Have you ever seen this play out irl before Jow Forums? What happened?

Have you ever seen this play out irl before Jow Forums? What happened?

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OP posts this thread multiple times a day, everyday. But why? What's his motivation?


all over campus.

When will memeflags learn?

I wish you were dead you nigger loving whore obsessed british retard.

And still someone seriously replies to it

It’s a relevant question


this is every fucking non white woman, especially chinks, poos and arab bitches.

My chink gf is on the right oti and irl

I don't know anyone who uses twitter or is a non-fingol in real life.

Based Finland

What social media do fins use user?

>matched with a black “austrian” girl on tinder
>had something about politics in her bio
>ask her what shes about
>tells me shes extremely left wing and asks me where i stand
>tell her im all the way right
>”but youre hot”

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liberals irl
when it comes to keeping a man, it's all about your dick. suddenly politics drops like a fly.

To show brown females just agitate against white males online for SJW status points but IRL welcoming your white cock for breeding the next generation of mixed race bastard children

For anyone lost in this shill thread, i suppose ill post the reply it needs.
In case anyone was wondering, white dudes, even just average looking white dudes are litterally a dream to most brownies. White dudes dont really give em much attention. Which is why teg dream of getting wrecked by white dudes. Every job ive had im hit on by nigger bitches and latina chicks. Its true. They crave white dick so bad. All these fuckin pathetic psyop memes about blacks are hilarious because i could litteraly fuck tyrones girlfriend cause she told me i have pretty blue eyes. She did. I really easily could.


Def exactly the opposite is true you kike shit.

F you

Can confirm. Just be white bro

Yes. I fucked a neo-nazi tradthot once.

15 years ago I bent a black gril over the side of her bed and fucked her ass until I came three times and she watched me in a mirror

Im a skinhead too
We moved toward foot of bed so she could watch me in her mirror
I literally made her walk several feet while still up her ass

"I support public healthcare and stuff, I'm such a communist lmao"

You got AIDS now mate.

Had a "woke" black fuck buddy in college. She would rant about how evil white people were publicly, but would beg me to fuck her nigger pussy abd ass in the bedroom and called me Massa.

Larp, as usual

>15 years ago

Id know if I did

My hope is her pill was strong
Indont want my superior genetics misused by a half coon

It's sentiment analysis done by research NGOs on "deradicalization"

Note how OP has changed his messaging from "how does it feel to know that white zoomer girls hate you white males?" to "come racemix with nonwhite women goyim!"

Nobody has this much time or availability, not even NEETs. Someone is getting paid to gather your opinion.

The real question is, how many bots are responding to OP?

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Nope. I live in a very conservative/racist country and there's a lot of neo-nazi girls here. Some of them are kinda cute too.

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Show your flags pussies.

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Public health care is a scam, but niggers cant into logic so Im not surprised this is a band wagon you ride proudly

they've been using different threads to diagnose the average sentiment on each of these subjects so as to feed the info to people on Youtube like Contrannypoints and DesTINY to tell you what you want to hear and "soothe you".

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Nope, your flying a coon flag, so onviously you do your ancestors proud and lie and nake shit up to make tourself feel better

Tl;dr nigger cope
Its literally all you have

Funny because I respond differently everytime


All real political movements start offline

Remember that OP :^)

Heard it happened in India and it involved britain, can’t remember what exactly happened though

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I have, this girl at my school (who was south-east asian I assume from her name) constantly made posts about how bad "white straight men" were and then ended up in several of us white straight men's DMs
Not that I took advantage of it myself, but I had a good laugh at her complimenting me lewdly after saying my entire "kind" is the most awful thing on the earth all the time

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You're mad because you've probably never fucked a white girl. At least you won't spread your shitty incel genes.

I've seen some black girl talk about how she largely preferred black men
Love how they think they're top shit

Most developed countries have public healthcare and it works very well. You're retarded.

Most developed nations have a wide private sector to collector taxes from and finances the public one you stupid fucking nigger.

What's your point lmao.

Based, every racist white man needs a black bedwench to play with.

A little, yeah. Women like to be told they're wrong even if they don't realize it. They act pleased when dudes agree with all their political idiocy but in reality it dries up a pussy faster than kitty litter. Little is as satisfying to me as aloofly and gently disagreeing with and talking down to a girl at a bar until she takes me home.

You need a wide private sector in order to have a wide public one you negative iq smuck

You have a wide asshole