@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:
>SoS Pompeo on FoxNewsSun 6/16/19
>SoS Pompeo on FtN 6/16/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 6/16/19
>Happy Birthday Mr President 6/14/19
>ArmyVideo: Army Birthday 6/14/19
>Pres Trump on Health Coverage for Small Biz 6/14/19
>Pres Trump on F&F 6/14/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan meets w/Portuguese DM Cravinho 6/14/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan welcomes Portuguese DM Cravinho 6/14/19
>EnSec Perry on CNBC 6/14/19
>LabSec Acosta on FBN 6/14/19
>DepEnSec Brouillette on Bloomberg 6/14/19
>CEAChair Hassett 6/14/19
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 6/14/19
>Lara Trump on FBN 6/14/19
>DoDVideo: Portuguese DM Visits Pentagon 6/14/19
OP pastebin:
Reminder that all cops are bastards.
Go on to a PC website now.
a low energy shill kinda night.
Lets see hoe many posts before FBI Glownigger 8f4812 shows up to start pushing Russia hoaxes again.
>conspiracy theorists still think Russia had anything to do with the election
Wow I can't believe swole Bernie pictures defeated Hillary...
Goodnight, friends.
Hey boomers, remember the day Kennedy died? Remember the feeling of dread hanging over the air and how many people broke down and cried? Remember the feeling? Remember that day? Tell your kids and grandkids all about it, (((who))) did it, and why.
Real women prefer Ted Cruz.
It’s Sunday, nobody works hard on Sunday.
Worst coast.
Bro didn't you know? Trump is so stupid he types covfefe but is also a genius mastermind who thwarted every intelligence agency on the planet to collude with Vladimir Putin to win the Presidency of the United States
What percentage of his base does Trump think he can lose and still win in 2020?
Not my fault the other coast is jealous.
Guys Trump is clearly a con artist, instead we should cut our losses and support a true moderate like Joh Biden
Plague rats in LA, hepatitis outbreaks from hobo shit.
Ma Ma Ma Ma MAGA!
If Fox is to be believed, Trump has already lost the part of his base that are Evangelical College Educated Suburban Women
Explain to me right the fuck now why Biden wouldn't be /ourguy/.
So three women in Worcester, MA?
Thanks for the gollan hights goyim
That's really a thousand year old dragon in human form right?
According to Fox they are almost 10% of his base
Because Jow Forums is mostly ironic pedophiles and racists, not legit boomer pedophiles and racists.
I mean you’ve defended it for 50 years. God knows Syria can’t take it back.
What happens to people like this on DOTR?
i dunno why you're thanking us. israel took it in the six-day war, dumbass. shouldn't this be history 101 for your kind?
That's the stupidest fucking thing I've read all day. Fox polling is garbage.
Evangelicals dont care about abortion anymore, the world is the new fetus end global warming now.
Really? I can never tell.
They will vote for him anyway, they did even after the pussy tape against the first possible female president
That nigga larry wilmore is right when he says trump voters will ultimately come back to him because of immigration
All polling is garbage.
Ice cream cake.
"The final collapse of liberalism will be coterminous with the collapse of American empire—a difficult outcome for tenured American conservatives to root on"
"Liberalism can be understood as America’s civic religion, the wellspring of its political visions and the source of a sacred text whose precise interpretation is as endlessly debated and bitterly disputed as any divine commandment"
"the United States, as a creation of the Enlightenment, was founded along liberal assumptions. American politics is a brutal war between two brands of liberal thought, a clash so bitter because the proponents are so fundamentally akin. The two are, not necessarily for the good of the world, two heads of the same creature: indeed, America is currently the vehicle through which liberalism is spread through the world, irrespective of the rest of the world’s wishes"
This is a succinct explanation for Liberalism = Globalism = American Empire. You have to abstract yourself to a metapolitical framework; wherein you'll see that conservatism in US historical and political context is only the conservation of Liberalism; thus any 'replacement' is out of question (as proven by the Civil War).
The feedback loop at now work in the American politics is in this light quite tragi-comical. The other as designated by Trump (Globalism, China) actually in its effects amplifies Liberal imperialism. This introduces heavy internal contradictions in what it means to be "American Nationalist".
black people are right, white women called becky are fucking dumb
(((Fox))) is particularly garbage because they alwats attempt to gas light conservatives
Absolutely nothing in that document confirms that it was the FBI making those posts. The FBI did confirm that they were consulting with 8ch users that had come forward, so it could just as easily be one of their screencaptures.
Fox is very conservative, how is that gas lighting if they are doing what conservatives want?
But wait, there's more. According to expert Fox pollsters, people think we need to stop bullying poor china. Also Trump is TOO ROUGH on the poor illegals and he needs to lighten up and let them in.
Just got into an argument with the gf /ptg/.
She got mad I said being gay is a sin according to the catholic church, even though I don’t care it gays get married or have civil union - they just cant get married in the catholic church.
What is it these days with roasties being totally indoctrinated by gays? Yeah we get it they make nice friends. Woopie.
That (((All Star))) panel is up to it's old tricks again, huh?
Tell her it's a sin in islam too, watch her say that's okay
dump her
>she got mad
water is wet
Did you just wake up? This is already old news.
>tenured conservatives
Oh shit, not figures such as George Will and Bill Kristol! How will we survive without them?
Being pro gay with fag month and enforcing LGBT rights on the rest of the world is petty fucked up.
Gay marriage is when this country started going downhill exponentially and tribalism took root.
What elements of his base has he lost exactly?
>israel kissing trump's ass
pic related imagine my shock
Some how recognizing certain realities is big news for some.
They don't even make nice friends, women just imagine that they do from their soap operas and erotic novels where the gay friend gives them advice on sucking cock. Gays are cunts to women in a way straight men rarely can be.
CNN viewers.
Best part is she is sleeping on the couch cause I wasn’t moving and said I have sleep pride.
Greetings fellow aryans. I'm sure some of you are planning attacks on local synagogues. Why don't you tell us about it?
Apparently some actually think that Jow Forums is his base. Fascinating, isn't it?
It applies broadly. What are American conservatives conserving? The same proprietary Constitution that is wielded as a weapon by the other side of the coin to push them, the conservatives, into closets from where they'll defend the free speech, gun rights etc. as unfringed ideals until all they have left is the paper scrap. 1861 was the last time there was a metapolitical change occurring, but frankly that event should have happened in 1781.
>dump her
She has a good career, hates socialism, and doesnt like black people at all - so there’s advantages. If I dump her I might find a more conservative girl but maybe she has a whole other host of issues.
I’m giving her a chance, its clear her ex’s didnt have the balls to lead her away from leftist cultural degeneracy.
Jow Forums is contrarian.
Fuck off, Kevin.
hahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! hahahahahahahah!
That girl has a really weird face. Like it's aboriginal or something.
She has a face?
If the rest of the world accepts gays then those gays cant claim asylum here for persecution. It reduces our fag load
Is that a tan line or an areola?
Blondie was a fox 20 years ago
>gas light
go back to plebbit homo
liberalism, socialism, communism, antifa, share blue, acorn, White Genocide, is all = the jew!
No more jews, no more problem.
>1 post by this ID
>hurf durf I'm using the internerfs
Is that you Chris Wallace, you kike rat?
5 seconds in wikipedia says this guy just fucking hates muslims in general and supported them getting fucked since the 1980s. He also hates the CIA.
There's something different this time though.
The US doesn't give a shit if Iran kills their oil production. They're trying to embargo them. They'd actually want that. If they don't sell oil, they can't afford to pay their mercenaries to fuck shit up everywhere else.
The situation was different with Iraq. The US needed the oil production high. And that means you have to invade and fix their country when it breaks.
With Iran, not so. It's possible the US could bomb their military installations in retaliation and then just sort of ignore them. And there isn't much they could do about it.
It would still be better if this could be avoided though. There's still a risk it could degenerate into something bigger.
the fucking madman
How dare he not want his employee coughing in the background of his recorded interview.
No you stupid summerfag. Maybe if you hadn't wandered in here after your blue haired tranny summer class professor hadn't offered EC for her #ResistTrannyArmyTotesJustLikeTheFrenchResistance! then you would know what a 1pbtid actually means (someone that hit and run off the index, which judging the timestamp and number of posts between yours and mine, obviously didn't happen that way). gtfo you probably have class tomorrow and stay on plebbit where you obviously belong you libtarded homo double nigger faggot
>>No more jews, no more problem.
This bitch looks weird.
> It's possible the US could bomb their military installations in retaliation and then just sort of ignore them.
> And there isn't much they could do about it.
If US bombs Iran it forfeits the 15 to 20 thousand troops in Afghanistan.
>No you stupid summerfag
Stopped reading there.Nice projection by the way
if a bomb dropped on a CIA LAB with stolen US tech, you wouldn't even know.
A New Migrant Surge at the Border, This One From Central Africa
> Men, women and children from central Africa — mostly from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola — are showing up at the United States’ southwest border after embarking on a dangerous, monthslong journey.
> The surge has prompted Portland (Maine) to turn its basketball arena into an emergency shelter and depleted assistance funds meant for other groups. Officials in both cities (Portland and San Antonio) have had to reassure the public that fears of an Ebola outbreak were unfounded while also pleading for volunteer interpreters who speak French and Portuguese.
> Since October 2018, more than 700 migrants from Africa have been apprehended at what has become their main point of entry, the Border Patrol’s Del Rio sector, a largely rural stretch of Texas border that is nearly 200 miles west of San Antonio.
> From fiscal years 2007 to 2018, a total of 25 migrants from Congo and Angola were arrested and taken into custody in the Border Patrol’s nine sectors on the southern border, according to agency data.
> The city has a large Congolese community, and has built a reputation as a place friendly to asylum seekers. It created the government-financed Portland Community Support Fund to provide rental payments to landlords and other forms of assistance for asylum seekers, the only fund of its kind in the country, Portland officials said.
> The mayor of Portland, Ethan K. Strimling, said they welcomed African migrants, and a donation campaign for them had raised more than $20,000 in its first 36 hours.
> The Congolese spoke of fleeing violent clashes between militia fighters and government soldiers, widespread corruption and government-led killings. Some of them traveled to the neighboring country of Angola, then flew to Ecuador. From there, they said they had traveled by bus and on foot through Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico to the South Texas border.
tl;dr 700 african "migrants" have entered the country in FY2019 and cities are funding their stay
Afghanistan isn't an oil producer.
If that's really a serious problem they could move the troops out and see how long Iran enjoys being stretched out like this without oil money to finance itself.