Canada is not a country it's an economic zone


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We should invade the US im sure its easy the beaners can do it

i hate canada, look at all the shit they post on pol. i hope they all die from anal herpes

We would cuck the entire US. The other way around would be better.

any notion of canada being even close to a country died as soon as cuckdeau declared it to be a post-national ""country""

You're the next post-national country hans.

ok fag
isn't it great how our nations are being corroded from within?
isnt it fucking fantastic how our own governments are doing their best to eradicate us?
why dont you have a laugh about it, leaf?
haha funny eurocucks getting replaced!!!
is that how you cope with it?
instead of helping stop the genocide of our people you laugh and deride your ancestors' homelands while the same thing is happening to you?
grow up

Family immigrated to Canada 25 years ago on a business visa. This country drained our wealth long enough, we'll be fucking off for good now.

Any new immigrants coming in also seem redpilled on the fact that Canada is a shithole, and are just doing it for the passport with plans to fuck off asap. That's why the Canadian gov is trying to import 1 million new immigrants over 2 years, because no body is fucking staying in this shithole. I suppose you wh*Tes can celebrate now, enjoy the collapse because immigrants have been holding up this shithole for a long time now, just like how Vancouver is run on chinks money (which you should be greatful for, because you produce NOTHING of value, you don't even refine your own oil.)

Get fucked parasites.

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I can't stop it.

you can kill

Eat shit Hans (oh wait, you probably like that since you are g*rman).

As I stated above, the immigrants are not staying, which is why Trudeau needs to compensate by inviting way more. They are redpilled that Canada is a shithole country meant to absorb their money

Nice bait glownigger.

Fuck off.

ching chong cheng
Range ban these chinks when

no u

why do i even waste my time with you fucking leaves.

You just advocated terrorism on Jow Forums glownigger.

If it's an economic zone then why will none of you fags just post the in-store prices?

How much have you had to eat today?


Maybe because ur inside hiding from all the sand people.

if you're not willing to die for something then you don't truly believe in it to begin with.

Food is a bit expensive but it's really real estate prices that are the problem.

It's an economic zone for the rich that make money from turning Canada into a work camp. Plebs like you and me suffer.

>You can kill
>Calling for terrorism on Jow Forums

If civil war breaks out that's one thing, telling me to kill on an image board is another.

where did you immigrate from?

Also, not all immigrants hate canada. I talked to a jap girl recently and told her I hate the country and she was kind of defence of Canada.

We can't just go gassing everyone we done like, Siegfried

It's because she gets dicked by whites. This is the equivalent of asking a sex tourist what they think of Vietnam.

as hitler said, we cannot expect shit to change if we remain inert.
you have to act
people are destroying your country
people with names and addresses

where can i go but here, i want to keep living in a cold enviroment, but where do i go besides up. give me suggestions, iceland? greenland?

the thing is that it really isn't. If it was we would have special economic zones, industrial parks, and tech parks being built so that we can create value added industries that can compete globally and make money. we don't have that. Even Malaysia is going to zoom ahead of us in the next decade. Pic related is a good book I recently downloaded on library genesis.

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Then why aren't you killing people right now hans

When I say economic zone, I mean we are a post-national state. We aren't a nation like Japan or Korea is. Being an economic zone doesn't mean your well run.

It's the elites that are profiting off the rise in real estate prices, votes, and Increasing debt slaves to banks. We regular workers get screwed.

i can neither confirm nor deny that

My country got invaded by the mutts, but my family worked in Kuwait making lots of money before losing the majority of it here. I also don't have to pay taxes in my home country, instead of giving it to welfare parasites and old senile fucks that never worked a day of their lives.

People only want the passport to have Canada as a "backup", to pass it on to their future children, and they can use it to get a wage increase. They don't want to be enslaved by the lower classes. My family stayed because of the education meme, which in reality is garbage, but valued by third world countries because hey are stuck 30 years in the past and believe western education is great.

From the germans ive talked too travelling around here, they envy Canada and can't wait to have their own country pozzed just like them.

In other words you aren't killing anyone but are trying to get others to kill people.

Meh, it's not so bad outside major metropolitan areas, the country may be lost but not the land, and a small minority of intelligent people.

Iraq or Afghanistan?

Iraq. You can thank the mutts for the Iraqi diaspora.

Canada is one of the greatest countries on the planet. Magnificent lanscape, beautiful people of thriving diversity, and an all inclusive attitude of the friendly people. Lots of things to do, lots of cultre to see and experience. Anyone should be glad and feel blessed to be born or given the opportunity to live here. Viva la Canada!

It's a mining camp like Sweden . Low grade oil

>an all inclusive attitude of the friendly people.

This is how leaves are on Jow Forums imagine dealing with regular leaves.

Canadians make me sick. Fuck nasty ass ketchup chips.

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Leave the ketchup chips out of this

Canada is America's bitch right now and decaying due to it's own decadence and stubborness to continue with the globohomo agenda, however it doesn't have to be like that.

Canada is rich in natural resources, farmland and it's north territories are practically untouched.

Put some nuclear power plants up north, stop allowing so many immigrants into our country and letting the chinese fuck with our housing market, stop pandering to homos and I swear Canada will be a super power.

We can't get any of that done.

Because our prime minister is a retard and our entire government is corrupt, yes. It can be done though. In time a zoomie president will rise- our white knight.