i know Paganism is hailed as some great future religion to save the white race, but how many irl pagans have you actually met? serious question.
I haven't met any right wing pagans since I live in a liberal state. but all the Pagans i've met were weird af. I myself am pretty weird, but i won't use self as an example, because I am fully red pilled. and well, the average pagan i've met was...
>a woman >leftist >into new age paganism >some were into Satanism, mostly men >ugly (this is about 80-90% of the time). why does this matter? well, you go to Church that's mostly white, you meet lotta regular people of all kinds. you go to a Pagan meetup, all you see is ugly weird leftist women who are overweight and are str8 up LARPers worshipping their goddesses and looking up to Native American traditions, while looking down on the European ones (even the pretty girls do this). seems like Paganism is a haven for many social rejects. not to say it's a bad thing >believes in "white supremacy" >hates Trump >major supporter of LGBTQ
so... how many Pagans have you actually met irl, and do you really think Paganism is the answer to all of the white peoples' problems?
am really curious about others' experience with Pagans irl...
Chase Gray
anyone from a red state that have met other pagans?
>comes to pol and see all the pro pagan threads + all the pics of pro European Pagans >goes back to irl, and sees a bunch of liberal anti-European women pagan LARPers
I am starting to think Paganism is a LARPing meme...
Connor Turner
so far, i am convinced pro-European paganism isn't real outside of the internet.
No. Find Jesus. He's a better role model than the rest put together...
Dylan Parker
being a Pagan myself, i kinda wish you proved me wrong. but so far, no one has.
the only red pilled, right-wing pagans i ever see or hear of is on pol, or youtube. i have never even heard of an organized event of Pagans coming together to help their own European folk towards a brighter future. nothing but internet fantasies.
pagans are an embarrassment here in the uk too, at the solstice festivals, you will see they are mostly far left liberal hippy types, women with died blue hair and weak looking men. Let me just say that these are not people following pagan ideals, they are as you say LARPers, just latched on through the new age movement and use the term pagan as a label, most of them are avid drug users and sluts, but still call themselves pagan, its b asically a joke at this point
Blake Smith
paganism is a meme confined to few internet imag boards. There are probably few thousand pagans at max IRL, at least in western countries. It isn't going to make a comeback any time soon
Wyatt Butler
yeah, i been around those 2. they do payote, san pedro, and ayahuasca. oh, and majority also smoke a lot of weed. they think they enlightened because they have visions while drugged up on these plants, but are immature af and have no grasp on reality and real history.
where are al these red pilled pagans i see on pol when i get back into the real world? they virtually dont exist outside the internet.
Owen Thomas
oh and i also forgot, a lot of those white pagans pretend to be Native Americans sitting around a circle in NA ceremonies saying "aho!" every other sentence. what a fkn joke!
Evan Gonzalez
i think its a lot more than that. many are just not on the internet and more traditional living in villages. if they do come online, they sure as hell dont browse pol.
other pagans are mostly non-white (south americans, shamans, indian, etc..). so they dont care about whats happening in europe or in the west to white people.
Gabriel Johnson
>is Paganism really the answer? It just means "goy" for Christkikes.
Christians don't really have a religion though just mind control. This is why they don't say the name of their deity but call him "God"/Godin/Odin.
For fuck sake, you Americans larp about everything. Here in Serbia, i met quite much people who are pagans. They mostly come from the countryside tho. Sometimes in Belgrade i see a Kolovrat tattoo or graffiti. To be honest, when slavs accepted christianity, they kept many traditions to this day, but most importantly, the tribal pagan mentality can still be found in traces
Sebastian Johnson
>into new age paganism >some were into Satanism Thats because paganism, new age paganism, satanism is rooted in following satan. It all comes back to the same root, and that's why to my mind it makes sense that people who go there are all weird, and have a lot of problems, both mental and otherwise. Demonic possession is real.
Jackson Rogers
>pagans It just means "goy" for Christkikes.
Christians don't really have a religion though just mind control. This is why they don't say the name of their deity but call him "God"/Godin/Odin.
Yahwey is your deity
>Thats because paganism, new age paganism, satanism is rooted in following satan. It just means "goy" for Christkikes.
Christians don't really have a religion though just mind control. This is why they don't say the name of their deity but call him "God"/Godin/Odin.
Yahwey is your deity
Thomas Young
I'm non-religious but have you read that Odin literally drinks semen? He goes to the bodies of hanged dead men and sucks them off for the semen. Google it.
Caleb James
Yeah no shit.
Elijah Price
>at this point >implying there was a point where it wasnt a joke
Wyatt Smith
>"God"/Godin/Odin. your are not making sense friend, very confused. satan is your diety, he just gave you a different name for himself. >John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Thomas Scott
Paganism is not a label like Christianity. It is just about free men connecting with nature and spiritual insight, the truth in everything = God.
And the center of it is your own tribe/Volk/race. Your Volk is the o n l y substantial thing to even have a culture (=real religion, bond with the divine). That is what they took from us - to give us a universal religious institution to sell out spiritual i d e a s. You can not subscribe to a spirituality, you are b o r n into it (or not). Volksseele is essential.
And Jews have their J E W I S H religion btw. They know the plot. Only you Christ-goys are fooled again and again. That is why Christians admit constantly that they don't care about their race when it comes to their "holy" ideas, this spook they have in their heads. And yet they can not see that this exact attitude was the main door-opener to this globo-homo equality muh-afterlife-so-fuck-my-race attitude. Incarnation is true, karma is true, race-spirit is true, nature is true. Baseless foreign ideas to turn against your own people when it counts are cucked and gay to a maximum of blatant jewish subversion.
The vile beast of Rome represents Satan, not Jesus.
Sebastian King
kind of a long story, but it began my obsession with the spirit world, and how things are. i was always obsessed with finding out the full truth of any subject i became extremely interested in.
then i got into Astral Projections, and began having regular experiences. i ended up finding out the entire process of reincarnation and only Paganism lead me to discover these facts. all the monotheistic religions just confused me. it was like watching the MSM-nothing made sense.
in the end a Goddess came to me after praying and seeking, and i became very connected to myself as a result. it was very strong and the most intense spiritual experience i ever had to date.
not really. that's like saying all monotheistic religions are rooted in Talmudic Satanism. and that is completely wrong. stop being a Christcuck retard.
i am actually from Eastern Europe. and no shit they kept their traditions. i am talking about pure Pagans that claim on pol it is the true way to save whites. where are they irl? i haven't met a single soul yet. it's all pure fiction.
Owen Cooper
>you shall know them by their fruits pray tell me what are the fruits of real christians (ones who follow Jesus's teaching, not religion) and pagans. You can clearly see who is good and who is lost.
Brody Mitchell
i agree with you, but you kinda ignoring old Christianity that was very anti-Jewish and pro-white. before it was subverted and cucked into what it turned into today.
Cooper Martinez
lol friend, that verse is warning of a punishment for what God would do to Jews if they didn't follow the law. It was referring to famine, and eating of their children flesh as a result of famine. Its not literally "you must eat flesh of your children" its like "this is what is gonna happen if you depart from me, so be warned"
Aiden Cooper
Christians are fuking retarded. most of them are...
>close minded >show their scripture as arguments >try to convert you constantly >not show you an ounce of truth of how things are in the spirit world >constantly rely on the Bible vs exploring the spirit world themselves
sorry, but you wont convince me. i was part of the Bible study and everything. Christians are just as much LARPers as the new age pagans, if not more. the only thing you Christcucks got is unity and strength in #s. but you also now promote leftism, BLM, and race-mixing that has permeated every corner of the Christian world.
Michael Cook
Based pagans are the ones like STJ who understand that the mythos of paganism is the story of mankind that echoes through successive generations.
Cameron Richardson
There is a small community in my parents village, about 30 of them, at least. They are all young, 16-23 you know. I also know a lot of serbian nationalists, and there is reinsurgency of pagans. Strange things that is generally happening in serbia is that youth doesn't identify with communists and chetniks, and other more "traditional" ideas, and christianity is falling, like half of my generation is not Christian, and there are more and more fascists and national socialists, and on the other hand, sjws, faggots, and west tier liberals. Civil war is brewing,because youth is polarizing, all these ideas could have not been imagined 30 years before
Dylan Mitchell
>"you must eat flesh of your children" Yeshua son of Yehway (your god)
good to hear. i just wish it was more prevalent across Western Europe, where it's most need, and in US. i mean, yeah there is that guy who wrote the Asatru book who does ceremonies in Northern Cali. but it's so tiny, it's like a fart in the wind.
Lucas Rogers
of course not. are you retarded
Easton Clark
paganism as in:
larping around the woods like a drunken retard?
paganism as in:
not being a fucking christcuck or any other kind of abrahamic, universalist abomination and building up some sort of spirituality and morality from this new (old) basis?
Kayden Johnson
fuck off you concern trolling faggots, at least have guys to be honest, filthy kike
James Sanders
Cameron Fisher
Evan Wilson
>paganism as in: >not being a fucking christcuck or any other kind of abrahamic, universalist abomination and building up some sort of spirituality and morality from this new (old) basis? >yes this form of Paganism you keep dreaming about is actually the death of whites. there is no cohesion. just a few thousand, or even 10s or 100s of thousands of Pagans spread out into different sectors throughout the globe. what will you do when the muslim horde in your town take over? are you gonna call your local Pagans and unite with the rest of Pagans from nearby countries? like the Christians did by Jan Sobieski at the Gates of Vienna?
Jonathan Myers
Chase Myers
>Yeshua son of Yehway (your god) Notice his words. This is a Jew.
Yahweh is the name of God. He can't say it, so he says "Yehway" which means nothing.
He is trying to get you to say something that is very different than God's name.
Yeshua [Is a yiddish invective that means 'may his name be blotted out'] The Jews find "Yeshua" to be acceptable, where when we use His Name, Yahshua, it equates Yahweh with our Redeemer, as He is Yahweh, and that drives the Jews insane..
Secondly, the form Yahshua represents a meaning absent in Jesus, its component parts being derived from the words Yahweh (that name which the ‘Jews’ despise, and thus avoid), and a form of a word meaning salvation or to be saved. So Yahshua conveys a meaning which is not evident in the other forms: Yahweh, Savior or Yahweh Saves, descriptive of the very purpose of Yahshua Christ in the first place, and also of His very essence. Yahweh Elohim and his son Yahshua Messiah
Yah-Yahweh Shuah-Saves
Matthew Bailey
Christianity defines basically everything not Christian as Pagan, so which Paganism are you referring to, exactly?
But seriously, we need a replacement for Christianity, and anything other than that will be considered Pagan, but of course it fucking matters which religion we go with, and yea a lot of modern Pagan religions are literally worse than Christianity.
Luke Cooper
Heathens predicted the ragnarok and we are right on schedule. Giants are the symbol of chaos in Nordic myth. This is where we are at today, in a world full of chaos where our foundations are crumbling and there seems to be no hope for our traditions (the gods).
If you are hoping to have a happy life in the near future with pagan people who share your traditions and interests, tough shit, brother. If you find them, count yourself fortunate, but remember that destiny summons us all and our destiny is going right over a cliff.
On the bright side, after the death of the all-father and a bunch of people getting killed from global chaos, we start some new shit and rebuild.
I used to live In the country side In a small Village called Ranua here In Finland when i was a kid. My grandma lived there aswell and i spent alot of time helping her around her house. She used be a "vanhan kansan tietäjä" translates roughly as "Sage the old folk". Vanha kansa means the people who where here before christianity and there are still some left here In Finland the world view they have is "Suomenusko" our original religion. The old ways are still alive In Finland to an extent and were never fully rooted out from us, many of our holidays are still there and the way to celebrate them is allmost the Same (burning of pyres etc.) anyways this brings me to my point, in nothern europe and scandinavia i think its only a matter of time when the old ways Come back maybe 50 or maybe 100 years. I have also met several pagans from the very old to the leftist sjw wicca types. I am Lucky that here we have a pretty good fingol autism about it and the sjw's have to respect that and wont find a echo chamber for his/her toxic political ideas In any of our meetups. I would like to know how it's In america or In the more Christian europe. How is it being pagan there?
Kevin Green
> seems like Paganism is a haven for many social rejects this. Here in Norway too, the biggest pagan org is the åsatru association,. I have been to a gathering once and literally didnt see a single good looking woman, and the "males" were so cucked they literally make swedish feminists look based. Their hair was greasy and their bodies obese >is Paganism really the answer? no, no and no.
>I would like to know how it's In america or In the more Christian europe. How is it being pagan there?
It's mostly new age and rebellious people who are just trying to find a vacuum for the spiritual failures of Christianity.
It has made a small comeback in conservatives, but because conservative areas are mostly rural and isolated, there's difficulty banding together.
I do not worry about this too much, as everything is playing out exactly as the völva predicted. Eventually Baldr will be resurrected, but Odin will be dead, which implies a transformation of sorts; Baldr, being the son of Odin, means that our new path connects to the old, but because Odin is dead, we are forced through a severe change if that makes sense.
Jayden Price
Nope. If you use it to replace the Abrahamic ones you'll just get most of the same issues. It's still the worship of imagined entities onto which we project desirable qualities so that we can feel like there is a universal and mighty good that will fight for the right cause should we fail. It breeds complacency, wastes energy, and is just as susceptible as Abrahamic religions to having humans usurp the divinity of the god(s) by claiming to speak for them, using the god's unquestionable authority as their own to rule tyrannically and mislead all while cloaked in the untouchable absolution of a higher being.
Not to mention that at least the Christians have some very interesting arguments from those such as St. Aquinas and Kant as to the existence of a God, pagans are straight up larping with silly caricatures that even they don't believe in literally. Paganism's sole usefulness is the idea of hero worshiping admirable qualities outside of unquestioning submission to authority, which I think is the Abrahamic religion's greatest fault because they set themselves up more readily to being led astray by humans who usurp divinity.
Anthony James
purple state (wisconsin) the only openly pagan woman i ever met was a 1/10 fat pink haired emotional mess who got excited over ANY sexual topic and was absolutely terrified of responsibility or truth. Needless to say, I didn't find her impressive
There's just as much debate as to what is good for society as there is for many "truths". The problem is that if you purposely hide what you know to be correct for the sake of social engineering, you're setting society up to tear down all the good you have built once they find out they've been lied to. This is exacerbated by the fact that any of your fellows who also know to hide what is true for the sake of the "good" of society may not be so pure of intent and will hide what is true for their own benefit. This makes society's eventual revolt even more destructive and perhaps more justified.
Gabriel Rivera
Are you keks actual traditional Pagans or romanticised, women lead Neo-Pagan larpers? How was it morally right for VIKANGZ to go around and rob fellow white inhabitants of Europe? Do you consider slavery to be righteous and kidnapping women from neighbourhood to be used as sex slaves your right, like nogs do in the US and South Africa all the time? Is raping others morally righteous in your opinion?
What kind of God commanded morals do pagans even have lmao? Are you going to follow your ancestral traditions and conduct human sacrifices on regular bases in time of celebration to receive blessing from Odin and other gods? Did you kek even know that Odin demanded you to sacrifice 9 person for every 9 years as per Ynglinga's saga? And that Viking chieftains did even murder their own sons to receive longer life from gods?
If Paganism is superior to other religions, why is the practise dead in Europe? Why is it only such shitholes as Amazons and African jungles where pagan traditions are alive and ruling their KANGZ societies? How did Christian steal your traditions when your own ancestors chose to convert their ritual habits for embracing Christ? Is there even existing any sacred literature that's not written by Christians years later? Why wasn't it preserved if such texts were worth of preserving?
no 99% of them are utter cucks and degenerates who just shirk responsibility
Cameron Morales
>how many irl pagans have you actually met? Since I live in Brazil everyone is a christcuck, because christcuckery, according to brazilians, are one of the two pillars of culture we have in our country lmao, so yeah, everyone here, even most of the natsocs, are brainwashed into following christcuckery out of pure fear and muttism, so I haven't found a single one here, and the ones that claim they're "pagan" are actually wiccans, so...Yeah, true ancestral european religions worshippers in Brazil must be capped at less than 50k >do you really think Paganism is the answer to all of the white peoples' problems? Religion is not the solution to material problems, by no means, it only serves as spiritual guidance and connection to the spiritual realm/collective consciousness. This is why we have political ideologies. Religion's general purpose is to give something for the populance to fear, a set of rules (read as morals) given by a being that knows all and is powerful enough to kill you out of nowhere and, thus, is more powerful and intelligent/moral than any human being or nation, and to explain phenomenons that science has not the capacity (yet) to do so. Now, about Aneure adoption, I think it is correct, since it is the religion our european ancestors had, it is their faith, their true faith, that took hundreds of years to be understood and thus formed. It is LARPing when you choose to adopt as your religion one that is not of your ancestors, like christcuckery, but even this is solved by them when their book, written by others than their prophet, saying that they're "spiritual jews" lol, so they cope with this, and this cope is worsened by pic related, which you can see many Jow Forums christcucks repeat like mindless bots
Paganism doesn't work in the US. Most European Americans are fully assimilated into the culture and have little connection with their ancestral one. This includes their ethnic religions. It's also a big part of why Christianity is allowed to thrive. What type of Paganism do you even practice? If you're some sort of new age Pagan revival nigger it only makes sense that you find bluepilled retards. These things attract hippies like flies. They're very susceptible to spirituality. It is up to the man to guide them the right direction. It's the exact same here. Very interesting what is happening in the east right now. Both are in the same state at the moment. Of course there are traditional enclaves but all the popular and modern ones are completely kiked and subverted. Western Europeans just list down 'Christian' on the census but they have not once attended church or read the scripture and associate it with acceptance and tolerance.
In the same book it says jewsus had gay orgies and was the bottom. Was written by a gay jew, dunno why you christcucks keep with this disinfo, just makes you look bad
Jeremiah Ward
Any American who claims to be a pagan is either a LARPer or a Luciferian. You can't be American and worship European deities/gods. Paganism is not universalist; european deities have no significance in the American continent or connection with the land, and because you are a Protestant nation you have zero connection with any pagan traditions. Either return to your ancestral homeland or stay Christian/Muslim e.t.c. The deities and spirits that do inhabit the continent are those of the Natives; you are better of worshipping even them.
>we don't take orders from God in the clouds >we take orders from trees in the ground, and streams.
Nolan Jenkins
Why is her hair full of cum?
Julian Morris
The reason for paganism is it is a specific not universalictic religion. It’s a religious expression of the world from the perspective of a particular group. Like Judaism is for Jews. Christianity is not specific but universal.
Paganism is like the innocence of Eden, once lost you can't get it back. I don't believe that anyone actually believes in Odin and Zeus and these pagan gods. It's like the wheel, once it was invented it was here to stay.
>paganism is about land mass It’s ancestor worship based on ethnicity. Euros aren’t even originally from north Western Europe
Isaiah Ramirez
checked. That was very interested and well thought out
Owen Allen
>Country owned by jews >full of chinks and pakis >Melbourne, Sydney and all the other cities full of degeneracy Yeah, that's what happens when you reject God.
>Living in the human rat mazes known as cities Good meme
Charles Hernandez
>if i go hide in the forest where no one can see me the world is perfect and i can worship thunder based pagancuck
Gavin Barnes
>Faghetti spaghetti tries to justify living in a goy maze Does it count as blue pilled or red pilled if you accidentally step in a drug addicted homeless persons shit?
Benjamin Bennett
“Yahwey” is spelled Yahweh and it is literally the hebrew word for God you fucking moron. Do spics worship a different God because they use the word Dios?
Jason Myers
Yep. The "pagans" that I have met fit your description almost perfectly. It's just another haven for edgy post-Atheists similar to LaVey's Church of Satan.
Zachary Rogers
I hope you get raped by a wild pack of aboriginal niggers while you are out in your druidic treehouse
Samuel Allen
Your country's history: >penal colony >100 years of history >ruled by british, so by jews >cant insult jews or you go to jail >muslims are taking over your country >chinks already own all of your cities, universities and high paying jobs >forced to be farmers under strict government rules >no history >no culture >no architecture >LARPing as a Pagan because you have no heritage
Compare that to the 2000+ years of the history of my country and how everything you know as culture, history and tradition came out from italy and seethe, Pagancuck
Luis Wood
Behold the seething Christcuck when confronted with the reality that he is living according to how hard the strings are pulled by the puppet master. Take in a deep breath of that fresh, though faintly pissy smelling city air my RED PILLED friend! It's the fragrance of faith!
The only two worthwhile historical figures in your country are Gustavus Adolphus and the Carolean King Karl and neither one of them worshipped faggy tree spirits
Eli Walker
Same shit on this side of the border except fascism and nat-soc is related to the NDH regime so a lot of young people still fall for the Ustaša meme. Hopefully that changes. There might be a future for our countries after all.