>be Abraham
>be NEET
>be 75 years old
>suddenly God starts speaking to you directly
>God immediately orders you to mutilate your own cock with a knife
>God orders you to mutilate your son's cock with a knife
>God orders everyone else to mutilate their cocks in order to not burn in Hell
>God orders to kill own son as a sacrifice to him
>God explains to you that the reason you must do this is because a long time ago a talking snake convinced a roastie to eat an apple
Christianity General - /cg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>be pagan
>a tree told be to be a homo
>why not
>be Christcuck
>talking snake talks to Eve
>Eve eats fruit from tree
>faggots now exist generations later because of this
>Thus the tree caused faggotry
>In order to deal with this repressed faggotry you must accept a Jewish god
>be christfag, make constant projections about muh homo in paganism without any evidence when the bible is filled with degeneracy
>call someone a kike when someone calls your religion jewish
you can't be christian and white
>Be talmudic hate Christ
>Join JIDF
>Shill the talmud
>claim your religion is not the heresy Christ condemned
>be Christfag
>be garbage at greentext
This is how everyone knows Christcucks are newfags. Jow Forums is a Nat Soc board.
>The Holy Prepuce, or Holy Foreskin (Latin præputium or prepucium), is one of several relics attributed to Jesus, a product of the circumcision of Jesus. At various points in history, a number of churches in Europe have claimed to possess Jesus's foreskin, sometimes at the same time. Various miraculous powers have been ascribed to it.
I see you are an actual kike. Look at the new testament next time.
Also, just like with anything every group has it's retards. We should combine the christian and pagan teachings. The traditions of Europe and early america should always be preserved.
>Look at the new testament next time.
Matthew 15
>21 Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. 23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. 24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs. 27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.
I get it there was a part where Jesus was still trying to save the jews and then later realized they were just as shit as before. The whole parts like the money changers was realizing this. Him know Judas would betray him for money was the acceptance of (((their))) ways and still going through with his course for everyone else.
Either way both the older pagan and christian ways were about following something incorruptible which even if you don't believe it is spiritual and abstract. Something that is more pure then a human can be.
I think we can agree that most people can't be moral on their own and need something to guide them. We have a long pagan and christian history.
Combine and venerate both or else you lose it. Pagan religions are mostly lost and people are making up shit and larping for their own gain instead of following what is known. Christianity is being subverted but still is present. At least we have better records of how early Christians were look towards the anti degeneracy.
We can play semantics and I can get quotes from pagan texts around Europe and the bible as well as spiritual leaders. My goal isn't to win something but just say we aren't doing anyone any favors by fighting over uniting. Remember everyone the pagans aren't a threat to kikes and sand niggers anymore.
>I think we can agree that most people can't be moral on their own and need something to guide them.
I don't agree with that.
Then go play in the streets with degenerates on your pride month. I hope a nigger stabs you to death.
That's a lot of ad hom and no argument. Niggers don't automatically become more docile and obedient when you make them believe in Christfaggotry. People who need religion to tell them what to do have garbage morals anyway and religion isn't going to do anything. Most people don't need to submit to a slave morality to be good people, you're projecting faggot.
We shouldn't fucking allow any niggers into anything. Before people didn't allow outsiders into their homes. Now people are moving away from any ties and becoming atomized and allowing everything negative to fester and grow because they feel alone.
I still want the niggers you allow into our homes to rape you to death.
>Now people are moving away from any ties and becoming atomized and allowing everything negative to fester and grow because they feel alone.
I hope one day you realize that this is the inevitable result of Christianity.
What is the solution then? It is the cause of weak people allowing everything to go to shit. You are nothing but pilpul and vapid statements. Go be a kike somewhere else everyone needs something or else to fall into vice.
>It is the cause of weak people allowing everything to go to shit.
Submitting them to a slave morality isn't going to make them any stronger.
>everyone needs something or else to fall into vice.
You keep claiming that but you haven't been able to support it with anything substantive.
>be christian
>fucking children in a factory way
>eating your own god
All of the freedom movements leads to people becoming enslaved by vice. Look at all the lgbt whatever all these people care about is the sex they have. Look at all the women who are more depressed then they have ever been on every study claiming to be alone pursuing useless degrees and having no families. White men are the largest demographic of suicides in the western world. Why are they doing that you find studies showing they have no purpose in life. They too are claiming to feel alone and ostracized.
Now we have institutions that only want to promote material gain and the slow suicide of people who let their wealth fail and lose families and culture.
If they start to fail it will make it difficult for massive intellectuals to succeed because the city you live in turns into current Chicago or Mexico.
>All of the freedom movements leads to people becoming enslaved by vice. Look at all the lgbt whatever all these people care about is the sex they have. Look at all the women who are more depressed then they have ever been on every study claiming to be alone pursuing useless degrees and having no families. White men are the largest demographic of suicides in the western world. Why are they doing that you find studies showing they have no purpose in life. They too are claiming to feel alone and ostracized.
And again, all of this is a result of Christianity and was predicted more than a century ago.
When the people starting moving away from orthodox beliefs which is the same for pagans.
You live in a bubble, or are shilling, if you think that the fall of all societies was the people moving away from tradition in religion
And what caused them to move away from it?
People like you who think you don't need anything but trinkets, narcotics, and the word of corrupt men.
>strawmanning this hard
Show me where I supported any of that
Then go from here with your beliefs in life.
Explain to me what is the proper solution so I don't strawman you because you clearly have an opinion that isn't the opposite of what I am saying.
I wont abandon my home just because there is a vermin infestation.
In order to arrive at a solution you must first understand the problem. Again, I ask you: what caused people to move away from religion?
I love this contradiction:
>Christianity is just kikes
>Jesus killed by kikes who used the Roman pagans like puppets
Some role models you got there. Looks like reddit took over Jow Forums.
Jesus, instituted neoJudaism, and highly reformed easy going Judiac practice which focused and prized an 'internal spiritual morality' above pious observance to an external religious law.
Paul was the real game changer though, he shaped Christianity and help it take root. Evidence of this is seen in James' condemnation of Paul's withering of circumcision. If it weren't for the false flag of Nero blaming some obscure cult for burning down Rome, Christianity would never have taken off, but would have remained a somewhat obscure desert cult.
Both of you are obsessed with yourselves I don't care about how moral you think you are. How do we get the majority of people to protect themselves from the same societal collapse?
>Dodging the question
You don't want my answer, and offer nothing.
You've refused to answer it and all you seem to be able to do is ad hom me for some reason.
I answered it before in my previous posts. In short weak people move away from their values and care for themselves. The offspring grow up weak and so forth until there is nothing but ruin.
Now tell me how do we stop the degeneration of the western world. And make sure that everyone is on board?
OP is a contrarian little faggot who grew up in the South and is rebelling against the religion of his parents.
Go live outside the States you sheltered little faggot.
>weak people move away from their values and care for themselves.
And I'm asking you why this happens. What created these weak people in the first place? Why did this not happen before? Did the world not have weak people over the last 2000 years? Why is this relatively recent? Why do they feel the need to move away from these common "values"?
Not to mention that weak people do not "care" for anything, much less themselves. Self-supporting people are strong by definition.
Well if you do the opposite of something then you get that. It isn't inherent from traditions and religion. You let kikes and other subverts slowly take control instead of removing them.
You have no answer to me how does the western world do better?
>You let kikes and other subverts slowly take control instead of removing them.
And do you think a religion designed by Jews and based around a slave morality assists or hinders this situation?
>You have no answer to me how does the western world do better?
I already said that it's necessary you understand the problem before we start talking about solutions. You've demonstrated that you don't understand the problem even at the most superficial level so I'm walking you through it.
How do you get the majority to be self supporting? Don't make another vapid statement that ignores your home becomes shit. People move away from their location when it becomes shit and do so for how ever many generations until there is no place.
Give me the solution we haven't tried yet.
>Give me the solution
This is the third time I've had to address this. You have zero reading comprehension and possess no critical thinking. Judging from your terrible grasp of the English language and your very low IQ you must either be a spic or a nigger.
Stop repeating the same thing statements you still have no solution. No more false dichotomies.
Go on tell me where was the starting point how do we fix everything.
You really didn't say anything. We have areas that threw away their religions and culture. Like China and most of the western world. I don't see how that is proving anything.
>Stop repeating the same thing statements you still have no solution.
>the same thing statements
You must be an ESL spic.
I'm not repeating anything, btw. I'm asking you questions and you keep deflecting with ad hom. Let me ask again (w.r.t. subversion):
>And do you think a religion designed by Jews and based around a slave morality assists or hinders this situation?
nigger ruin everything.
Ad hom? Oh how they strike at you while shouting in pain
Now for the same answers as before. Lets imagine you have a special law that is to not walk around sucking dick or you go to jail. Now you decide to teach your kids to suck dick because you like to. Then everyone in your town decides to abolish that law does that mean it was the law's fault?
There was a reason that hitler's boys wanted to bring the older german pagan ways and mix it with christianity. Look at germany now that they dropped their slave chains of those nasty things.
>Ad hom?
Yes most of your replies have either been ad hom or strawmen.
>Then everyone in your town decides to abolish that law
First, this is a garbage analogy and a trash hypothetical. Second, it doesn't address why they decided to abolish the law or why the parents were teaching that in the first place. That's the main question I'm asking you. What caused this degeneration in the first place?
You keep dodging this question:
And do you think a religion designed by Jews and based around a slave morality assists or hinders this situation?
I'm afraid your IQ is much too low for me to have a meaningful engagement on this with you. Spics gonna spics I guess.
Lol projecting on that spic thing pretty hard fellow amerishart
Tell me how all religions and traditions causes degeneration. I really don't know fellow intellectual
>Tell me how all religions and traditions causes degeneration.
I never said this. I didn't mention tradition and I didn't say "all religions". I was talking about Christianity specifically as this is a thread dealing with Christianity. Your IQ is extremely low lmao
>I really don't know
That's my whole point. You came in here acting like you knew what you were talking about and have come to the realization that you don't know anything. You can't even answer simple questions.
Now kindly fuck off, you are not white :)
I wasn't talking about just christianity. Is your smooth brain actually cherry picking comments on accident???
It's just a vehicle to bring back the old ways to hanging degenerates and working hard for family and community.
You argue like a nigger blaming dat system be keepin us down we wuz kangz before.
>And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life
The serpent got cursed after the whole ordeal so it became a snake afterwards.
>talking snek
Lmao heathen actually can't understand what they read
Reread the thread retard. My initial claim was that Christianity has caused this degeneration. You obviously don't understand this and are unwilling or unable to think about it.
>And do you think a religion designed by Jews and based around a slave morality assists or hinders this situation?
Keep dodging the questions, shitskin :)
Angry alejandro settle down, what do we do to fix society.
>Can't answer the question
Lulz, do me a favor and Ctrl+f "solution" and actually read as I'm already tired of addressing this retardation
Stop squirming kike. Tell me how we bring people back to the old traditions.
And do you think a religion designed by Jews and based around a slave morality assists or hinders this situation?
Fuck your faggot cuck apologetic religion. Don't hurt yourself apologizing for this comment. Next up. Act holy and better with righteous comments. You fucking faggots are as stupid as you are predictable. Fuck you and fuck your religion. Go somewhere else. We hate you.
So far you've established
>Christianity causes degeneracy
>People leave Christianity and become degenerate
Forget Christianity how do we bring the morals and traditions from the past of the western world.
If you could actually read and reason coherently you follow that what I am saying is to get back to the older ways of white Europe and America.
>how do we
>In order to arrive at a solution you must first understand the problem. Again, I ask you: what caused people to move away from religion?
>I already said that it's necessary you understand the problem before we start talking about solutions.
And do you think a religion designed by Jews and based around a slave morality assists or hinders this situation?
>be pagan
>tree godess "Whatever" asks for a child sacrifice
>ok miss.
eve was seduced by satan.
>compares Hellenic religion to his jewish desert cult
Well, this is just embarrassing.
>Hellenic religion
oh you mean the one which promotes promiscuity and gay sex?
Your headcanon is not representative of reality.
>be pagan
>what is morals
>thor asks to do a blood eagle on your mum
>why not
You're posting statues but you have virtually 0 knowledge on greek religion. You can praise many parts of the culture but denying that it's filled with degeneracy makes you a braindead retard.
I don't give a shit about Christianity as it fits the cycle of subversion you break the traditions of old to introduce something new to divide the populace.
My ideas fit with Himmlers thinking. You lost your traditions to christianity. So instead of trying to argue with with the masses who believe fervently in that alone, you adopt it as a vehicle to bring back the older pagan ways.
Stop massively projecting that I care about christianity when I am saying to use it as a unifying tool for all of the whites. There isn't anything as far reaching anymore.
Your headcanon is not representative of reality, no matter how much you flail and kvetch.
>talking snake talks to Eve
Women loves the snake
>oh you mean the one which promotes promiscuity and gay sex?
Which kikes are you reading, kike?
>Stop massively projecting that I care about christianity when I am saying to use it as a unifying tool for all of the whites.
So then you do care if you're willing to utilize it to some degree. Again, my claim is that it's the problem to begin with and you are completely incapable of reasoning through a few questions.
Keep dodging :)
>And do you think a religion designed by Jews and based around a slave morality assists or hinders this situation?
check the list of male and female lovers of apollo you inbred cunt, straight from your mythology books
Christcucks on pol always tell me OT jews arent related to the ones we see today but they still act the same. In many OT stories they hide their true identity and weasle their way into power or are simply ungrateful and subversive.
Kindly point me to the sources.
Apollo had no male lovers, according to Hesiod, Pindar and Homer. Kindly refrain from linking to jewish historians during the cold war era.
Thank you in advance.
You are still repeating the same shit.
How does removing something suddenly make people get back into order? What is the replacement?
Barbara Streisand is looking for it
>You are still repeating
Because you are still dodging the question :)
Stop repeating, kike.
What will suddenly make people not want to abandon their race, families, and nations for degenerate globalist kike cock sucking.
Answer the question wetback
>And do you think a religion designed by Jews and based around a slave morality assists or hinders this situation?
Why are you afraid to answer? ;-)
Yeshua son of Yehway (your god)
>circumcision of Jesus.
>Then Jesus went thence
Yeshua son of Yehway (your god)
Yeshua son of Yehway (your god)
Yeshua son of Yehway (your god)
You must be getting to almost a dollar with all those repeating posts.
As I told you it has to be co-opted like it has before for other nationalistic nations and peoples with religions that conflicted with their ideals that took over.
Step 1. Remove religion that most of your people already believe.
Step 2. _________
Step 3. Ethnostate all the whites will protect.
Can you help me fill this in?
Yeshua is the same thing as Jesus. Yeshua translates to Iesous in Greek to Iesus in Latin to Jesus in English.
>A Jewish slave religion has to be co-opted in order for white people to have a functioning society
lmao ok
Can't give a solution huh kike?
See I'm getting bored with your double digit IQ shitskin. At least make it interesting.
And how does that make people stop being degenerate?
Where does this degeneracy come from?
What do we replace degeneracy with?
:^) :^)
>Yeshua is the same thing as Jesus because it's Greek or something
Yeshua son of Yehway (your god)
You're not greek
The solution becomes self-evident for anyone with a triple digit IQ who answers the questions I've put forth. You're not willing, or most likely completely incapable of independent thought, so pursuing this further is a waste of time for me.
still not an answer
:^) :^) :^)