They only need to print enough for signalling white folks. The rest of us wont use 20s and blacks all use ebt.
Literally pointless who the fuck uses cash anymore
nigger dealers
if you get one don't spend it, it'll have the same fate as those dollar gold coins and $2 bills
$2 bills are awesome; Fuck yourself!
I hate America
Meh, I think this is as retarded as the next guy here, but I'm not going to throw away $20 just to make a point.
who said throw it away? save it dipshit
Then your principles are weaker then (((they))) thought
just make a stamp or pen N I G G E R on every bill
What goes aroun comes around
I would hate to see every person who receives a $20 can draw nooses, blunts, and gats on hairyass tubgirl, then use self-checkouts to put them into circulation
And then do what with it? I fail to see how it's of any use to me if I never spend it, at which point, it'll would go into circulation. If it's there just for an emergency, then it would still be useless, and even then, I don't care enough to lose even the pitiful interest a CD would give me.
If you had told me that was a man, say Harry Tibalt or some shit, I wouldn't have doubted you for a moment.
I, for one, am looking forward to using blacks as currency again.
>not saving nigger bills to only give to nigger service worker to break for smaller bills
How unimaginative
whatever but since we're going down that path, when can we expect to see Trump on let's say 50 or 10 dollar bills?
the point is the entire country thought it was a novelty and no one spent it
perish the thought
Put her on the $40 bill
Worried to ask but, what she do to be in the bill?
she took the bus
Looks like a man
>going back to a time where we traded in negros
I don't see too much of a problem here
Don't understand the salt. I think everyone would have been much better off if slavery had never happened, and they had remained in their motherland.
But: slavery was still wrong, and this was a person who, against all odds, did a lot to fight this wrong thing, to try to make America live up to its image of itself.
You're years ahead now kys leaf.
>save it
literally the worst thing you can do with something that is devaluing every second of its' existence...
thats rosa parks you retard, she helped runaway slaves escape.
I use both.
That was Rosa Parks retard. The nigger on the $20 led the underground railroad in the USAs slave days.
No crosshatching on the face?
Why even bother?
Same difference.
Yay slaves are currency again.
Tubdub monkeymoney
>this is the woman's mugshot
The more kiked the USD becomes the better.
Feeding it into a self checkout thing would be the opposite of putting it into circulation it's going to the bank who's gonna take it out of circulation and replace it
You should tip a bartender with it who will then have to give it to a tub drug dealer and lol
Slide Thread.