In Golan Heights (disputed territory Israel took from some shithole north). Say something nice about it.
Israel opens "Trump heights" settlement
Say something nice about it
>trump heights
I feel like this is a thinly-veiled jab at his supporters, like when the Yankees took the song from the Britons in Lexington and turned the insult into a patriotic poem but now they're doing the reverse, by turning Trump's name into something associated with despicable deeds
A nice touch.
Don't worry, when Hezbollah slaughter your degenerate sons we will rename the nearest hill "The third temple".
We will throw all the dead bodies in a common pit and build a horse stable on top.
Say something bad about Israel. I dare you.
The best isreal first america second president.
I swear we elected president Kushner. This shit is fuckin embarrassing. Republican support for Israel dropping like a stone and dem support down too but Trump actually tweets that support 4 Israel has never been greater...i take that to mean fuck those who voted me in and fuck those who didn't too
you're right. its becoming too obvious we put an isreali puppet in the white house. we should calm things down a bit.
Unfortunately you just can't help yourselves. It's your only weakness
Lol you cunts used an alef so that would make it Tramp Heights
It stinks and I don't like it.
Really? I have been wanting to learn Heeb and read all their religious texts, how difficult is it? Also can you type Yod Heh Vav Heh?
Trump is neither left nor right. Just a traitor.
the guy just keeps giving and giving, what do you want us to do say no, stop it donald its too much? we should take as much as we can especially now when in every poll predict that a democrat will win 2020.
I'm sure the goyim will feel honored dying to defend this.
jews are just sucking Trump's cock while they can't even form a government lol. Good luck in the September elections, bibi.
Yup. He pandered to racists and nationalist to win and all he has done since winning is favors for his goldman sachs and kushner butt buddies
best goy
Based MIGA
giving and giving what? Your country is falling apart.
Always the victims huh? Gtfoh with that poll faggotry didn't u learn anything from 2016? If u think a dem will beat Trump without MASSIVE voter fraud than your not half as smart as your propaganda tells us u r
Its almost like they want people to hate them. Weird af.
Fucking tool bag. We don't like invaders. We don't like faggots and pedo garbage. Oh no racists... lol get real dumbass.
Hubris is the death of jews. They're too stupid to understand that. Why is bibi up for reelection already? Didn't he win in April?
what has he done for israel ?
Now you have more invaders and state enforced homosexuality around the world. Good job!
Or greatest ally Shlomo? Watch Black Pilled's "The Day Liberty Died" about Israel's prideful attack on an unarmed US Navy ship that killed dozens and wounded dozens more and I won't even mention Jew involvement with 9/11 and then tell me why our "Greatest Ally" just turned they're largest port over to the Chinese?? A port the US Navy uses/used btw
Slapped an embassy sign on a building the USG already owned. jews are super pissed lately because everything's falling apart. That's where all the shilling comes from. Can't even stop Assad.
the fuck are you talking about? our sitution was never better. Our GDP per capita is now higher than france,UK, 2 years it will be higher than germany.
Lets hope so. i want america to stay white as much as you do. niggers and spics hate isreal. our fellow "jews" too.
>the fuck are you talking about? our sitution was never better. Our GDP per capita is now higher than france,UK, 2 years it will be higher than germany.
Your situation is shit. Why is bibi up for reelection already? Christ, not even a year and they're trying to get rid of him? Your country is nothing without the US, which is why in desperation you are sucking Trump's cock. Beg a bit more and you'll surely get that war with Iran maybe.
moved embassy to jerusalem, backed israel claim of ownership over golan, backed israel's plans to annex the west bank, pulled out of the international criminal courts because they wanted to go after israel, ended iran nuke deal, committing false flags against iran, ennded all financial support for palestinians, i'm probably forgetting a lot more.
juice are pissed because their first blow job was from a nasty old guy
eh I just picked up bits and pieces from when I was doing lots of Bible studies bro but I remembered one of their a's looked like an x. I think their u looks like an I or some shizzle but this is all from memory and I may be wrong.
I got a JPS 1917 that I look at sometimes but I'm not like a scholar of Hebrew or anything.
also you read back to front.
oh yeah, gave israel billions of dollars.
But what have you done for me lately?
And all of it is meaningless. israel has never felt the heat like they are today. Meanwhile Assad continues to retake his country while Turkey is spited by the US and held out of the eastern portion. The US has no credibility left and you suck on Trump's balls because he says pleasant things on twitter. Don't you understand America's hegemony is dead and you are absolutely fucked? lol bibi has been castrated and won't be around after September.
That was Congress. You still never got your Obama 38 billion btw. Check out S.1 bill that will never even be discussed in the House.
Why are jews so angry?
Because Jewish women love black cock.
It's true. Really fucked up how race fetishism is such a big deal for them. Otto Weininger was right, jews are feminized. The whole deal of having your wife fuck niggers is a construct of NYC jews that can't control their women.
>but orange man said nice thing on twitter about Golan so I swallow his load
>nevermind the rest of the world said it's against international law in reaction USA USA PLEASE SAVE US WE ARE GOOD COCKSLAVES
lmao can't even get their wars anymore. Pathetic.
If America didnt have to pay for Isreal to exist they could rebuild thier crumbling infastructure ... Each year billion and billions from the American taxpayer ..
>I swear we elected president Kushner
Hey jews don't leave the thread. Tell me who you're voting for in September.
America pays more to the island Mexicans in Puerto Rico. lol. That's not even considering how much money is pumped into Europe and Asia for military bases. Bragging over 3b from the US gov is absolutely sad.
Only Israel can secure peace for the European people.
you sound like a jew trying to downplay how much support the u.s. gives israel.
>getting people to do things for you
Nice. What's the problem?
US support to israel is a joke so long as no one is willing to support rebels in Syria or war against Iran. In fact, the US intervention in the Middle East is a joke at this point. Those days are over. Who will coddle the jews now? You can suck on Trump's cock as much as you like, but it doesn't change the fact that America is not in control of the situation anymore. Who are you voting for in September? 4 months of failed rule has to be a record of some kind for bibi.
It's his day off, give him a break
He just sperged out a few hours ago, got it all recorded. It seems he will be doing this all day today, for free. How much more pathetic can you get?
>if I just pretend to be something people will believe me
You really don't understand anything do you? Chutzpah will only lead you into complete destruction in the globalized world of online information. There are no second chances anymore lol.
Hey, dump your normalfag boomer facebook "meme" collection again, that's about the peak counter argument you will ever make around here, and you know it, redditor scum
Hey don't leave the thread mr. nazi man. Work will set your kind free, right?
Sometimes I mention that little fact in porn threads on /b/. You'd be surprised (not really) how quickly the posting in that thread stops and moves to another thread.
>solidified Israeli control over the golan heights by acknowledging Israeli sovereignty over it
>Jews, now somehow in the same mindset as you, see this as an "evil deed" and tie Trump to this in order to poke at him
>flag checks out
Seething Turkroach detected.
cheking witout bumpin
>control region since 1967
>American president says some nice things that have no bearing on international law, of which everyone that isn't the US came out in opposition of
>suck his cock like a desperate whore
lmao at you. Who are you voting for in September? You know America has no more control in your region right?
>Controlling the world
>Too stupid
Mutt IQ in play, I see.
The reason Bibi is up for re-election again is because of a disagreement in forming the coalition government. Lieberman, who is the party leader of one of the larger parties in the coalition (8 mandates IIRC) wanted to pass a law that would force the Orthodox parasites to enlist and contribute to the country's military or civilian wings like any other functioning citizen. Of course, seeing as the politicians in this country HAVE to suck orthodox dick in order to win elections/form coalitions, they tried to downplay and re-write the bill to make it completely different than the original draft. Lieberman told them he will leave the coalition, dissolve it, and force re-elections if they even so much as touch it. They tried to call out his bluff, but it seems he was serious.
You're conflating Zionists and cabal Jews, btw. But I don't expect a lot of intelligence from these threads
>jews mad
lol imagine having to suck on an orange reality TV star's cock because your country is that fucked up. Good luck, bibi, your 4 month reign of impotence shall be extended maybe, probably not.
Same thing with moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem - literally of no consequence, but it was enough to trigger sandniggers and mutts worldwide.
You seem to be posting a lot here. Tired of sucking up to Jews in order to be something in life, gentile?
Lieberman dropped the part because he realized bibi couldn't even handle some rock throwers in Gaza. Hezbollah has you shaking in your boots. Suck on America's balls some more and maybe we'll sell you some missiles. It's been working out well for the Saudis. Meanwhile Iran, despite sanctions, has Europe and anyone that isn't israel or the GCC rallying around them.
>Same thing with moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem - literally of no consequence
Indeed. It was a cheap gesture. The building was already owned by the US, Trump just slapped a placard on it. You think you have the Palestinians cornered, but the reality is the whole of the Middle East has you cornered. Without the US both Sunni and Shia would come crashing down on your shithole of a country.
It's okay to be upset. Let it all out, Tyrone
>stolen land
>is celebrated
Talking about double standards, then cry human rights in Europe.
America is the size of a continent. We're fine. You on the other hand are a tiny outskirt surrounded by enemies. Good luck.
bump because jews mad
He's going for it!
You can do it, go for 105! Show us how you totally hate the jews while also supporting the most pro jew president of all time!
>implying implications
Still using the memeflag, eh? Why are you too chickenshit to directly reply?
lizard alien font
Not everything is about you
>pls mr. Hitler let us build things for you even though we're parasites
He's literally just some faggot from reddit, who's been given a day off from his generous boss, and will spend it all arguing with digital nazis he hates while pretending he's one of them by posting pictures of jews.
This is peak summer
>still can't even directly confront me
Where did you go mr. Nazi man?
Why did all the jews leave?
Why can't jews stop sucking the cock of an orange cheeto man? Why did this thread suddenly die?
> and the goodest goy award goes tooooo.....
It boggles my mind how delusional trump niggers are. They still think he's anti jew when literally all the evidence points to the opposite
You got leftists trying to force people to believe that 2+2=5, but trump niggers will tell you that it equals 6, just so it triggers lefties. 4 is a forbidden number now