Any other oldfag veterans gearing up for the great wars to come?

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let's see how many newfags we can get in here

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Tactics? Im kind isolated in my strategery...

I've had enough war for one lifetime desu.

If the shit ever hits the fan here in this country, I'm just gonna shoot anyone threatening me more my family. Not dragging myself into any political bullshit.

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the less words in a post, the more the newfags are attracted to it seems, so just post any random pic you have plus a single word
you can get 200+ replies easily by posting a photo of Bolton's mustache and the word I R A N in the title
newfags can't contain themselves to that shit, they're drawn to it like fucking magnets

keep posting 'em redpills user

Hell yeah my man. I've played every modern warfare, every Call of Duty, you name it, I've played it. I became a veteran at just 14 on a crisp fall day in 2003.

Oldfag here

Been here for three months

Place has really changed and not for the better

Lmao off boomer faggot, nobody cares about your old memes.

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A better man with more experience, knowledge and Co urge that any of you could muster in your pinky.

>useful idiots please report in

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God damn, do I have respect for the wood-grained door.

There are no scheduled great wars to come. 2020 election has no candidates to support and nothing worth memeing

every single one of you anons deserve a fucking medal
you're truly Jow Forums's greatest

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>wars to come
Bitch, please.
I'm too old to be drafted. Gonna sit home, drink beer, and laugh at your ass on the evening news. I am gonna hire whores from your generation for minimum wage to clean my bedpan and dance for me.

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>data-based and mined-pilled
The thread

the ole ytmnd days. I miss those days.

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Right here my fellow deplorables. Cant wait to trigger the libz epic style by using our mememagic to start that war with iran shadilay

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drop 'em redpills anons

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I imagine Brazil and Canada to be much alike, except it's possible to pretend that Brazilian traps are women after drinking a handle of whisky.
Does Canada have electricity yet?

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also, Czeched.

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