Oh no No NO

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Literal who ecelebs can pull more views than that.

No really, where the fuck is CNN what number, I'm curious?

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Fox shouldn't be celebrating. They handled the decline relatively well, but they are still dying.

Why hasn't someone started a competing conservative news network to peel of viewers from Fox and ultimately make Fox buy them out. Hell if I was CNN, I would do just that because you already have the infastructure in place.


Based fox news

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Internet views and this aren't calculated in the same way. When you see TV stats like that it's the average viewer every minute of air time. So it's a lot more than 1.5 million actual people.

I would guess it's brand loyalty
CNN doesn't have enough money to pay its current staff, much less branch off into anything else. Recently I've been seeing them trying to cover up their especially declining viewership and more frequent layoffs

Go away boomer.

Well you wouldn't name the new channel CNN - Right Wing. It would be all new branding. I'm more right wing and I even fucking hate FoxNews,

Based HGTV BTFO'ing niggers left and right

they can all go away, fox is worthless too, except for the tuck

Holy shit is that funny. CNN is dead.

Where's CNN? That'all they show at airports and train stations!

The old people who watch Fox will likely never switch; they'll die first.
CNN, NBC, and the like do not have the money to double down on TV. Like I mentioned, they don't even have enough to continue their current strategy.
I have a distaste for Fox as well, but I can respect their segmentation strategy as a better long-term plan that what the leftist outlets have done fighting over the same demographic and killing each other in the process.

>CNN is nowhere in the list

>number 6
I only watch TV when I go to bed. Put on some ancient aliens or oak island and I pass right the fuck out.

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never seen a livestream that pulled 2 million views which is what this translates to

>neocon channel is beating neoliberal channel
>this excites me

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There's always a decline in non-election years. CNN is doing exceptionally bad because their audience was finally fed up. After the promised Comey Revelations™ that were supposed to kickstart impeachment but only validated everything Trump said (coffee shops looked like Election Night 2016 all over again), and then several years of nonstop hype of the dossier that suddenly collapsed into nothing. CNN is never going to recover. I hope they go bankrupt before the end of the year.

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>Hallmark Channel beating CNN

I respect Fox News. There are great people there. Tucker, hannity. But the truth is InfoWars gets the most daytime viewers. I've been told by experts it's in the tens of millions, roughly 3% of the US population. And you know only 3% of the population fought in the The revolution. I should know, my great great great great great great grand daddy fought with Washington on the shores of the Deleware