Turkey has started drilling for oil in Cypriot waters.
Cyprus called it an "invasion". Greece had an emergency meeting of the heads of the armed forces.
Turkey is drilling for oil using a ship called "Fatih", meaning conqueror. When Constantinople fell in 1453, the Sultan was forever named "Fatih Sultan Mehmed" i.e. Sultan the Conqueror. This is not a drill.
Thanks for the clarification. Hoping for WW3 but we all know nothing ever happens etc.
Christian Foster
Greece is too cucked to do anything, they will just whine to the EU and UN about it
Samuel Jenkins
For people unaware of recent developments: Turkey has decided to buy Russian S400 missiles. America has said no NATO country can be using Russian missiles in the Med and has kicked Turkey out of the F-35 programme. Countries that are not part of the F-35 programme will not be considered key allies of NATO and the US.
There's even talks of the USA sanctioning Turkey using the CAATSA act.
Logan Jenkins
>This is not a drill. It's as drill mounted on a ship
Joseph Morris
>ww3 I have this image saved with this filename for over a year now.
Cyprus is Turkish, has always be Turkism/Arab/Muslim. Greece is too far away and has no reason to decide on the matter.
Dominic Hughes
In the very near future you and your entire family will be deported regardless of citizenship
Blake Jackson
Be realistic, greek dwarf. Cyprus isn't Europe. Also you can't win a war against Turkey, even more on their shores. Just settle the matter giving them the upper hand on the extraction, for a fee.
Brayden Cook
Kill them.
Elijah Scott
We taking back the holy land
Luis Anderson
We'll figure out what we'll do with the Turks but you're still getting deported. I hope you haven't made any long term plans.
Evan Torres
Last time I checked Cyprus is not part of Greece.
Joshua Young
Kurds are worse. Far left anarchists, at least you can predict turkroaches.
Luke Campbell
Greece uses the s300.
Jack Hill
Yes but we got it as part of an agreement between Cyprus and Turkey we never asked for this.
Greece is a solid member of NATO and we pay our dues unlike most other countries.
Lincoln White
Wrong. Kurds are cool. They are wahhabbist removers.
Turkish shores are alright (historically Greek lands) but further inland it's basically Iraq v2 nobody wants it
Jordan Thompson
turkey is the center of muslim brotherhood,that`s why the brit jihadist lover adores them.after all.we are not european according to them.i don`t give a shit about northeners.ave.
Adam Ward
Glorious Greek Reconquista incoming. First Cyprus, then Constantinople, then Anatolia.
I'm not even Greek but that would make me immensely happy.
Jaxson Powell
They only fought wahhabists because they were promised Syrian and Iraqi clay by Israel and their Golem. Those based Kurds killed Syrians too. They are commies and Anarchists, even their diaspora here in the UK and europe are in tight with Antifa faggots.
Nathan Long
Wtf are you talking about cunt, I have a lot of love for Greece and its history.
Henry Morales
You won't do anything. Just accept you fate and submit to the black turkish bull.
Jordan Hill
Commies are still much better than Arabs and Turkish. And so, if we guve them a coutry, they will be more quiet and serve as border agains moors. Trust me, they are helpful.
Syria was helpful. The Kurds helped destroy it with their Israeli masters. Far as i'm concerned they deserve whatever comes next, whether it be from Syrians or the stinking roaches.
Adrian Phillips
Ok mehmet, why dont you go back from where you came from ? You'll never be french no matter what your passport says.
Josiah Williams
I agree with this. Been Greek ever since Homer, homie.
William Evans
Cyprus ? Really ? More like Gilligans Island. Who fucking cares .
Syria wasn't helpuf. Syria have always been a shithole. Kurdistan wouln't be such a shithole. They have lots of oil, they are well organised and will become rich and paceful once they're independent. Also, I don't give a fuck about Israel. Better have the jews there than fucking up around Europe.
Jaxson Walker
Your countries as such shitholes that you have to flee to Europe for a living. More islamic shitholes aren't a solution to the problem.
Xavier Bailey
>syria was a shithole Are you fucking mental? Syria was largely advanced and peaceful, with the different religions and ethnicities co-habitating in relative harmony. I'm convinced you're a kike now. Well, kike, your destabilization of Syria has bitten you in the ass, as their army is now larger than iys ever been, battle hardened and well aware who was behind the "civil" war.
Im going back, but my 12 sons will stay there. There are zero reasons why Greece should dictate Turkey about Cyprus. It's not Europe, it's not Greece, it's turkish land. it would be your best interest to settle the situation giving them a big piece of the cake. Or you can go to war but Turkey will crush you, especially there.
Hudson Adams
You're literally arguing with a kurd most likely, or a Jew. Take your pick. Fuck nu-Jow Forums.
Benjamin Torres
Hahaha the UKcucks and Amerisharts dont give a shit if Turkey fucks up Cyprus. Cyprus has been getting cucked since the first Persian empire. We wuz Alashyans n sheeiiit a long, long, long time ago now we are rape babies.
Jordan Davis
Roaches got a big part of the island. What did they do with it? another islamic shithole while the Greek part prospers. Yet you, an immigrant from another islamic shithole, want them to hold all of it. Shitskin logic.
Jason Cox
Already happened.
Isaac Garcia
North Cyprus is a Turkish puppet?
Thomas Martin
No European country would do anything about it if it happened to them. Everyone is too cucked and like most places only whines to bigger countries to be the big boy in the room and scare the other guy into submission
Colton Walker
Let me guess, the US is involved somehow?
Carson Wood
Kurdistan won't exisst for more than 5 years lol. As soon as they get their independence, Turkey will go to war against them.
Liam Gutierrez
Dominic Hall
Why are you in France, t*rkroach? Why not stay in your glorious homeland top fucking kek.
Cyprus will burn soon enough and at the end there will be zero t*rks on it.
After centuries spent in injecting you women with our strong black semem, we are basically the same people. Those are bulgarians
Justin Sullivan
What prosperity kek. I actually root for erdoroach to keep doing his thing. Over 5000 Turks have asked for asylum in Greece the last years, Turkey is officially a shithole dictatorship. Just 15 years ago they almost entered EU. Today their only friends are Pakistan and ISIS.
Charles Baker
The Brokeback Confederation
Jace Butler
>low IQ roach doesn't know its history
Rape victims had abortions with extreme prejudice and the mothers were often killed in order to preserve the blood pure.
If anything, you roaches got BLEACHED by all the slaves that you took... they fucked your women which explains the blue eyed, white-ish roaches nowadays.
Last time I checked it was part of the EU and it's mostly populated by Greeks (genetically a bit different than mainland Greeks, but still Greeks)
Thomas Gonzalez
Alright, found the Arabs. Fuck your cucked counties. Slavs are the true based master race.
Henry Smith
Dude, please never insult other Europeans here, not matter what they say to you. Over half the time they are not even Euros and the times they are, it's not worth it to answer them and cause any further division.
Xavier Adams
Anyone and I mean ANYONE with a Western flag that supports dirty muslim pedo worshippers on Jow Forums is guaranteed to be shitskin muzzie diaspora. No exceptions.
Christopher Harris
Jace Peterson
Will we get to kill turks in ww3? If so I cant wait for it debtbro
Jace Hernandez
Can't wait for t*rkish civil war. I will masturbate to all the death and rivers of blood.
Greekbros who have already served. Do you think they may draft us? Have you heard about anyone getting a letter?
Adam Perry
Sad but true
Angel Hernandez
Ok but we are getting your gas anyway, Astrepetopaulos. Submit to our will without resistance and probably Recep Tayyip Erdogan will show mercy - after all, for centuries we injected our semen on your people for centuries.
Dude... You should really read some history. See what life was like for Greeks under Turkish occupation, as well as how it was like for Turks under Greek occupation.
A few other fun facts 1) Turks hate 2 things, us calling it Greek coffee and niggers. 2)Last time we were at full out war with Turkey, they got saved by a communist Jew 3)The EU is looking forward to creating an EU army. If shit really does go south, they are pretty much forced to join or nobody will help France and Germany build their army.
Justin Young
>1000 years of abortions You share this delusion with the spaniards.
Sebastian Jones
*ahem* May I have your attention please? Good.
My dad was drafted in 1974. They drafted everyone except the very old.
They took them to a military camp, they stayed there for a few days doing nothing, then the alarm ended and they went home. Didn't even give them any military clothes or anything.
I'm just gonna sit on my lazy Greek ass and wait for CIA to arm the Kurds and split turkey in two. no need to worry
Benjamin Adams
Very punny brother
Thomas Perez
We're with you brother. Not Hellenic but wouldn't let my Greek mates go to fight for you without me. Never forget the shame of Europe, 1453 when Western nations turned their backs on Constantinople. Never again.
Josiah Smith
I have a friend that was in special forces during the Cold War. He is an oldfag now, but has a lot of stories and inside info.
We have a lot of dams on the rivers that flow to t*rkey. In case of a roach invasion or war, they are ALL lined with explosives and have a 24/7 watch. If the roaches try something we can drown the European part of t*rkey, literally. They know this very well and it's the main reason they have not tried Kosovo 2.0 with the Bulgarian muslims in the south.
Michael Scott
As always Greece beat you to the punch Italy, just like in 1940
Luke Martinez
τους γραφω στ`αρχιδια μου.μια ζωη φιλοτουρkοι ηταν.kανε τα kουμαντα σου kαι ασε με να kανω τα διkα μου.δεν ανεχομαι kανενας να με λεει τουρkοσπορο.αν εσυ το ανεχεσαι προβλημα σου.
Jace Bell
So you're a Turk. I can understand how you feel, watching Erdogan acting as if he's a mighty Sultan in the new Ottoman empire warms your heart in the cold nights you're washing dishes or grilling kebab in France. But in reality, those acts are just a show to impress his low IQ voters. You're not getting shit from the gas.
Asher Rodriguez
Fucking Turks
Aiden Lewis
we are all getting drafted bro. However, as said, it does not mean much unless action all out war occurs. If it's limited to minor skirmishes, then nothing serious is going to happen.
Jordan Howard
Jacob Lopez
mobilization when? I want to kill some roaches
Dominic Phillips
Last time I checked it was
Adrian Gutierrez
You are insulting other Euros too, while the people saying this crap are not even Euros, they are just random muzzies living in Europe.
Jordan Garcia
inb4 "it's just a drill!"
Jacob Davis
Listen to big bad Straya ere If you lot were around then you wouldn't do fuck all but shit post in manuscripts.
Anthony Gray
Sounds fun. I can already imagine my mother if I get drafted, though... hahaha
Benjamin Cruz
Do you blame them for poking each other in the ass when their women look like this?