How will broke millennials pay for the funerals of boomers?
Funeral loans?
Should we have state mandated free cremations?

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We get like 1000 dollars for funeral expensives from the government when we die, which is enough to cover cremation and a shitty vase. We are talking, 15,000 dollars to get buried in canada.

You know there is an insurance for that right?

here is sauce

>65% of canadians too poor for burials.

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Typically only government workers can get buried here, the rest of us get dumped in a river or lake.

If you buy it, which only niggers do. It's like a dollar a week. White people go straight to cremation.

But you know that you can get an insurance policy to be able to cover most of the funeral cost right?

Which is probably 100 dollars a month. You are talking about coverage, not insurance. Only police and doctors are "covered" for burials. Oh and if you want the coverage, you have to wait 2 months for the government to pay you out while your relative sits in a freezer.

ill just bury them myself :^)

Boomers will pay for it. They're actually the most capital rich generation in history.

Not after a year or five in a ten thousand a month nursing home. You think "Oh, Medicare pays for that." The hell it does. Not until all other assets are liquidated. That means the house and the bank account.


They can't make you pay anything if you don't claim the body.
That's my plan, fuck my shit bag parents.


>he thinks we're gonna give them funerals

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Dig your own grave and save!

Think that's funny? I got both of them cremated and they are sitting in a bookcase downstairs. I use their ashes to fertilize my marijuana plants.

>paying for the funerals of boomers
pffft yeah okay. Nope not even going to hold a funeral. Not my body, not my problem.

>MFW all my family are cremationpilled

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>inb4 millennials are killing funerals

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Do you know what insurance is?

The county sends a bill to the next of kin whether you "claim" them or not. Cremation is the cheapest way out. $800 where I am. County wanted $1,200 to bury them.

That’s enough internet for me tonight

Lol, ok you win.

For real? You don't have graveyards? You just get trashed unless you where a government cuck your whole life?

Yeah, good luck getting that money.

Dont they turn you into fertiliser in jew york for free?

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Niggers are apes only good to be out slaves

the county can send me whatever they want my dad is a pedophile and my mom had me circumcised and it's against my religious beliefs to give a shit about the affairs of the dead.

Fucks up your credit if you don't pay. I was lucky, I had enough to pay it off. But I can understand it when people don't or won't. My Dad was the kind of guy who went to burials at the county cemetery himself because he felt bad for people who died and got buried with no one to claim them. I put some of his ashes there, kind of with his peeps, and poured one out for them all.

15k 10 year loan at 11% doesn’t sound that bad.

If you are a christian it's completely okay to say that it's a violation of your religious beliefs to force you to pay funeral costs. Luke 9:60 Matthew 8:22

canadians get a $2500 or $2200 death benefit from the federal government. lots of funeral homes here will do a cheapo funeral (~800 for cremation in a cardboard or cloth casket with a cheap urn or scattering tube) without a small deposit up front and file the claim on your behalf because it is guaranteed they will get their money & they can charge a filing fee too

Post more creepy undertaker pics

>there will be funerals for boomers
>there will be family or anyone around to mourn boomers when they expire
>boomers will have family or friends that will even talk to them in the last 5 years of their lives to even notice if there're around or not

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i'm going to pay for a holocaust funeral for my folks, they just make the body disappear