Why aren't young people going into the trades?

Every year the value of college is dropping outside of certain, high IQ degrees. For the rest of you, what's your excuse? Any able bodied young man can make a good career for himself going the trade route.

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People aren't told or encouraged to do so
Even the good college degrees are likely to be defunct as the job structure falls apart in the next few decades

Have you ever worked in the trades user? Working in the trades sucks.

I feel like most people who go to school for trades already know how to do shit like use tools, fix their car, or build a deck. I'm a shameful millennial with no skills and bad physical instincts.

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>fell for the STEM meme
i don’t know why didnt I?

You'd think with how ubiquitous the internet is kids would use the computer to research potential careers instead of only using it to jack off to r34.

Not to forget dealing with (((unions))). They may have at one point been good for the working man but these days they just try to work you to death before they have to give your retirement benifits.

Use a professional to hook up a split phase 240v circuit?

Excuse me, this is AMERICA

People are just not willing or able to accept the truth about colleges. You can explain it to them, and they will agree with everything you say, but they won't change their view that college is 100% necessary. It's been deeply ingrained in the boomer's sub conscience, no college = loser.

very good point. i'm constantly shocked at how union membership manages to turn a mature man into a a whining, petulant, drama-ridden child

99% of people's brains would shut down if you spoke those words at them.

i just graduated hs and dont know what the next step is
suggest trades for me. I need to earn enough money to raise a large family

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just graduated as well. I have a buddy who's going into an aircraft mechanic program, supposedly can be pretty good money. Do your own research though

My back is fucked up from working at grocery store for practically min wage . I'd rather just do IT or something now .

We use 240 in the US as well.

He said 'split-phase', as in the standard househould's 120/240 volt system.

Because we're told that
>It destroys your bodies
>It's full of Mexicans
>It's full of drug abusers
>It's going to be automated

When in actuality the average person would be a lot better off going into a trade than going to Goybergs college of usury and faggotry

240v when you grab both phases

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>Any able bodied young man can make a good career for himself going the trade route.

ive never seen a rich, happy, or healthy tradescuck in my life. kill yourself.

young people don't go into trades because eight separate school counselors over a few years imply to us that you're a literal parasite fag if you don't go to a four-year college. Of course, they say that you can do what you want but every kid with an IQ above room temerature knows what they're implying by all their bullshit college meetings and seminars and shit

total tard here
went into college for pre-med
took 5 years to get a BS in biology (dropped out once because had a depressive episode like a stupid bitch)
didn't do internships, nor worked or volunteered the whole time
graduated in the end of 2015
sat on ass for 3 whole years
got a shitty warehouse job

now have a fake resume with a service to make it seem like I've done shit and applying to a lab tech job, thinking about working for a year at the bottom rung of the biotech industry while studying, then going back to get Masters/PhD and try not to be total loser

kinda wanna do a trade, but I'll be 28 soon, seems like something I should've done right out of school, being a physical job and all.

hope I figure it out and stop being a lazy nigger before homelessness begins

trades is a good profession to get into. I just hope they allow immigrants with trade knowledge to be admitted into our countries to bring your wages down, just like they have been doing to stem all this time. Then your wages will be fair, relatively speaking.

because most states trades are taking over by illegal mexican spics who do horrible shoddy work but since people can hire 6 illegals per 1 legit guy or contractors can pocket 70% of a job by hiring all illegals, well here we are

>>It destroys your bodies
it does
>>It's full of Mexicans
if construction I could see this being true
>>It's full of drug abusers
this is true. they can drug test for weed, so no one does that. but booze, coke, meth and all kinds of other fun time hard drugs? hell yea.
>>It's going to be automated
never. well, not til they make terminator robots. ain't no robot going to be able to do the shit we do.

>99% of people's brains would shut down if you spoke those words at them.
until you hand them a textbook and they realize understanding how electricity works is elementary as fuck. the lowest common denominators of our societies do this work for a reason, and it sure ain't because they're bright people.

God it would be like being in a room of 20 of my dads, just one of that boomer is enough for me to run out screaming

I'm not going to be a plumber, tramps. I'm going to follow my dreams.

why does every grocery store work their workers like slaves? Guys i knew in HS would pull 6 hour shifts four out of five school nights at Kroger and Safeway and shit and would be physically drained at the end of the week

retards told us they made bad money

>>It destroys your bodies
>>It's full of Mexicans
>>It's full of drug abusers
that's 75% correct. go ahead and go to a tradesman diner in the morning and see how many failing body poor sods at 50 still have to slave until 65 or die because they chose the trades meme

Welding is a solid trade, especially because the ridiculously inflated value of real estate is driving property development. My cousin got out of the service and went into welding four years ago, now he's got his journeyman certification and is pulling close to six figures.

Good luck OP.

Why are your dreams related to what you do for work?

I'm a sparky, and most fucking electricians don't understand how electricity works. We get green journeymen all the time who only know 'red wire to red wire' or how to haul cable.

Because the rich billionaire man on TV said if you enjoy what you do for work you never work a day in your life

Because college is full of hot chicks and keggers. When you are 27 and realize it was a mistake you feel too old or like you can still make the useless degree work somehow.

Student loans are predatory lending

in georgia college is free if you go into specific trades. something to do with the HOPE grant and georgia not having enough welders and such.

welding is being automated faster than almost every other trade out there

Retirement is a violation

stfu whining child, mature please.

>raise a family
To raise a family you need a wife, to get a wife you need a girlfriend, to get a girlfriend you need to be a doctor or lawyer making 300K a year.

Either you need money to start your own business, assuming you have the experience to pull it off, or you're dealing with a ton of nepotism and hoops to jump through, competing with a buttload of ex-military that get priority

Why the fuck does this guy have an American flag on his shirt?

>I'm a sparky, and most fucking electricians don't understand how electricity works
you don't need to. connect wires and voila, you're an electrician.

if it were anymore difficult than that, you'd be an electrical *engineer*, the exact type of job which requires a college degree and higher IQ

Similar story but graduated with engineering during the 2015 oil crash. Then I started to think to myself, if I can't get employed in this shithole country then I'll just be self-employed and move overseas, not paying taxes and let them fuck themselves with the student loans. Canada can keep importing immigrants to fleece in an already oversaturated job market, that's what this country does, import immigrants to dry up their savings and have us compete for min wage jobs.

My parents talk to some new immigrants, and it seems that the trend now for them is to get the passport and quickly fuck off back to their home countries because they know this place is a shithole

Because he's proud to be an american where at least he knows he's free duh

we apply it to every surface possible to remind europoors and liberals alike of American supremacy


>Why aren't young people going into the trades?
because I learned to code

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I'm an HVACR tech.
most guys are parts changers. Hey this thing is getting volts but no come on. It's bad, here's the price for a new one.
House isn't cooling/heating right? well everything is running and lineset is beercan cold, dunno what your issue is. guess your Tstat is bad, here's the price for a new one

I see shit like that all the time. Fuckers don't even check the air filter or make sure all the vents are open or if the blower/evap coil is clogged full of dust.

Cause I'm pursuing a Veterinarian degree? Something I've always wanted to do?

and you're okay with working for these companies?

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I did a plumbing apprenticeship for two years. It was boring as fuck and everyone I worked with was either a convict or an idiot.
The trades are a meme. Not everything is about money. Go to school and get the job you want not just a paycheck. It'll never be enough anyway.

Enjoy your life among half-educated cable and sewer monkeys.

Because I already make $70k a year as an actuarial analyst

Robots with guns

I fell for the trades meme. Don't. Not unless you've got good paying connections with electrician or HVAC or diesel mechanic. The money isn't anywhere near what Mike Rowe posters would have you believe. It's great money for kids used to fast food wages. You should see a lot of these old timers I've worked with. Not happy campers.

Spare me your anecdotal friend's cousin's ex's stepdad's war buddy who makes six figures welding. Granted college is way inflated but think of it this way: if you're going to end up not having a pleasurable job, would you rather destroy your body and be exhausted at the end of each day, or would you rather make roughly double and suffer in a comfy office? Think about being a goddamn 60 year old man.

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No it isn't, those automatic welders everyone is jerking off too have been around for nearly a decade while more primative automatic resistance welders have existed for nearly 5.

That said a fuck tonne of dodgy shops that'll restrict you from getting certs in order to keep you bitch grade.

Are you Tyler durden?

Strikers are fighting for lazy workers. at least fighting for corporations means fighting for the industrial strength of your country. Fighting for ((unions)) means fighting for lazy ass smokers.

bitch, I'm qualified in like 3 trades

roofing, framing, and electical

I can also program in python. Oh yeah, and I garden my own fruits and vegetables.

>Hey this thing is getting volts but no come on. It's bad, here's the price for a new one.
Literally nothing wrong with this mentality you fucking faggot
Does your company crack open blower motors and fix the fucking windings or what?
The only time you need further work is if you have to find a short

Linemen make good money.

Hard work though. Get into a union apprenticeship.

Getting a job in your field and building meaningful experience will help.

Poverty mentality. People who grew up in families/countries that can't afford spare parts are often like that. Rather spend time worth $300 on fixing an old part than just ordering a new one for $30.

this i looked down on the trades, now the tradies have houses, stacies and money and im a total faggot
then again the shitskin invasion has played a huge part in that
tradies are effectively boomers

I've been a lineman for 10 years and I want out. Big corporations and over-regulated safety has made this trade unbearable. It used to be fun but not no more

>Literally nothing wrong with this mentality you fucking faggot
No, there is. They don't understand how the system really works. Sure a lot of the time that works out fine. Other times it doesn't.
>hmm no voltage on Y terminal? Tstat bad
no you dip shit the fucking wire came off the transformer, there's no voltage at any terminal. Good job charging someone 300+ dollars to fix an issue that didn't exist, not even making sure it ran after your "fix" and forcing me to come out on a weekend to deal with a very angry customer that I now have to lie to so they don't get even more pissed.

how would you feel if a mechanic told you your transmission is utterly fucked, needs replaced. Get it replaced and then a week later the same issue pops up. New mechanic at the same place tells you "you were low on oil, it's fixed. that'll be 50 dollars, sorry you paid that other guy 2 thousand."
I have to do that shit constantly. "Oh I'm sorry that other tech sold you a new limit switch. It was just a dirty air filter starving your furnace of air flow." "Oh I'm sorry you were sold a refrigerant recharge. the actual problem is your TXV is bad and not letting anything through"

Parts monkeys should stay away from trades.

>tradies have houses, stacies and money
Nope. Stacies only go for guys with 500K a year or more, most tradies don't make that.

I briefly worked a trade and it was a great kick in the ass to make me realize I needed to go back to school and finish my degree.

Gatekeeped by Boomers and Illegals

they are probably making $150k+ here
i think we have a different definition of what a stacey is a stacey is a 6- 8/10 tops, is a dumb bitch, but is cool enough to be tolerable

if you are making $500k you're getting top class pussy unless you are ugly as fuck

The trades are a boomer trick to get a bunch of suckers to earn a fraction of what they earned in the 70's/80's, and an even tinier fraction of what they steal now as business owners. The trades break your body within 10 years. Find an actual tradesman over 40 that doesn't limp or hobble. The education is a scam as well. It takes about 5 years to become a journeyman, and that's basically the educational equivalent of an associates. It's true you can make a lot of money, but what they don't tell you is that you have to work absolutely ridiculous amounts of overtime to get there. Worst of all, it just isn't that difficult. Even before the internet you could go to the library and pick up a book and with some patience do about 90% of the work yourself for nowhere near the time it takes to become a professional and nowhere near the money it takes to hire one.

tl;dr: Trades are a scam. There's no point in earning money for your family if you don't have the time to spend with them or are so broken you can't play with your children.

>if you are making $500k you're getting top class pussy unless you are ugly as fuck
I'm not sure about that, im making 300K a year right now, im 24 (got a job at my dads investment firm) and literally NO GIRL likes me. I know they don't all know i make this money but even when i drive my dads Porsche and say my salary they don't show any interest.

Also for future reference, Stacies are 9/10s or 10/10s

that's not an insulated screwdriver

Hey! Jew here. Trades are for the servant class or goy. No Jew should ever have to work with the lower classes and with affirmative action for the past 30 years we've mostly avoided that fate. We must continue to entrench diversity laws to keep the white goy out of the corporate world and down into the blue collar and service sectors. We must further entrench hate laws and charge the white goy that think they have the right to be doctors, lawyers, and bankers with anti-Semitism because taking a position from a Jew is never okay.

Actually google the CEOs and upper management of the famous banks, most are goy, although zionist.

you are probably a manlet or something

no, stacies are like skater girls, a bit like sasha grey or avril lavigne kind of a cunt, but kind of cool, doesn't give a fuck about anything except base middle class materialism

300k should be enough to get pretty top classy pussy

>unless you are ugly as fuck

>no, stacies are like skater girls, a bit like sasha grey or avril lavigne kind of a cunt, but kind of cool, doesn't give a fuck about anything except base middle class materialism

No they aren't. Stacies are the top tier girls. The Chads of the females

>300k should be enough to get pretty top classy pussy
Well I did hire top escorts until i was arrested for prostitution

>young people aren't going into the trades
Where did you get this? Me and the people my age that I associate with are going into the trades.

>Why aren't young people going into the trades?

Good goy! Go do "honest" work with your hands and leave the running of big corporations, powerful institutions, and your countries to (((us)))!

...but honestly white men are stupid fucking retards. You deserve to lose control of your nations for your constant shilling of the (((trades meme))). Morons.

You're right, it would probably be a good gig, certainly for the first number of years of the working career.

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After the bailouts we decided in Israel that many Jewish bankers should appear to not be Jewish. But you'll notice they all happen to be Zionists just the same. Good way of keeping the goy in check.

But really you should be looking to start a business or get into real estate.

Gotta generate that wealth.

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Who the fuck made this chart?

yeah a 10/10 girl from a top family is going to be called a common white name like stacey you mong

>Wage slaving and paying taxes to a government who openly pushes for more 3rd worlders to be imported to replace you and do your job for less
No thanks. Would rather harm the system than help it

When did i say she was from a top family? She could be from a poor family. 10/10 just means she looks extremely pretty.

My dad owns an investment firm and knows many investment bankers richer than him, not all are Jewish, MOST though.

but sure buddy, sure.

I hate that they push it and nobody ever warns anybody how nepotistic it is in many areas. It's not the be all end all to hold you over till the collapse or in case there is no collapse, but it is a good industry and somewhat based.

how do you even get into them? even apprenticeships want someone with relevant experience

crazy entry requirements, impossible to find apprenticeship and when you do you're given slave wage and treated like one too. I've been asking popular youtube construction crews on how I can find such crew to join and all of the told me to fuck off and that it's friends and family. Friends and Family is how it's always is

Effort? Hahaha, no. Also having to do bullshit schooling is dumb.

Another wire bitter here

>you don't need to. connect wires and voila, you're an electrician

I love when: "Come quick, another electrician did a mess". And that's what they get when they call an immigrant who's an electrician, gardener, carpenter...

Try to rig a generator with an auto, on and off buttons
When the generator is on the light circuit switches to the generator power.
If the electricity is back on the lights come back but the emergency signs are still on connected to the generator.
Also there's a "start test" button that cuts the power of the entire building and starts running the generator. And a "end test" button that turn off the generator and get back all the power.

That was my last work and yup, they hired a "connect wires and voila" electrician who not only did a mess also bought the wrong hardware. Also stole some circuit brakers and bridged the wires.

Most of the so called 'electricians' went to the YouTube academy with a master from Udemy. To all of them:Thank you. Because I can get a higher hourly rate.

29 years old, white, live in San Diego, taking over my Uncle's small Concrete Contracting Business because he has no sons...It's a lot of work. In a good week I can take home $1300 before I pay my "taxes" ;)....but business gets slow in the winter...so I became a substitute teacher..

The main drawback is I pay for my Contractors License, City Permits, higher insurance costs, etc AS REQUIRED - while illegal alien wetbacks all work under the table and underbid my estimates...Apparently they are doing the work no Americans will do.....fuck me amirite?

Because these jobs are first for culling when automation reaches its potential. Learn to code.


White collar jobs are first for culling, also learn that you CANT learn to code.

>mfw almost 3 years into university
>mfw starting to second guess myself if its been worth it
I'm majoring in finance, but god damn I feel like I'm making a huge mistake by not getting an associates in cyber security/network operations

better than working for trump and getting stabbed in the back

>this level of delusion