Opinions of Italians? What's the cultural divide between Northern and Southern Italy?

Opinions of Italians? What's the cultural divide between Northern and Southern Italy?

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best women. not the one you posted though

Curly hair
Slavic cheekbones

this reminds me of the sicilian feet meme.

>Sicilian girls used to have pretty pale dainty feet. But then muslim girls polluted them with their stinky brown moor foot scent
>[pic of a brown anime girl]

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That is not an Italian

she is



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my feet are white and my german gf says so.

Attached: italian feetsss.png (645x446, 522K)

says the amerimutt

Italians are based and have one of the most well-preserved cultures in all of europe. i’ve only been to central italy, not north or south.

Any more pics of her feet? Do Italian girls have stinkier feet than normal?

If that's italian and not considered Arabic. Then no thanks bud

Italians are filth.

Yes. All girls have smelly feet. Especially sicilian and southern italian ones because of the moor heritage.

dark feet > sickly white feet that burn in the sun

Attached: sicily moor feets.jpg (693x883, 76K)

worthless boomers, except worse, too dumb to be a fully fledged jew

yeah im actually of italian descent, i just post this shit to bait replies

easy, one is near Switzerland and good
the other is near the med and they have been raped by arabs and niggers numerous time

redpill me on cheekbones and jaws

oh. Are you a worthwhile southern italian with brownish feet or a northern one with wh*te feet?

Southern italians have moor heritage. Moors enslaved niggers. stfu mutt.

Attached: francesca chillemi.png (898x557, 1.2M)

Are you okay buddy? Did something happen to you as a child?

my dad is a southern italian but my mom is northwestern european so i have white feet

You are Alt-White.

Italians all have feetishes.

>dad is italian
every time. My italian dna seeped through though so now my feet are dark.

thx. Are they cute at least?

Attached: smelly moor.jpg (600x840, 260K)


All non-white and should fuck off back.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but we are talking about italians gunter, not swedes.
Out of all the shit that you listed i don't have a single one, and my family moved to central Italy 600 years ago, you don't seem to really know what italians actually look like.

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>gets shot

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It's a genetical divide. Cultural differences are only a consequence of genetics. Anyway Lombards are now nose diving into extintion thanks to Siculo-neapolitan and rest of the world ethnical substitution. Those in pic related will be soon the only "italians" around.

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Centre and North alliance against the arabs down south, now!

>Opinions of Italians?
people say there're 2 different races of italians but there are actually 4: continental italians, appennines italians, jewish-looking southerners, arab-looking southerners.

italian cultures have always been dictated by the central, appenninic, italian race, the two southerner races are parasitic of those cultures and societies, in fact southern Italy sounds more traditional and conservative of its culture only because they're incapable of developing it alone to begin with, going on with the culture leftover from the previous contact with the appenninic race; the continental northerner italians are mostly cucks that would prefer being dominated by their bordering nations, except for those who get conscious of their difference with them and strive for a pillarist independence

northern italians are basically germans, right? over here we have a lot of them and they all look like germans.

Well, it depends, most of the people up north are from swiss or austrian families that migrated in recent years, but the rest are italo-germanic mutts

Italoanon, if you live in Milano, could you please tell me about the city?

>600 years ago
You have to go back.

T. Iliad

It's a shithole with the most immigrants out of all cities
t. actual Milanese
>tfw you realize all French flags are Iliad fags
Hello brother

I am coming in August for studying and will spend 2 years there, is it really that bad? How many shitskins do you have in Milano? Does it have no-go zones or muslim neighbourhoods?

It's bad, but probably out of all west European big cities the least worst I've seen. If you are here to study you should be in very safe areas, but expect to see a lot of niggers coming from Britain and France as exchange students. No go zones aren't really a thing here, although there are areas where immigrants congregate. Stay especially away from south americans near arco della pace at night because they are notoriously stabby, and keep an eye on your wallet in the metro especially at busy stops (duomo, centrale, etc.)

The southern ones are muslim rape babies. They are basically a totally different people.

why does nobody like sicilian feet here?

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Is it possible to communicate with the locals using only English? I mean, I will probably learn some Italian but I obviously will not reach the level of a native speaker. Also, is it possible to live on 1100-1200 euro a month(rent is about 500 euro, so I will have 600-700 left for food and other stuff)?

>Is it possible to communicate with the locals using only English
Not really, even young people struggle speaking shitty basic English
>is it possible to live on 1100-1200 euro a month(rent is about 500 euro, so I will have 600-700 left for food and other stuff)?
It's a tight budget but manageable, as long as you don't have many extra expenses and just focus on surviving, but not fun

You're Jewish

I am used to tight budgeting, and I will mainly focus on studying and getting internships in BB IB or MBB consulting, so I will not have time for partying and other degenerate activities as I'm no longer a 18yo freshman, but will it be enough for good cheese and marbled beef? Here in Russia high quality local meat costs 10-12$ a kilo, and imported stuff costs 25-30$, what's the price for it in Italy?

Also, thank you for your answers, user, I appreciate it.

Good cheese is relatively cheap (actual parmigiano can cost 4 euros for a big slice that easily lasts 2 weeks). Good red meat can be much more expensive (8/10 euros for single serving of filetto). But it also depends where you shop of course: supermarket, butcher or bioshop

Sounds good, thank you again, user.

You are welcome

I was always envious of Italians and how stupidly big their families are, and how they take it all so importantly. I have a few wop friends and they're a great laugh. Also Italians are the original fashies and far retarded than the eternal (((Kraut))).

>tfw no cute overly-caring italian gf

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>and far retarded than
far less*

You again? You bring up feet in every thread you post in. Just KYS already.

any thread about italy needs feet

a foot in your shekel posting ass

all the hot italian chicks are just the ones you see on tv. Been in 2012 when there were not so many niggers apart from the gipsy looking italians themselves. Only hot chick I saw was my gf whom I brought there myself.


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