Why is it so hard for Americans to accept climate change?

What do they have to lose?


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Who cares about climate change we are all fucked. Our use of energy, resources and rate reproducing are unstable.


>What do they have to lose?
Basic human rights

> Why is it so hard for Americans to accept climate change?
> they
> American flag
Either stop being a Jew cunt behind a meme flag or get the FUCK out of my country.

> in the 70s they try to socially engineer fear of a new ice age
> in the 80s they try to socially engineer fear of the ozone layer and killer bees
> in the 90s they try to socially engineer fear of deforestation (the "amazon")
> in the 2000s they switch to global warming
> in the 2010s it's now climate change
this is why

Exactly this.

Biodomes and indoor farming are needed for all families before any meaningful solutions to climate change can be made. Government and corporations don’t want this, so they keep selling there draconian shit to control us more. There isn’t any honest discussion on climate change. Just more oligarchs trying to seize more power.

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Americans have no problem accepting climate change. Why are you so against climate change? It's natural.

Sorry Bromius, I stopped believing in Santa and other children's fables long ago.

These 2 posters are correct. I grew up in rural america and instead of arguing that it will kill us all just tell them it'll save them money several of my neighbors possess home turbines and solar panels just because they wanted to save money in the long run.

I've been on board for nuking south east asia for years
basically 50% of the world's population
and get Africa because the population boom is coming due to our stupidity of wasting vast amounts of resources to keep them alive

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Also this. Scientists can’t seem to make up their mind.

Unironically this. We need to encourage climate change. It's the only way to deal with the exploding birthrates of subhumans.

This x6 gorillion
The vast majority of overpopulation problems and pollution are from SE Asia, Africa, and some parts of Latin America. The kike media has the nerve to tell whites to have less kids for the environment while shitskins multiply in the 3rd world at rates that dwarf whites. Sick of this shit.

pol's take on science makes me cringe
America must suck if hating liberals and lefties leads normal people into denying science (which is exactly what the left does, for example when they say that claiming there are 2 genders is "unscientific")

At this point I'm convinced it's willful ignorance. I don't even pretend it's up for debate anymore.

We accept science. Like negroids and spics are subhumans. Sorry Argentina spic. We are agreeing with and ENCOURAGING climate change as it will ideally put all of you underwater or famine you all to death.

We're still in an ice age so we need more global warming.

This is it right here.. boy who cried wolf.

Encourage it BUT with closed borders. Subhuman 3rd worlders have a nasty habit of invading the US from the southern border and Europe from the Mediterranean as well.

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>preach a dooms day warning for 50+ years
>no scientific models match up even remotely towards predictions
>always asking for more money
>America isn’t the worst contributor but always blamed as suck

Fuck I don’t no OP. Since we are asking dumb questions here, why do you refuse to stop sucking dick?

This is obviously a prerequisite. But even if not ideal, and some get through, they will not be able to procreate in the same numbers even if cucks allow many of them in.

Cause it's a giant scam. Climate is not controlled by Man.

politicians stand to lose their massive lobbybucks from the petrojews

>Why is it so hard for Americans to accept climate change?
Umm, sweaty, we already have as can be seen by our SUSTAINABLE birthrate.

Please direct your climactic masturbatory rhetoric at Africa, India and China, places where pollution is rampant and populations are growing. Especially Africa. Tell those future doctors and engineers to hold out on the niglet production. I'm sure they will understand when you explain it to them. Mkay?

Fingers crossed. I’m seriously black pilled on these shitskin invader caravans. It’s gotten so bad, we have to resort with a private funding campaign called We Build The Wall ran by a veteran named Brian Kolfage, building the wall on private property on the southern border with private donations.

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In all honesty we should be trying to cut down on deforestation and pollution. No need to be a fag about it though. The truth is that humans wouldn't be in the position they are if it wasn't for the end of the ice age and the 6th mass extinction. There were once hippos as far north as europe, as megafauna died and the ice age ended the entire ecosystem was already bound for a massive restructure no matter what humans did.

> Please direct your climactic masturbatory rhetoric at Africa
Dad raciss

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climate changes every day

Nice. The good thing is at least Wakanda is an ocean away. Get the wall up, keep the beaners out, and hopefully climate change will do the rest.

Here’s hoping. As it stands now, Trump has been cucked by the senate and a federal judge when it comes to the wall. Trump also mentioned giving amnesty as part of “negotiations”. Of course that is going to encourage more invaders. Fucking MIGA....

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If climate change is real and if anyone who claimed to believe in it did, they would be RADICALLY anti immigration.

Why ought I to take someone’s ideas seriously if they obviously don’t?

I'm honestly hoping for some sort of mega weather event around the equator areas - southern US too if it has to - which just destroys civilization in those areas and ideally puts the area under water. Then you would have a little meat down south as wel..

> little MOAT*

My mother did this when she was pregnant with me, smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol.

wake me up when it happens, Ive been hearing this shit since I was born.

>environmentalism = anti-immigration
Exactly. The anti white statistic I’d see in (((school))) was that 1st world countries consumed more resources and caused more pollution than 3rd world countries despite 1st world countries barely making up 20% of global population and 3rd world countries making up around 80%. Why in the hell would we want to increase the 1st world population with 3rd world imports if we’re so concerned about the environment? I now know that environmentalism was hijacked by (((them))) to trick gullible whites into having less kids so subhumans could replace them.

idk all I know is I do NOT want climate “refugees”; the Le 56% Meme for my country is bad enough as it is...

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>stop climate change so you can preserve the earth for3rd world non whites to shit up as your race is replaced

No thanks amigo

Leafy greens and lots of s a g e boys

Dpf/doc emissions have fucked thousands of boomer repair shops for semi trucks. The soot in the exhaust kills mechanics fuck off hippie

The issue with climate change is not "is it real" but "Is it man made" protip it isn't it's just accelerated by humankind

People accept climate change. Just not man made climate change..

>herr derr the world could solve climate change if some republican voters in the midwest would stop holding us back!


Also this. OPEC ain’t given up their sweet deal, and most M.E. wars since 2003 would be in vain if any serious plan was made.

Aren't killer bees real though? If cane toads can take over half this continent already I don't see why killer bees can't take over the southern US states.

the end of the human race for starters

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>What do they have to lose?
well given that the paris accords cripple our manufacturing capabilities while allowing shitholes like china and india to continue polluting and expanding indefinitely, quite a lot

based and tedpilled.
anarcho primitivism is the final redpill

Things like global warming are where the self-serving of the upper class spills over into paranoia. They don’t care about the ‘environment’ of the poor and working class when they flood their neighborhoods with third-worlders.

I accept climate change but there's lots of problems with the solutions.

The first problem is all the mainstream solutions aren't going to lower CO2 emissions. They're just going to take money from workers and give it to capitalist jews and cronies. And give a large chunk of that money to the third world via development funds and the increase in CO2 emissions in the third world will offset any CO2 emission reductions in the first world.

Second problem is even in the best cases the mainstream solutions don't even amount to half measures. At best they will put a small dent in CO2 emissions. What does this accomplish? Nothing. It would take radical measures.

Somebody has to bear the burden and guess who that is going to be? It's sure as fuck not going to be Jews or capitalists (they will benefit from it). It'll be people like you.

Part of why they do this is to socially segregate each generation of children from their parents. The narrative change has a frequency corresponding to that of generational differentiation. Each generation needs the old narrative rebranded to create the illusion that they are the first people in history fighting for this cause. It's also why every generation of actresses act like their actions are some of the first steps for feminism, despite everything that has happened over the past century.

Should add to this, it's the exact same strategy as
>Colored People
>African Americans
>People of Color
The point is that the narrative is perpetuated by rebranding it for each generation, to exploit each new generation's lack of experience. As the new language is used by the media and people consuming it, it isolates children from their parents, and ensures that the only people the share a common social context with are the media, and other people consuming the same media, creating artificial demand for this media as it becomes neccesary for such a generation to be able to socialize. It is likely why everyone seems like "perpetual adolescents", since their dependence on media for social context leads them to be incapable of functioning socially in it's abscence, leading to people in their 30s still watching the same shit they did as a teen.

It doesn't matter if people accept it or believe it or, it's already too late. Stop being a faggot and enjoy what's left of the planet.

Killer bees are becoming regular bees through interbreeding with regular bees. Plus it turns out that throwing all your worker bees away for no reason over a non threat isn’t a good adaptation and usually just leaves the hive vulnerable to being raided by wasps or other bees or just hosed down with bug spray.

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I've already accepted Climate Change as my Lord and Savior, OP.


How do you plan on stopping climate change if you aren't even asking the China question?

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"Climate change" isnt real

It is 50 degrees mid summer in Chicago. I don’t think there has been a summer this cold in 40 years.

Because it's all bullshit and snake oil. We haven't gotten but the thinnest margin of data points to begin arriving at any conclusion, and what we do have can be explained by natural temperature cycles(that we have *actual* evidence for in the sediment records) in the orders of tens of thousands of years. But for the moment, let's put that aside and start from the basis that weather-scare-of-the-decade is real and not just a ploy for someone to line their pockets. Feel free to explain to me how these hand-wringers intend to make war on China, India, and other developing nations to destroy their entire industrial base beyond repair. Because, guess what? The lion's share of all pollution is coming from there, and unless you can permanently reduce all those people to the stone age there's nothing that can be done to halt climate change as advertised.

It doesn't really matter if we accept it. We could go carbon negative tomorrow but it'd do jack shit so long as China/India/Pakistan/Africa still exist.

Complete hoax.

Climate Bitchers should stop eating slaughter-house meat, thereby completely mitigating human cause

This post plus all the replies prove just how retarded Jow Forums is. If you can’t face the undeniable science behind climate change, you’re a fucking moron. End of story.

Stop schizo
The hypothesis evolved as new information became available. All hypotheses evolve as new information becomes available. That’s how science works.
During the 70’s, the theory was heavily influenced by cutting edge research into Venus and the rest of the solar system. Atmospheric density, volume, pressure and consistency was discovered to be strongly linked to planet size. However, Venus is a planet that’s the same size as Earth yet it’s got an atmosphere so hot that lead will melt on its surface. How the fuck is that possible? The main difference if you look deep into the situation and beyond shallow differences is that Venus does not have a carbon cycle, like Earth does. On Earth, carbon is scrubbed from the atmosphere by trees and plants. Venus doesn’t have this type of life, so any CO2 released by volcanic eruptions stays in Venus’ atmosphere forever. CO2 is well known for its relatively good insulating properties. Venus is smothered by a quilt of CO2 that created a runaway temperature increase at its surface. That is a likely scenario for Earth too, if we don’t reverse how much CO2 we dump into the atmosphere each year.
Well, it also turns out that Venus is closer to the Sun and receives a larger amount of solar heating than Earth does. This Venus research also backs up previous meteorological hypotheses that higher atmospheric temperature leads to more violent weather events: the surface of Venus is barraged by violent storms.
That was all done in the fucking 70’s. how don’t you know that yet?

What is the difference with global warming and now climate change?

> All hypotheses evolve as new information becomes available
> The science is settled
drink more potatonigger

>it's fucking summer

So by the 70’s, the greenhouse effect was discovered based on Venus research. And a clear pattern of global year-on-year Earth atmospheric temperature increase was discovered. Putting both discoveries together, we get the possibility that Earth may enter a runaway greenhouse effect scenario. That is alarming if you are not a dumb faggot.
By the 80’s, research moved on, as it always does, to delve deeper into Earth and possible atmospheric issues. The Ozone hole was discovered. And it’s implications were fucking horrific. The Ozone layer was discovered and researched in the early 20th century when we found flight and rocketry. It’s contribution to life was quickly identified: the Ozone layer blocks most of the Sun’s UV from reaching the surface of the Earth. But, it was assumed naively, that the Ozone layer was a relatively permanent fixture that didn’t merit much more research. Until the 80’s, after the recent Venus atmospheric discoveries, researching Earth’s atmosphere became the cutting edge hot topic in science. Once the Ozone layer’s hole was discovered, research pivoted to identify what exactly caused the hole. Given the fact that the Ozone layer has existed since the formation of the planet, how could a hole exist in it? It made no sense. Until they discovered that CFCs broke down Ozone. Once that was known, CFCs got banned, and now, 40 years later, there’s no Ozone hole anymore.

>1 post by this I.D.
very nice, Mossad 0.35 shekels have been deposited

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By the 90’s, the fall of the Soviet Union lead to easy and relatively cheap access to satellite photography by civilian scientists lead to research of that photography. Since the commies were gone, governments had these space cameras orbiting Earth yet doing nothing because the main threat was dead. So they commercialized their spy satellites and sold photos to the scientific research community. Some of those researchers quickly noticed that as time went on, the huge rainforests were shrinking in size. This also correlated with year-on-year global atmospheric temperatures increases. And this also correlated with the key idea behind the Venus greenhouse effect discoveries: it happened in Venus because there’s no trees to absorb carbon from the atmosphere! We are reducing the amount of trees on Earth by such a fucking huge number annually that you can literally see the forests shrinking in satellite photos. Combined, we are committing suicide, we are producing the perfect situation to have a runaway greenhouse effect. And we need to be stopped. Enter: carbon credits, the push to plant as many trees as possible, and the push to discourage third world shitholes from chopping down their rainforests.

Should have saved your money

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kek kys

By the 2000’s, “greenhouse effect” as a term was considered too passive, and also misleading. We haven’t reached the greenhouse effect stage yet, we are simply heading in that direction. Humans are directly contributing to this situation. Terminology was changed to be more accurate: “global warming”. All of the above leads to a warmer globe, that’s a more accurate name so researchers pivoted to use that terminology.
By the 2010’s, it’s discovered that the general public are retards and don’t understand that when scientists name something, it’s not done from a desire to scaremonger, it’s done with accuracy in mind. Increasing global CO2 levels by burning hydrocarbons while also reducing the effectiveness of the carbon cycle, leads inevitably to global warming. However, the public found that to be alarmist terminology because the public includes retards like you and Jimbob who wouldn’t know how terminology works if you were offered a billion dollars to explain that simple process. So, researchers pivoted slightly and “climate change” was introduced as standard terminology. The climate will change if the CO2 cycle isn’t brought back in check, so this terminology maintains the required accuracy.
From a scientific perspective, everything I’ve written is old news. It’s dead memes. The research has been done and verified independently. The scientific consensus is clear: we know what happens when a planet’s CO2 levels rise drastically, and we know that Humans are directly contributing to the rise in CO2 on Earth. There is no debate anymore.

Go to college, this is all Atmospheric Physics 101 at this stage, one year of intro physics and you’ll have all this knowledge yourself. You can learn, learning is not just for elites. You don’t even need to finish a full degree, it’s literally one subject taught over two semesters.
If you query the above without making any effort to take a college class to learn about this stuff in as little as 8 months, then you are literally just being stubborn and ignorant for the sake of it. Humanity would be better served by you using your passion to improve something instead.

Read my other comments, too much info to condense into 2000 characters. Read moar.

"Hello friends. I am a scientist. Race doesn't exist. Please ignore the tens of millions of low-IQ Muslims and Africans pouring into your country - CLIMATE CHANGE is the real threat here! Did you know, in 400 years the average world temperature will increase by 1 degree Fahrenheit? WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING. Pay no attention to the White race becoming extinct - vote for the LEFT to fix climate change!"

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A lot of retards in this board support science only if it fits their narrative. For example, scientific facts about there only being two genders and niggers being lower intelligence, which I agree with. But when it comes to evolution, climate change and space exploration, they close their eyes, plug their ears with their fingers and go "lalala I can't hear you". It doesn't work that way niggers. You can't just agree to cold hard facts when it benefits you.

Sunspots. 11 year cycle of the sun dummies

This is the coldest June I have ever experienced in my life.

>Who cares about climate change we are all fucked. Our use of energy, resources and rate reproducing are unstable.
That doesn't matter it only means our return to nature. A natural lifestyle. It will be a better life than what we "live" in currently.

with more energy in a system, swings between high and low temperatures are more frequent and more extreme. Higher temperatures mean higher atmospheric energy. Peak temperatures are increased and low temperatures are decreased. And you get shit like wild swings of temperatures like 50 in Chicago during the summer.
The science is robust. We are fucked if we don’t nip this in the bud.

Getting them on board is simply a matter of education. They are developing countries, their educational system is shit. But they’re improving year-on-year. They can be saved.

There’s way more to atmospheric CO2 increase than animal husbandry. Anyway, why should we stop eating steaks, there’s less carbon intensive ways to raise cattle.
If anything, it’s large corporations who need to be brought to heel. Particularly burning hydrocarbons (oil, gas, coal, wood). Once we figure out cost effective solar & wind & batteries, we won’t need to burn hydrocarbons anymore. That’s not gonna happen overnight but it’s one achievable way forward for us.

This, ideology is powerful

Austria has an anti-immigration green party

Really makes me question if anything these fuckers say is valid.
>These guys: hurr durr I believe in objective truth and hate when the Jew shut me down when I preach my truth, anyone who disagrees with me is a fool. Oh and white men are the only ones who are responsible for all positive scientific and cultural achievements ever
>Also these guys: hurr durr climate change sucks. Nobody can understand this. I don’t see how this works. Nigger countries pollute so why can’t I? I don’t trust scientists so even if they’re white, they’re really crypto-Jews

Nuclear fusion would be a very good improvment too

If there are any takes from this thread, it is that you are a schizo and a prime faggot. Even with AGM, you're a faggot who has to warm with the rest of us.

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Retards prefer to have slower, stinky, noisy, unreliable cars that fund islamic terrorism rather than support Tesla and their amazing space-age vehicles.

Ideology and belief and mistrust and doubts about objective truth are why humanity will be fighting these stupid pissant battles about who’s better than who till the end of time. Fukken sucks

It is almost negligible compared to greenhouse gases

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Oh fusion would be awesome if it was possible and practical, pretty much unlimited free energy forever! Unfortunately however, it looks like fusion will never be practical at human scales. Stars are the only natural example and they are fucking ginormous. To scale fusion down to a powerplant that can be built and operated on Earth by humans, the physics of fusion gets fucky and requires net-energy input in order to sustain the reaction. It’s a red herring so far as I can see. We’re much better off improving solar, wind, and fission. All three of those are practical, possible at human scales, and the tech has already been developed and used commercially. We just need to improve it. Much easier than fighting against the laws of physics with fusion.

>implying global warming is real
>implying the proper cause of global warming would be taxed or punished instead or regular people
>implying taxing me would make a difference anyway
>implying it would be bad for Sodom and Gomorrah to fall into the ocean

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Tesla are full of shit too. The batteries they use source rare metals from a supply chain that involves child labour miners across shithole countries Africa and Asia. Not just that, even when they don’t use child labourers, mining for those rare elements is far worse for the environment than coal, oil, or gas! To mine those elements in sufficient quantities to build cars, you need to process billions of tons of soil/rock just to extract the fucking ore. Then, that ore itself needs crazy high energy intensive processing using toxic chemicals that just get dumped into our oceans to produce the useful metals. As an endeavour in “energy saving”, they are snake oil salesmen.
Battery tech improvements and innovations are needed immediately, otherwise Tesla are just the same environmental disaster waiting to happen as oil merchants.

>Ecocommie bitching about ideology
o i am laffin