It’s time we start realizing what is happening in the gaming industry

Reminder by supporting video game Jewish fucking cucks like ea and cd projeckt red you are giving the Jews more power over brainwashing the white race. The Jews know this which is why they keep forcing diversity in our games. But they are also clever and will use the guise of the messiah cd project red to influence white men to stay as a onions infested video gamer. Remember this company is funded by a government the poles know this but don’t care the Jews have invaded every corner of the planet we must be wary and take it back. If you think cd projekt red isn’t mentally serenade remember they support trannies and fucking mentally ill degenerates. Jews do the same mark my words. They are the ea behind the fake facade the false prophet I will not allow the Jews to ruin the gaming industry by using their pawns ea and cd projeckt red these gaming companies brainwash individuals like local television used to do before they couldn’t do it anymore. They are trying to make people addicted to video games.

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If that was the case you'd think they'd be invested in at least making good diverse games instead of the DLC infested shit we get now.

They are already adding an option to be mentally ill trannies they overwork poles to death they are fucking scumbags in sheep’s clothing. It’s like Satan with eve acting as the snake when really the snake was the devil. Not to mention the ceo is a fucking Jew and he has a grandiose vision no doubt of brainwashing. The Witcher 3 was a mediocre garbage fest and I can’t believe this is the state we are in with forced fucking politics and shitbags like these polish dumbfarts acting like they make the best game in history. Witcher 3 was barley playable and game was fucking garbage. And thanks to ea which has already brought us to this sorry state fuck that Jew Andrew Wilson fucking Jewish cuck. This company is now our messiah. The brainwashing of the masses if you believe doesn’t exist look at cd projeckt red cult of Jews and there you go an example of brainwashing there is virtually no criticism other then liberal fucktards that criticize them we need to do the same. But not because of skin color because of their true shorty nature.

>They are already adding an option to be mentally ill trannies

you're so full of shit
all they said was your female avatar could have manly beards and the male avatar could have female ponytails just for shits and giggles
so fuck off you stupid shit you uppity ass mongrel

Chill the fuck out. It's just a video game.

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Yeah well then explain this fucking article. I ain’t supporting some Jewish shill company that adds fucking niggers and brainwashes the masses like ea and every other fucking cooperate fuck does.

You ignorant fucks in gaming industry have been brainwashed you have allowed a Jewish fucking cooperation to

Cd Projekt Red is behind offers DRM free software at dirt cheap prices....yeah that sounds really Jewish to me!

bruh just pirate kiked games

>remember they support trannies
There's nothing wrong with supporting transgender people and nothing wrong with being transgender

Yeah it’s just a video game but a large majority of white people are being brainwashed and converted to stay indoors becuase this is what the Jews want for us to die out. You people have allowed yourselves to be conditioned by this evil fucking company. The same sad fucks that support ea have made it possible now that micro transactions are normalized remember when video games had souls and didn’t mask themselves as to having souls. Not to mention this company has a Hollywood celebrity starring as a character they corruption is already exposing itself. Ea hired a late night celebrity host. Fucking Jewish people have conditioned more people then I thought.

Jews at first will play nice but then they will backstab you. Mark my words they are just hiding their time to condition their fan base then they can take the “rockstar approach” to making games and fluster them with micro transactions

It's a matter of shareholder capitalism and foreign expectations.

If they were making this game just for Eastern Europe it wouldn't be a problem, but they're doing it for Ameritards.

>Ubisoft employee

Fuck Ubisoft their mediocre games have been shit for years idk how they haven’t closed down. Every fucking cooperation activision cd projeckt red ea Ubisoft they all need to burn in fucking hell bethesda too. I will not allow the Jews to take another thing precious to my son and corrupt it.

You’re delusional

> a game showing a corporate control distopian future where corporations have commoiditized and will sell anything including sex the most popular advertiser in the history of man, somehow means they support trannies
kys for being a brainlet

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You got to try harder bud.

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Exactly they are brainwashing Americans because us patriots want to feel special but every single day white men are crucified but cd projeckt red takes the manipulator approach. The ceo even admitted two fucking years ago that they overwork their employees to the point of insanity over a fucking video game. These scumbag practices need to be exposed by this specific Jewish company because then no one can get away with it if the “shining light” turns out not to be innocent.

there is literally nothing wrong with having the option to create trans and non-binary characters

Hans, pass the 7.92 Kurz.

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Hello newfag.

>Gays won't get the right to 'marry'
>Tranny's wont be allowed to use restrooms
>Some vidya company adds socially retarded character design
>imagine my shock.

Where the fuck have you been for the last 30 years? We're going down hill.

user still plays video games made by white people.

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Wrong one, that's 7.62 ((NATO))
Here it is!

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Yeah they are showing a corporate world right. They are trying to play the innocent person the one you would never suspect actually having a hand in the corporation Jewish practices. Don’t be surprised when they reveal their true colors that I already discovered I’ll be the one laughing in the end. Every fucking shill thinking this company is far from ea forgets ea started out like this and Jews corrupted it. This company will end up worse then ea they will become bloated with greed because all of you continue giving big fucking fat checks to them and they won’t need to care.

>whats happening
companies are going thru their faggoty woke phase and itll be over before you know it

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>I ain’t supporting some Jewish shill company that adds fucking niggers and brainwashes the masses like ea and every other fucking cooperate fuck does.

night city is literally california
you and I both know it's riddled with niggers and spics not to mention it's the dystopian cyberpunk future which is 2077 where people are obsessed with body modifications
of course it's gonna be filled degenerates
the author literally wrote how diversity fucked up America whilst showing you the outcome of Americas future
as also shown in the trailers the main protagonist killing the nigger and his niggres hacker for backstabbing him

the leaf cuck in its natural state.

This, if you aren’t playing retro games and nip games exclusively than you are a fucking nigger

>Cyberpunk 2077
>shows how globo-homo and diversity made Detroit a shithole
>lets you play as a white male and exterminate criminals

How is it not a redpill?

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Yeah but they know they appeal to fucking us can’t you see this is Lucifer acting like he’s a messiah when he’s not. We need to criticize them based on their practices we are going to have another situation if you guys care about this Jewish fucking corporation fine but they need to be reminded that they should always obey the consumer we have previous examples of unbridled praise reverse into corrupted compare monsters. Bethesda to Bethesda Ea and Blizzard when merging with activision.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

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Never bought a game from CD or Nu-EA.
My money has mainly gone to sega

says the white nationalist retard who is hated by 95% of his race and yet defends it anyway while they invite and fuck brown men/women. no demographic is more of a cuck than white nationalists

There is a character gender customization you aren’t strictly a white male and idgaf about skin color I give a fuck that these fucks take advantage of the sorry state of the video game industry and abuse devs like epic does. You know how games like this come to be by working white peoples intelligence to grown. People who play fortcuck don’t realize and those who do don’t care but employees piss themselves to keep that fucking game going. They haven’t fixed issues they promised like the work environment this isn’t based or red pill this is a corporation that is smart and knows how to brainwash people because other companies are stuck in the old ways.

It's the government and their economic policies you redditor, they don't want a new golden age like Japan had in the 80's so they practice austerity and bring in immigrants to 'fix' the economy while forgetting with less population there would be no housing crisis and people might be able to get paid well and a job for life.

how's that related in any way to my post

Fuck off kike.

If taking control of all media and using it to push propaganda wasn't so effective then these kikes wouldn't do it.

look man let's just wait and see till the game comes out
I'm sure cdpr will fix whatever issues it has with
have faith in them and they are sure as hell ain't scummy like EA and Bethesda ripping people off with buggy as hell patch and supporting feminist agenda I'm pretty sure that tranny soda poster was intended to piss off trannies and it did just that

if it’s a white make or some dumb nigger who likes to act out his animalistic nature that isn’t my point. My point is we need to actually stop acting like blind fucking sheep like the fucking brainwashed boomers and libtards do and actually think for a second and look at what’s presented and think outside of politics. The only reason this company is fucking relevant is because of the state of the industry once the industry is back to the golden age. They will be gone better studio devs have far more reconfinzeable and better talent then these fuck do. They didn’t invent the Witcher series FYI they stole that from a white polish author but you fucks didn’t know that. They stole cyberpunk and it’s not original who remembers cyberpunk 2020. They can’t even make their own wholly unique ideas like Jews they steal credit from others.

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They ain’t scummy to consumers because corporations forgot that’s where the flux of cash comes in. Now their employees different story.

It's a game about a dystopian corporate run hell hole. Where people augment their bodies in all sort of degenerate ways. It makes complete sense that there would be trannies, niggers and spics in this future hellscape.
Now fuck off to what ever kikes asshole you crawled out of.

And they call Australia upside-down.

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If you don't want them to influence, stop letting your kids play videogames.

most redpilled game ever made

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Now I like to add we need to burn ea to ground I’m done idc if we have to take extreme methods if we have some nutjob burn ea hq to the ground or blackmail Andrew Wilson this company and ceo has to go they fucked up the gaming industry and we need to make fucking sure my United States government actually fucking does it jobs for once and doesn’t listen to Jewish corporate fucks and allow my son and your children to be taken advantage of.

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>Now their employees different story

about how they over work their employees to the bones? idk man sounds like some bullshit rumors spread by some feminist bitch who got all pissy working with the cdpr crew
I remember reading some retarded voice actress or whatever saying how she's under paid and female and male wage gap garbage and the respect all she deserves

>sitting in an air-conditioned cubicle

Oh the horror. Try pouring concrete, buddy.

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Take your meds.

Well my friend at work had a friend of his fired when he was threatening to sue the company and he said last he heard from him he ended up in an insane asylum. Every corporation has skeletons in their closets ea is just an example that they just don’t care anymore to open the closet and show. Cd projeckt red doesn’t want this facade to end why would they it’s good business for their vision.

>good doggo

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>Cyberpunk is degenerate

could NOT beat my fucking cousin when he played gla. i played as china. my other cousin would play as usa. they were half japanese. anyway besides that yea he was pretty unbeatable. it took some skill to beat him in shit. and i dk so whatever. takes me a bit to catch on to shit. even his cousin who also the guy who would play usa. his dad was the other ones dads brother. their dads were brothers, different moms. both dads were vietnamese or korean or some shit.

do they auto-suicide?

>Every corporation has skeletons in their closets ea is just an example that they just don’t care anymore to open the closet and show

I can't deny that
all they sees us as expendables as they can/could replace us at any give moment if you speak out against them with another NPC drone
If cdpr crosses that line I'll just stop supporting them
not like it's gonna make any difference but it sure as hell for me
fuck the sjws and the globalists scums
all they do is destroy any form of media they touch while perverting the young

china sucks and gla is the best team despite not having an air force.

if it wasn't so blindingly easy to swindle and control whites they wouldn't do it either, but we're just sheep to them and there's nothing we can seem to do to change that.

The creator of Cyberpunk, despite being a negro, wrote this in the fucking 80s.

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