We have a discussion on the country of Romania and the Romanian people.
And so on so forth.
General discussion on Romanians
Poor country with ugly brownish people.
Romania is what UK will become if you don't stop Paki invasion.
>Be Romania
>Don't exist at all until late XIX century
>Be various irrelevant voyvodships instead
>Always under vassalage to stronger neighbours
>Do nothing of notice for centuries
>Turks arrive
>Bend over instantly
>Send over your crops, money and most importantly your own young sons to be brainwashed into becomming jannisaries
>If you look up battles involving the Ottomans, you'll find Romanians on their side
>Only a single notable revolt against the Ottomans, under Vlad Tepes, who was Hungarian anyway
>Poles launch a crusade against the Turks together with Hungarians and Brandenburgians, Romanians screw it all up in the Cosmin Forest
>Nothing of notice for centuries again
>Randomly unite
>Become irrelevant again
>World War One starts
>Don't join stright away, instead wait for the best moment to declare the war on Austria-Hungary
>Achieve total moment of surprise, instead lose terribly in a matter of weeks
>Become a literal vassal state to the Germans, who take over the oil fields and take the crops
>Rejoin the war literally a day prior to it ending
>Steal bunch of lands you never held, never had claim to. Solely on the basis of your people spreading like rats and breeding like crazy
>Be only slightly relevant due to oil
>Join team Hitler, he gives "your" lands to the Hungarians instead
>Be a good boi and do nothing about it
>Hitler invades the Soviets, join the fun
>Be widely considered the worst soldiers on the eastern front, worse than god damn Italians
>By your stupidity let an entire German army get encircled and destroyed
>Soviets come knocking, betray your team instantly and fight your former allies instead
>Stalin installs a puppet government anyway
>Nothing of notice up until 1989
>Autumn of Nations happens
>Be the only eastern block nation to have a bloody revolution
>Nothing again
>Join the EU
>Be the poorest country in it with rampant corruption
>WE WUZ being descendants of the romans
>Be known worldwide as gypsies
Those the Romani people.
They’re redpilled but not based
>inb4 memeflag mongoloid
Hungary is another poor country with ugly Turkish-looking people.
romanians are ravenous rats.
like jews, but stupid
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