Everyone with an I.Q lower than 100 should be culled regardless of their race. Prove me wrong

Everyone with an I.Q lower than 100 should be culled regardless of their race. Prove me wrong.

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it is not IQ which holds us back, but moral fortitude which doesn't track well with IQ
culling based on IQ alone would be foolish

Fine with that seeing as my IQ scores are 130 at the lowest and 170 at the highest
>white infj btw, also lmao

Sounds very Jewish.

IQ value is normalized so that 100 is by definition the average. It would be a never ending task of killing people, because it's numerically impossible for everyone to be 100 or higher.

I'm not believing honkey metrics like look outside nigga we made the pyramids while you fucked dogs in the forest.

day of the book, brainlet

wrong flag ignore previous flag I'm black ok

Fuck off kike.

Okay correction.
Everyone one who has an I.Q lower than 100 should be culled and that will be the end of it.

nature knows better than you

there's more to life than iq


I am aware of that but I.Q is still the best indicator of life outcome we have.

Dogmatic people should be culled.
We need further brain research in order to know the differences in brains of dogmatic and paradigmatic beings.

No dogma should live.

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Proving you wrong, maybe just my opinion, but low IQ people are needed, so maybe just get rid of the subpar retards. Averagely dumb people are a treasure to mankind you faggot OP.

because fuck you, that's why satan.

Had my IQ tested 15 years ago. 140 reporting in.

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I unironically believe in eugenics
It's the only sure way for now to increase the IQ of a population

So white race must be neutered? They are the forefront enablers of nigger privilege and jewish agenda after all

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Just don't help the low IQ people and let nature do its job. To cull based on IQ would require a massive amount of resources that could be spent increasing IQ in another way.

Than you’d kill off all police u racist.

you will never achieve that
just expand the death penalty and that will take care of it

I agree with your concept, but it's a more complicated problem. Over time genetic mutations will produce low-end outliers and we'll be back at the starting point again.
I think the underlying problem is that our civilization now has the capability to keep almost everyone alive who would've been culled by natural selection in the past.


of course we won't go back, that's retarded thinking. it will definitely improve,but yeah you will have the occasional retard being bred, but since a purge happened, we will be smarter and we won't go back to that lower average IQ

>tfw only 107 IQ

Is there any hope for me?

>implying low iq people cannot have practical knowledge and fill vital roles in the community

Have sex.

This. The reason the planets population is almost double what it was when I was a teenager and there’s shitskins spreading over the globe like cancer cells is because we keep helping them to stay alive and produce more idiots. Just cut off the gibs and the problem will solve itself. Sadly we’re about 50 years too late for that to be feasible

Release a virus into the world, Make everyone do the IQ test. People who pass get a pill that cures them. People that don't, get one that makes them sterile. The virus doesn't kill but makes them sterile anyway.

Even if you culled all the low IQ. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will set in and low IQ will still reappear (assuming all nature and no nurture).

Just end welfare and allow people to follow the castle doctrine.

1. I wouldn't kill, I'd sterilize and enslave.
2. I wouldn't sterilize any women. Instead I'd promote polygamy and give the most successful men harems.

Won't change much.
100iq people will be the "90 iq retards" of the 110iq people
Also all niggers die with this rule. Maybe this will work after all

That's pretty dogmatic bro

About 16% of black Americans have IQs over 100. I like Thomas Sowell.

Why did we get rid of slavery?

no, but at least you can fit in as a normie without being drunk

This Anons IQ is below 85

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I love these 130 IQ retards who think that they are the vanguard of civilization. This thread proves that they are not.