terms of sex, even if you doubt hes gay, he IS homosexual.

Child however, is in terms of sexual maturity, so the only pedophiles are those who fuck people who took hormone blockers.

So if i fuck a sheep in a dress, it isn't beastality right? Just checking, it's still illegal here unlike in enlightened leafland.

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the great thing about human biology is that it works completely independent of your opinions.

That's not a lady.