My Dad Says We Need More Federal Police Funding For Prostitution Stings

My dad was a cop and many of the other officers used to call him "Mr. Sting" because he carried out so many prostitution stings against sex buyers. However apparently the force has been cutting back on these stings because hotel prices in major cities are rising faster than police budgets. These stings have to be done in high end hotels in order to catch doctors, lawyers, and other high up people instead of typical street criminals. A criminal record will ruin a doctors or lawyer's reputation but will make no difference to a typical low end criminal so that's why it's needed in top hotels.

Problem is the Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Program has not increased budgets to local and state police forces enough to compensate for rising hotel costs and thus it is harder and harder to carry out these stings for police officers. What is Trump going to do about this? Without more funding these stings will have to cease.

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Why do they want to ruin people with successful careers?

In any case, prostitution should be legal.

Copy paste faggot

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>he carried out so many prostitution stings against sex buyers.

Because they are criminals who are soliciting prostitutes. If someone is successful then it's even worse for them to commit crime. They are treated well by society yet still turn to crime, as opposed to a poor person who turns to crime out of desperation.

Your dad is a fag and this is a waste of time. If he cared he’d bust the pimps but he’s just another welfare queen and you’re a boot licker

You mean exclusively blue cities. This isn't an issue in Red states because they aren't ruled by gangster democrats who make insane building and zoning restrictions so they can rent their hovels for $3000 a month.

Problem is a lot of the prostitutes don't have pimps, they are independent or work for an escort agency

Property values go up everywhere.

>prostitution should be legal
Prostitution should be "decriminalized." Making it outright "legal" would be an endorsement.

Individual acts of prostitution and solicitation don't warrant a governmental response. However, a rising trend in engagement is a ill omen. That "profession" is a civilizational canary in a coal mine. A dead canary isn't a problem, but it evidences an approaching danger.

Government funding should be devoted to monitoring prostitution (and ensuring that it is conducted voluntarily by people of age). Fighting it directly is a waste of time and resources. However, it is important to be aware of its trends and to ensure the safety of vulnerable individuals.

mr. sting

more like mr. cockblock lmao thanks for ur service the pussy will flow regardless it's a futile mission

I disagree, anyone who is a buyer of that industry should be criminally charged.

If prostitution was legal then agents would recruit at high schools.

Lame copypasta. Anyone posting below this and bumping this thread is a fag

you're a bad troll

No it won't, Trump shut down backpage and the FEDs are taking down escort agencies as we speak.

they'll manifest in a different form. whack a mole

Most legal systems are already flooded with real crimes. At worst it should be a ticketable offense that is expunged for your record when the fine is paid. Do you really want to spend millions incarcerating a bunch of lowlifes just because they have to pay to get their dick wet?

It should not be endorsed by a governing body as it is obviously an immoral act. However, it be logically unwise to wage a war on the behavior. Such an endeavour would yield small returns and, more importantly, it would exact a high price.

Over here prostitution is legal but public solicitation, brothels and pimping are illegal. It's pretty good system to me, street walkers are not littering cities and whores can be booked online.

WRONG, the industry will die especially when demand dries up due to STINGS

In Canada you get a permanent criminal record for it and time in prison.

And the problem is they aren't "lowlifes". Some of these guys are top doctors and enginners

Obviously sex before marriage is immoral and anyone who does it is a scumbag, but you can't enforce it on everyone, so might as well go after the ones who have NO EXCUSE.

>My dad was a cop and many of the other officers used to call him "Mr. Sting
lol. Summer is definitely here.
You have to go back.

Sex between consenting adults is legal is most every part of the world (aside from those that punish sex outside of marriage). There is no real way to make prostitution illegal without utilizing subjective interpretation of evidence (i.e. "I, the judge" believe that you are lying when you say that the money given by the defendant was a gift"). Therefore, any law outright stating its legality is nothing besides an endorsement. Your government is morally wrong to legalize prostitution and, in cases such as this, that is the only argument worthy of consideration. There is no logical argument in favour of its legality because logically it cannot be illegal without also oppressing the freedom of law abiding citizens.

you make no logical points.

You appear to have forgotten that it takes two to tango, my friend. The women who engage in prostitution voluntarily possess as much agency as the johns whom they service. There are many, many women who are willing to open their legs for a comfortable lifestyle. Why, in your fantasy world, are we not punishing them for their immoral behavior?

well in my ideal world if you have sex and you're not married then that's a crime. I'm a true moralist. However i realize that's impractical and we have to target the worst of the worst, aka the demand behind the whole industry.

If, while walking, I come to fork in a road, but one direction is blocked, my "choice" to continue down the unblocked road is not truly a choice. Should I then choose to proclaim the unblocked path as the preferable choice, I am doing nothing besides endorsing that path. There was no choice to be had in that moment. The only event that occurred was my proclamation; my endorsement of the route.

Should the unblocked path be one of low morals, then the only moral action is to continue in silence.

if you've been paying attention to the direction that society in general is headed then youd know that sex work is soon to be decriminalized and regulated like any other business. the world is getting worse, not better, and everyone is determined to fall away as far as they can from God before its all over with.

Get your ears checked. He said " more prostitution RINGS"
Pops is a whore master from way back.

Your dad is a piece of shit

It's the other way around. There's a global prostitution crackdown. Only people who aren't paying attention to anything can't see it. It used to be legal everywhere and now the EU, Canada, Israel, etc are criminalizing it more and more.

Mr sting is a faggot

They should be arresting the prostitutes and pimps if they actually want to do something about it. They know arresting the drug dealers is more important than drug users, but for prostitution they just arrest people looking for sex, it's ridiculous.

So arrest the prostitutes and the escort agency

The less retarded solution is to use sex dolls and sex robots to make prostitutes obsolete.

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Your father was, is, and always will be a piece of shit and it's a shame he wasn't killed by a nigger.

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Here it's legal. Exploiting the girls, pimping, is illegal. As long as they don't use the houses as a cover for drug traffic and the girls are legally in the country, they will not have any problems.

And you can fuck top tier by 100 euros an hour.

You're a fucking idiot and so is your dad, they don't call it the oldest profession for nothing and criminalising punters just ruins lives and serves no moral good

>I'm a true moralist

you're a true fucking idiot is what you are

>I'm a true moralist.
And why is consensual sex outside of marriage immoral? A hundred years ago, the argument could be made that it leads to unplanned pregnancy. However, with the combination of birthcontrol and condoms the chances of such an occurrence are slim to none. As it currently stands, "selling sex" is little different then selling drinks at a bar... Money in exchange for a feel good sensation.

You are a prime example of what is wrong with modern politics. A desire for policy based on fantasy. The Muslims do it with their caliphates. The communists do it with their utopia. Conservatives do it with their 1950 fantasy world. You're all backwards thinking people with no understanding of how the world really works. True politicians work with what they have, and what we currently have is a society with liberal views on sexuality. You're not going to get anything done by trying to rebuild society from the ground up.

This is America tho. It already happens it would for sure be worse with twitter and Instagram marketing whoreing widespread for young women. It would be disgusting. We need more family oriented values not more catering to fuckbois.

>In any case, prostitution should be legal.
This to be honest, it's already semi-legal for all those cunts in hollywood and the insta-thots whoring themselves out, it's all very convoluted.

If anything tax them like you would any other job/business and actually bust human trafficking rings and others dabbling in forced prostitution (the pimps and what not).

What prompted US police forces to set up retarded stings like this in the first place, was it public pressure from retarded puritan groups or did they come up with retarded law enforcement like this themselves?

>my "choice" to continue down the unblocked road is not truly a choice
no, your "choice" was the easy path. Not that a faggot leaf would know anything about continuing past an obstacle

>What prompted US police forces to set up retarded stings
Public sanitation. Stings, in general, are a great way to remove undesirables from affluent communities. Toss them in a jail cell for a couple months and laugh as they have to struggle afterwards. No one wants to hire convicted criminals outside of ghetto tier communities. So when the undesirables get out of prison they are forced to move to those ghetto tier communities... And, more importantly, away from the affluent "lawmakers."

Jeez, what kind of illiterate mongoloid would view the "freedom and well being of law abiding citizens" as an obstacle past which a politician needs to force himself? There is no moral means to truly enforce a law forbidding prostitution. Therefore, there is no choice when deciding upon its legality. To proclaim it as legal is immoral as the act itself is immoral. To proclaim it illegal is immoral as enforcing that law would be immoral. The only moral action is to continue in silence. Punish that which need be punished, but realize enforcement beyond the obviously needed would be an immoral act on our part.

i dont understand the point of that bizarre system. why is it illegal to run brothels if women are allowed to be whores? i don't understand the logic.

Because it lets the police kick in the door on "massage parlours" and card all the little asian women who working there.

Why are you even asking? People who have sex outside marriage are undesirable immoral freaks. Sex outside marriage is obviously immoral and evil. That is why we laugh when they get diseases and unplanned pregnancies. Sex outside marriage is definition of immorality. We want these ""people"" away from our communities

Also we have a Conservative view on sexuality

Why are you asking us instead of petitioning your government reps?

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Why not ban all sex outside marriage? As all sex outside marriage is immoral. Our government is evil for allowing it

Sure, that'll get to the root of the problem. That thing you said.

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Suture even though everyone but me gotta learn ur a cuck

Your Dad's a cunt.

Not because he's a cop, but because, deep down, at heart, he's a worthless piece of shit. He's been given a badge, a gun, and a frogshit scrap of authority, and he thinks he's Judge fucking Dredd.

There are some decent, wonderful police officers out there - people who went into their career with the aim of protecting the innocent and hunting down the truly guilty.

Your Dad isn't one of those police officers.

Your Dad is a cunt.

>Sex outside marriage is definition of immorality.
I don't see how this could be true. Contrary to what you've been trained to believe, your ancestors fucked like rabbits. It wasn't uncommon for marriage to be the by product of pregnancy instead of leading to it. Sure, some of the more deranged sexual practices could be seen as immoral. However, labeling a perfectly natural impulse as evil is foolish at best.

>Conservative view on sexuality
Clean your own room first. Its kind of hard for me to take that statement serious when you're posting it on Filipino transgender dating site.

>Why not ban all sex outside marriage?
Good luck with that, lol.

No the problem is we have fbi sitting around inciting violence online. Get out there and catch pedos or drug dealers or something.

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>We need more family oriented values not more catering to fuckbois.

You can't turn back time, user. Most girls will either be thots or fat incel cat ladies. Men will always have needs, so let the that's make money fulfilling them.

Divorce laws won't change, so your idea isn't practical.

man fuck off

I'm aware. My ID in thread > is PC3J/Uag

The federal government should not be giving a single penny to law enforcement for the purposes of carrying out prostitution stings, because prostitution is not a federal crime. In fact it's completely legal in the state of Nevada. Should Nevadans have to pay your dad to arrest doctors and lawyers who are doing something completely legal in their state? I think not!