Attached: 1560423744145~2.png (546x573, 138K)

It’s over Moishe. The goyim knows.

Attached: E8648BA7-A2B2-4556-9A69-1B8F22163A57.png (1200x799, 2.25M)

Knowing and understanding are two different things

lets just put an end to the antiwhite shitposting

Why are you like this, Giuseppe?

Boohoohoo :’’’(

wh*Toids BTFO

just wait until every single one of them is wiped off this world

Cia glownigger jews everywhere on Jow Forums

schizo mutt

Stop deflecting Muhammad

op is this you?

Attached: 1559907267257.jpg (1200x900, 125K)

Attached: mexico.jpg (1024x768, 124K)


Attached: 56.png (2284x1156, 209K)

is he ok?

>masta Schomo masta Schomo
>I called them escaped crackas retards on Jow Forums
>Am I a good house goy?

You are at 45%

How could you torture such a man lol? In what way could you do it? Show him vanilla porn?

Attached: 1559835774053.jpg (475x557, 36K)

we are at 0% since Italians have never been white, mutt

Cute pics of Magna Graecians you got there

>the road ahead is dangerous, take this"

bump for more triggered wh*Tes

>1 post by this I.D.
2 shekels have been deposited into your bank account

stupid kike. every year the goyim wake up more and more. wait until the gas chambers are ready you filthy, sub-human rat parasite. they'll be real this time. 6,000,000 too few

Attached: sieg tip.jpg (700x609, 163K)

Stop hiding behind other flags, roach.

Nice textbook pilpul kike.


Attached: gun.jpg (1200x900, 173K)

>da jooooooooooooooooooooz

based user bumping a good thread in this dumpsterfire that is Jow Forums

im italian and my feet are wh*te.

Attached: my feet.jpg (582x437, 16K)

Sub-Saharan Africa is at 0%, you are at 45%

Attached: 1553988628041.jpg (150x150, 9K)

you are 35% Italian. A literal mulatto is racially more italian than you

have sex

let it burn user. We will all be free

Attached: 114323412345345.jpg (1350x900, 441K)

I'm pretty sure that's a sketch of hbomberguy

We have no wh*Te genes, thankfully

Attached: 1.jpg (1200x803, 60K)


at least she met her pieces of flair quota

Literally pigskins

stfu muhammad. I'm italian. My feet are wh*te.

Italians are wh*te.

Attached: italian feetsss.png (645x446, 522K)

Wtf man. Wtf. Why have you done this

At least you got this right

disgusting wh*Te ch*Nks
post your genetic test incel. You are not italian

my russian girlfriend likes my feet. Her feet are even wh*ter.

You are not Italian, wh*Te subhuman

my german cousin says my feet are browner than hers though


>My feet are wh*te.
>my feet are brown

Post your genetic test incel

my feet are wH*te by italian standards but brown for german women.

Post your genetic test incel

Imagine being so lazy and dumb that you can't even make your own caricature of a race, but have to edit another one... Its almost like you have nothing but envy to be pissy about...