Will SJWs ever stop?

Will SJWs ever stop?

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Just call her a nigger.

Been married twice and can confirm. The bitching will never stop.

Japs should stop fetishizing niggers then

Probably the most relevant post on all Jow Forums

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It's unironically okay when Japan does it.

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>putting you in your place
Imagine if one of us said that. Tsk.

The cotton field?
Actually, no, she looks like a house nigger, she can wait kneeling at the foot of the bed.

The Jap can just report her.

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As long as she sexy and fap worthy I'll take it.

niggers are being push so heavily because they want mass African migration. rejected all forms of Africanization

He should have just drawn an image of that twat getting reamed out.

>you don't decide your own art, politics does
are we that far into the end of the world already?

are you sure she's a nigger?
she doesn't have nigger facial features...
maybe she's a gyaru


Japan have their own native niggers. despite their tiny country, they still have like 3 distinct regions, 1 of which is full of dark skinned retarded islanders the rest of the country hates.


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Good to know that instead of tackling real issues like sex trafficking and the pornography industry feminists/progressives are taking a hard stance against artists on social media who use the wrong color palette on their cartoon drawing.
Why do leftist faggots hate sexy anime girls so much? Hentai actually benefits the Jew because it keeps men stuck in a masturbatory fantasy world.

Japs drawn pretty much all dark skinned characters from tanned pacific islanders to niggers the same.
Pic related is supposed to be a tribal girl from deep Africa.

Forgot the pic.

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> jojoredditor is a libcuck
picture my amazement

typical burger

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I don't really care as long as my boner is happy.

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Japs know groid features are unattractive so they downplay them as much as possible, even in games that have a more realistic style.

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Why are all the characters from Pokemon darkies lately anyway?

The proper response would have not been to say you can't do that, but to make her white. I don't mean amerimutt white, but make elsa from frozen look like an Argentinean.

I find that a little hard to swallow.

Sheva was alright

I bet she's the kind of hypocrite who celebrates Nick Fury being played by a black man in the marvel movies

the newer games have been taking place on tropical islands and shit

>Will sjws ever stop
No that isn't how people work. That's why we still have so many issues even though we've been around for so long. People don't stay still, at least not young people. The slippery slope were on isn't new, it's a constant in human history, we just switch directions ever now and then.

They're using the west as a base now
Last few have been in France, New York, and sun and moon were Hawaii

Newest is the UK

Wtf is she bitching about dark skin color for? I'm probably darker than this haji piece of shit.

do you need to acquire a proper pokemon catching loicense before the game starts?

Both of them are faggots

Because she actually acted like a friend to Chris and his BWC and wasn't designed to emasculate White men. She was also hot as fuck and they used a creamy light brown/golden color palette for her skin instead of a realistic one.

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Don't worry, they deleted it

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But gyaru girls are cute.

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I'll bet there are a lot of Electrodes in Europe.

which region is that?

It's not their fault but they created a whole generation of faggots that don't understand the difference between a negrese and a cute tanned girl.
You would thing that not having a gorilla ape jaw and being able to speak softly would had make them aware. But oh well.

Also while looking at the SJW apologize I found they retweeted this, they are basically identical!

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How do 2D girls get that one piece tanline when we never see them wearing a once piece?

The place Marines get sent to rape locals


I really wish that fucking 10.0 earthquake would hit them already. Getting tired of their shit.

20 hours in MS Paint

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These retards don't understand that japs make all characters extremely overexposed in term of lighting. Just look at photos they take, they can't stop themselves from cranking up the brightness. Doesn't mean the black character in question has been lightened.

Your pic had me going there for a minute. Had to check and confirm they didn't really do that. Hard to tell with pokemon sometimes - still waiting for a chair pokemon.

that's better

they typically wear a one piece during swimming classes during school. a gyaru could just as easily go to a tanning salon with it on, just for the look.

SJWs actually put on a shit test. If you give in and nod your head like a cuck, they win. If you challenge them, laugh at them, they get upset but horny.

White trash europoor?

What's funny is that if Japan didn't have Anime and wasn't Asian, people would complain and say it's a racist state that needs diversity, and I don't mean the few American kikes that live there and get laughed at. I mean, people in the US would bitch.

nigger, you gotta go back

Just a reminder that Nessa's design isn't negroid, but Indian. These nigger apes need to stop their black erasure.

Let the mutts have their fun. Women reject them, no one wants to be their friend, leftists hate them for being too ''white,'' right wingers hate them because they smell. Let them vent their frustration.

Elena isn't African.

true that
but it's pretty much what these guys said:

That's almost "blue arms" level autism.

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I doubt it.

What a retard
We all know dark skinned anime girle are white since they have no negro facial features

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Elena has blue eyes and white hair, I doubt she is African. Several characters have confusing origins, see THawk and Dudley.

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She is, she's princess of a Kenyan tribe.

shes not muslim because they ban pigs

I hate this term, it's literally nonwhites only bitching about this.

>reading through her "apology"
>it's basically instantly going into how niggers are supposedly killed in the streets by police and this is why she changed the skin color and made the post
God fucking damnit these "people".

She was probably losing followers, when sjws attack people they like to do it with people who have a lot of followers to expose their opinions to more people, they find worth in their opinions if their follower count goes up. But since it was probably going down she was running damage control

What a sanctimonious child, twittering on her child slave built computer.

By the way here's the "apology". Too bad the jap cucked out as well.

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She doesn't look African at all. Maybe she married into the tribe. I don't know, but look at Balrog then look at Elena and you tell me they're related.

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So she did it as a stunt for likes and it didn't work?

No they wont. Libcommies are mentally retarded

Thank God.

>Will SJWs ever stop?
That's not how "progressivism" works. They literally can never stop, else they'd be conservative. The have to push further and further, the so-called "slippery slope" is not a fallacy or speculation with them, it's a feature, it's the whole intention.
Also, think of all the millions of retards who studied gender studies and other SJW fields, they all need something to bitch about to justify their continued employment in companies or NGOs. For these people, there can never be peace and equality, they'd be out of a job, they have to keep finding oppression.

She looks Indian or Ganguro.

Spoiled brat

Because sjws thrive off appearing morally superior they are absolute cowards when the majority of public opinion is set against them so that response doesn't surprise me in the least.

Draw whitey
Call it a nigger

Funny how you mention their employment. I'm a straight, white, "far right" male, and I applied for Mozilla in CA. The best I could apply for was a "Diversity and Inclusion" director of sorts. Basically, it's an HR position. Thing is, I bullshitted the race and gender part by pretending to be Latino and saying n/a to gender. But what does it mean? It means I'd have to basically get paid full time to sit on my ass and bitch about white people and blog.

Yep just like that American chinese guy who told the girl wearing some Chinese dress to a prom to stop appropriating his culture. Then everyone laughed at him and he apologized, actual Chinese didn't care and actually like when foreigners dress in their clothing. Sjws are literally only scouring social media in the hopes they can find the next big thing to be upset over so they can get a lot of followers

frauiline Korra is best Korra

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>here let me preach to you about something the party I am defending never asked of me

elena is designed to be an anime girl to jack off to, balrog is a giga nigga mike tyson reference
dudley doesn't look like a nigger either but he's still black

Nope, she looks but with simplified features and white hair and blue eyes

At least according to official info her were both born in Kenya. Pic related is her mother and father, so I suppose Japs just want to make dark skinned women attractive even if it's not consistent with design of similar male characters.

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I notice that a lot of people do it just to fit in. Most of the girls I know that do it just want to get attention from hipster guys with drugs to talk about their depression and BPD with, while the guys just want to attract Antifa crust punks and gamer girls. Thing is, both of them are so mentally fucked with illnesses like cluster-B disorders, anxiety, depression, drug use, impulsiveness, etc. and they're all so addicted to small dopamine rushes of validation on social media.

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Diversity hire most likely

>welwel wotsall disden


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She probably doesn't even work in that field. Anyone can claim to be a scientist nowadays if they have a geeky hobby. She probably works retail or drives for Lyft if she's not camwhoring or blogging.

she is obviously black african, she is trying to eat her own leg

This, 100% accurate. Most Marines on Oki either drink and hit locals, rape locals, or have to put up with the assholes who get our libo pulled because of previous raisins

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Yeah, i call bullshit

That's kind of what it is, a lot of them want to feel important but don't have anything to offer like art, charisma, any kind of deep knowledge on anything or even looks, so they try to get internet fame through complaining on behalf of some other group of people to promote themselves. Also a lot of them are bored with their peaceful lives and thinks this gives them meaning.


Dudley's win pose copied Freddie Mercury which makes me believe he may be Indian.

I dunno if I can ever accept Elena as a Kenyan.
Didn't those official books claim poison was a Man? Fuck those books.

Notice how its always just
>give her a stronger tan plz
>make her jawline look like an ape plz
>nose isnt broad enough
>eyes arent yellowish enough
>make her hair look like pubes

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