isnt it funny ever since iceland liberalized its abortion laws and screening procedures not a SINGLE down syndrome baby has been born in the country for years, making it one of the first countries to elimate the disease? Literally every woman who knew her baby had downs immediately aborted, even the conservative ones
almost 100% of women aborted the down syndrome baby by their own choice
Iceland elimated retards
The ironic thing being is that most people with Down's are happy people.
mm yes, more useless mouths to feed, yes they will help in the coming times of strife yes
Based, genetic screening should be mandatory for all children, and any serious genetic flaw such as down syndrome, cerebral palsy, nigger, etc. should be terminated on the spot.
didn't you hear we're killing off all the undesirable people? you're first
>aborting downies and genetic weaklings = aborting healthy children
The Romans threw weak offspring off a cliff. < 1% of abortions are for health reasons
Downs is the last redpill
I heard they get sexually frustrated and shit, why force a living thing to endure forever being dysgenic
>not a SINGLE down syndrome baby has been born in the country for year
Yet the inbreeding is high there.
Iceland is probably one of the last relatively(in comparison to Muhrica and West Europe) white countries untouched by kike faggotry. Which is changing ever since the ADL gave them shit on the circumcision ban and lumped Muslims into the pressure factor. What a cohencidence that they use Muhrica to bomb refugees and create crisis to change demographics.
Who gives a shit what the reasons are? Think of how many societal issues would be eliminated by creating a culture where anyone who doesn't want a fucking kid can just decide not to have it?
Polish colonists are making sure this doesn't happen
you want to hear a meme?
my mom, despite finding out that my sister has down syndrome thanks to genetic screening, decided to not abort her and instead give birth to her.
because she was still grieving my bro's death who drowned in a river after falling off a cliff.
he was 4.
Your thinking of Spartans you burger retard, and they didn’t throw them off a cliff, they left them on a hillside to die of exposure.
They do proper screening to prevent this.
I agree with you. Abstinence is essential.
Yea sure, gene pool is still limited.
Poles really are the fucking Mexicans of Europe, no where is safe from the bald Slavic menace.
>hurr you got the specific details wrong but the larger picture right of a regime from 2000 years ago, so lemme call you a retard
How's the paki (oops, Asian, my bad) cock taste, bongboy?
They all did it. They would have absolutely despised modern medicine. Especially over the counter pills.
Women can’t be trusted to think rationally, and they will do shit like this to feel better, but in reality she has just doomed someone to a cruel, pointless existence.
this is a good thing.
>even though it was genetically defunct it was still your child
I can’t cope with these feels
They have over 300,000 thousand people living there, and they seem to be doing great for themselves, so clearly any issues they may have are at the most very minor.
>isnt it funny ever since iceland liberalized its abortion laws and screening procedures not a SINGLE down syndrome baby has been born in the country for years, making it one of the first countries to elimate the disease?
JF is right and aborting down syndrom babies is dysgenic.
Down Syndrom is an error in the copying of some genes, is not a "gene" that you inheret but an error in the copy so a lot of faggots say that then "is not inheretable".
Even if that's "true" the fact remains that the whole mechanism of gene copying is affected by other genes.
This mean that people that have down syndrome babies and can abort them they will later have more babies, if those babies are not aborted then they will carry whatever genes make shitty copying mechanism and the chances of those people having down syndrome babies will be higher.
The more down syndrome babies you abort and you make their families escape the duty of taking care of them, the more down syndrome babies you will produce
Lmao, don’t get salty lad, it’s not my fault your Israeli masters want their burger slave race to be spastics.
>Abortion is murder!!!
>It's not murder if the baby has X disease
So basically you're the same as a leftist?
they eliminated the disease by killing all of the people with the disease. good job you autist heathens, theyre not retarded in heaven
Shame we don’t have a eugenics program today, getting rid of all the norf fc tards should have been a priority.
>escape the duty of taking care of them
Lol fucking retard.
It was faulty, and served no purpose, lions will kill the weakest of their children for example. Eugenics is absolutely required for a strong civilisation.
This is such a boomer fucking argument, think on logical, and pragmatic terms, these children are worthless, and carry doomed genes with them, it’s better to put them down, and save everyone the misery of keeping them. The NSDAP has a fucking eugenics program, as did Sparta, and you couldn’t really call either of them “leftist”
That's a bit cheeky, mate!
Yes, Iceland, that special land where most women are unmarried but have 2 or 3 men going at once. Every man getting cucked, abortions through the fucking roof, refugees have a ghetto in the capital, what children there are have unclear parentage, women passing on their own names instead of the father's, less Christian than any other European nation, latest recipient of a kike Rabbi and his nest of rats preaching non-white immigration, more left than any other European nation, more dependant on foreign countries than any other European nation. Yes, Iceland, that paragon and model country we should aspire to be like. They aborted enough children so they dont have any downies anymore. That's fine if murdering children is okay with you, I guess.
source: your faggot prolapsed faggot asshole
they're just more parasites on my nation like the jews and (you)
How's the weather treating you in Iceland, rabbi?
What do you expect? Their Nordic.
Down Syndrome isn't real
Awkward and shy faggots just need to bite the bullet and acquire social skills by repetitive action, just like your grandfathers did
>serious genetic flaw such as down syndrome, cerebral palsy, nigger
based af
personally i think we should just throw the defectives off a cliff like all great societies did.
kek just because every bong has a dodgy 21 chromosome doesn't mean it's normal
Same in Romania implemented this year or next year for Downies
Unironically this
Downies>liberals in every case
that's essentially what's happening here, but in an arguably more efficient way
right article is fake
The point is that you either are ok with murder or you're not. You can't just say you're against abortion because it's the murder of a baby and then say you're in favor of murder as long as it improves the gene pool. Maybe think twice before saying banalities.
Are you retarded? I’m absolutely in favour of murder when it comes to potato babies, but that doesn’t mean I run around stabbing people on the daily.
Aborting all the inferiors will result in no more lefty rejects being born as well
I support this
Do you love your sister?
>almost 100% of women aborted the down syndrome baby by their own choice
but why? it's more profitable for the medical industry if they are kept alive
im already packing my bag boys, i currently have a neighbor boy with down syndrome and he is loud as fuck when he is outside(which is every morning)
In iceland circumcision is banned, unlike the rest of europe, the jews have no control over it
Ignorance is a bliss
did you just use snopes as an actual source? lmao
sounds like someone should have aborted you before it was too late
How do I immigrate to Iceland?
Based, I hope we can eliminate this scourge from the earth.
Wow 3%. So high.
Doen syndrome means there is an extra chromosome in their genetic makeup. This occurs when the cells are dividing.
Everything you said is just fucking wrong.