Israel is Irrelevant

Israel is a red herring designed to distract idiots from more serious acts of kikery that occur worldwide. May be the greatest act of political subterfuge of our time. Jews by their nature are rootless cosmopolitans with no allegiance to any country. You really think they give a shit about a patch of sand and rocks in the desert? Every thread and post about Israel is better spent discussing corporations, mass media, and our society’s rapidly decaying moral code. Prove me wrong.

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You're an absolute worthless nigger kys

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Damn 3 short unsourced paragraphs, truly I am btfo

user. You gotta take out the nest so the rest will scatter (same with Jewkraine)

There is no nest. Again, they’re rootless cosmopolitans.

>being this naive.
you probably believe that there's nothing wrong with being catholic too.

There’s nothing wrong with being trad Catholic, no. Quite the contrary

You kikes are getting scared aren't you.
Israel will be annihilated and there's literally nothing you can do about it Rabbi.

Not an argument

Palestine will be free from the river to the sea you scared kike. Enjoy it while it lasts, you don't have much time left.

Not an argument

>nothing wrong with idolatry
>nothing wrong with treating traditions of men as gospels of God
>nothing wrong with changing the word of God
>nothing wrong with changing God's holy day
The catholic church is the mother of all harlots. All apostate Christianity stems from her sins.

Lol ok Pastor Jim, I’m sure the sect of Protestantism you dreamt up on your cocaine bender is far superior to a faith that has existed for 2000 years

Lol lurk more newfag. I bet the jews payed you to post this
The jews control the united states

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I'm not a protestant or a catholic. i'm simply a christian who follows the commandments of God and keeps the testimony of Jesus Christ. The bible is sufficient but keep praying to mary on your rosary when Christ told you to pray on his name that by glorying him you glorify the father, keep allowing men to intercede between you and God when Christ specifically said there is no intermediary other than Christ himself.

>I'm not a protestant
Yes you are. All your oft-debunked quibbles with Catholicism are stale Protestant cliches. Don’t play dumb.

Trying to decipher a difference between the different parts of Judaism is what Hasbara wants you to do because they want people to think that certain Jews are on our side (ex: muh based zionists are good and the diaspora are bad). Everything posted on Jow Forums is about moral decay in one way or another and there are meta threads about how to fix and improve your lives. There are threads about corporations and mass media all the time when they are worth talking about (IE the upcoming antitrust laws for big tech). The anti Israel threads don't get nearly as much traction as they should because the JIDF doesn't bump them in order to let them die out.

Jews care very much about that land because it's their safe haven that they can run to after they trick the goyim enough. Ending ZOG, usury and Israeli all go hand in hand and are all as equally important when solving the Jewish question.

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I fucking hate you guys.

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I can never tell if it’s ironic or arrogant

>stale protestant cliches.
if they are so stale why don't you try to refute them?
Protestants are just as bad as catholics because they drank the wine of your fornication. As i said, i'm not protestant, i'm a bible believing christian who puts the Gospels of God before the traditions of men follows the commandments of God and keeps the testimony of Jesus Christ.

At this point neither can i


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>OP is a phoneposter
>Oy vey goyim stop paying attention to Israel!!!

I banged a Jewish lady and she was wearing a wig. Looked like a golem when that shaved head and beady eyes looked back at me. She makes me role play as a Nazi, rally likes it.