Why does Jow Forums hate the ancient alpha hooked witch nose of the Jew?
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it tends to be associated with a lot of things
fapping to this right now
The Jewess is seductive
they don't want to stop being poor
>tfw no anunnaki gf
My god
she needs to be filled with Christian babies
>her soul crushed eyes
>she fully, well knows that a vast majority of her "new" viewers from the last year are not "girls" looking for beauty tips
>she knows deep in her heart it's shitheads from the underbelly of the internet
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, I sometimes LARP as a female on her channel, praising her tips (I feel bad that so many goy boys are fapping to her and try to equalize the sentiment).
>jews coincidentally look like mythological witches, goblins and demons
its like our ancestors are trying to tell us something
its probably 80% nazis
Is this Kazar Milker?
OY VEY! Dat's da koind of shnozz dat could crack walnuts! Moshe! Get in here! You gotta see dis!
The Ashkenazi are Northern Italian-Semite hybrids. The Jewish men took a lot of pretty European wives, and I think the maternal descent law was created to provide for barriers to entry when they harnessed enough Aryan DNA.
Ironically, the Ashkenazi are currently being outbred by the brown Mizrahis in Israel lol
reminder this is what goblin jewish genes look like
Okay, epic this is
their sloped foreheads are really unnerving
>Why does Jow Forums hate the ancient alpha hooked witch nose
honestly, I don't. i think middle eastern and semitic women are fuckin hot. i hate when they get nose jobs, too. well, I hate pretty much all cosmetic surgery because it makes you look fake as fuck. all natural is sexy.
she can fuck you with that noise
terrifying desu
the sloped forehead and hooked nose truly freak me out. but what if she tries to argue she's got heavy "roman" blood? the noses are almost identical
heres your wonder woman bro
I thought she was kinda cute... until I heard her voice.
She sounds like a trans Ben Shapiro. Every time she speaks it reminds of her brother.
i have a very sensitive spot for jewish girls apparently
she is the archetype of a woman i want for myself
Please don't say mean things about her.
This room just gets ridiculous and ridiculouser
>i have a very sensitive spot for jewish girls
would I be censured for saying I have one too and its called an oven?
I wonder if GCSE or SIS or whoever it is in charge of NZ paranoia task force looking for right wing extremists are reading this?
>When she sees your inferior goy penis
And her shnoz used to be even bigger:
Her husband also shamed her into getting a nose job. You can see he signals "Hook-Nose" on camera.
I want to honk those milkers something fierce.
Husband also looks like he had his nose done
I don't know what you mean
its ugly as fuck, thats why.
not alpha at all
They're like fucking EE's I swear.