Be me

>be me
>decide to create an edgy anti-sjw band with friends
>all standard shit, anti-femenist/democrat/socialist/sjw/etc
>procrastinate for 2 years
>finally put some shit together and finish couple samples and one song is completely written out
>start looking for a vocalist
>put up craigslist ad
>we live in california
>couple days in, local sjw punk fags start doxing and threatening us
>deanon one of us and make facebook post bashing us
>121 comment
>people calling us nazis, fascist and threaten to kick our asses
>2000 views in 28 days on shitty samples only
>Reddit thread full of bickering that we didn't even create
>we haven't even recorded the final song yet

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reddit thread and FB post about us

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>we live in california
then why the meme flag, faggot
sage in all fields

This shit is so feminine, it's the equivalent of tattling to the teacher


Accident believe it or not

who gives a fuck memefag

What is?

I mean like, doxxing in general, but moreso the backpedaling afterwards

Oh yeah, he then deleted the post but not until he tried to dox some coffee shop

>>we live in california
Are you wetbacks? Because I'm not sure how to feel until I ascertain whether or not you are Mexitrash that needs to die.


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is this a fed honeypot? I sort of want to join

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Eurofag + 2 wasps

>asking to get his ass kicked
>not calling for violence or anything guise
What a faggot

I wanna play the drums.

Come to SE USA!

How do I unsubscribe from your troll blog? Anarcho capitalists are still left wing bullshitting SJW's you fucking humugous fucking fag

> American Identity Movement believes in effecting change peacefully and lawfully, and rejects political violence, extremism, and supremacism in all of its forms.
Don't bother

Why is this from almost 3 months ago?

Old shit is still fun

Btw, got links to the channel

Joining was the best thing I've done. Jow Forums shitposting is fun, but IRL shitposting with people you will actually make bonds with is on a completely different level. Not a single ounce of me regrets joining, it's honestly a huge whitepill, and if activism isn't your thing, there are still the meetups(camping, restaurant, house, ect.)

Ok, then I feel bad for you and sympathize because I live in Los Angeles

>claims to be a representative of the "punk rock scene"
>don't do offensive things or I'll tell!

Punk rock is jewish anyways, find another genre.

liked all your videos and subscribed, please keep doing what you’re doing user!!!

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Love you always

>the bay area punk scene is about not offending people
jesus, I knew punk was dead, but you don't have to beat it down like that

If he knows your name why doesnt he just confront you himself and kick your ass?

Oh yeah, I was kicked out of a punk venue because one of the guys in the bands saw my insta posts of
1) thanking Trump for saying that there will not be socialism in this country and saying that I'm happy to hear it since my family suffered from socialism
2) post about that broad that ran off to isis and wanted to go back and me saying she can fuck off
3) a post saying that it's decent that Trump said they will protect gays around the world from being killed

That guy thought it was all racist and sexist

Keep it up user. Good work!

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He's a pussy?
He's fucking 39, I'm 21 and he really spends time doing this shit

Go fuck him up then. fuck this guy id go find him if I was in SF. bunch a hipsters.

damn dude your samples are dogshit but I guess youre just kids. Face the fact that hate crap is beta and lame, Mercy is based. Its a sisyphic pursuit, you'll never come close to competing with anything like this using that approach.

I don't wanna get arrested, I tried to get that guy arrested though, didn't work out

It is shit, I've been telling the other guy to get his shit together, but he's a lazy cunt

We got better samples, but Jow Forums won't let me post it, thinks it's spam

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Sounds like a huge success already. Carry on and keep us posted.

Basically, I keep yelling at my friend to get more shit done, but ye



Carry on, maybe I'll see your show desu

Your posts are cringe and the music was 4/10

Should have got a real job instead of trying to larp as a fashy punk rocker.

Nobody asked the Uzbekistani