The Alt Right Isn't A Meme Anymore:

The Alt Right Isn't A Meme Anymore:

Attached: ARIM.jpg (1048x812, 99K)

literally who/why should I care?

>NSM movement which predates the alt-right psyop used as proof the alt-right exists

You know what me and the left-wing media have in common?
We both wish the alt-right was real.

This is an easy account to report and get banned. He said these people "the nazis" need to be killed several times.
He's literally getting a boner saying it

and advocated "beating the shit out of all nazis"

I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but he's making statements of advocating violence more broadly than just punching Nazis.

Attached: Capture.png (757x232, 38K)

can you give me time stamps?

Attached: 1560265471292.jpg (700x609, 163K)

timestamps :
09:18 'I advocate for political violence against everybody who is on the right wing sid of this thing'
09:50 'beating the sit out of these nazis is absolutely justifiable'
12:15 'I m just gonna say it these nazis need to be killed'

Attached: incitingviolenceonyoutube14thjune2019.png (1600x1801, 2.65M)


Did it, thanks user

Funny, I was watching this about an hour before finding this thread and I totally forgot about reporting videos, It's reported now though, thanks OP, you're not a fag tonight.

Bump & reported

they do look like inbred subhumans

Quit being a faggot.


jesus christ yeah this guy is totally "deradicalizing" people

Attached: 1553995899958.gif (480x264, 1.88M)

Oh, but user...

Attached: Elle Reeve Alt Right.jpg (1000x753, 207K)

It's an important mission

Why do they always look so weak?
Don't they bully these kids anymore?

I got this kid's discord server deleted like a week ago and he got super mad about it. Also flagged his vids. He is a really low IQ retard/Destiny clone but he seems unhinged enough that a YT ban would make him go postal IRL or hang himself. He already has a copyright strike blocking him from streaming for 3 months so he's on the edge.

>Alt Right Is an insult

ok retard