What happens here?

What happens here?

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ebola, nappy hair, beaches filled with poop, monkey meat, etc

The Niggering.


White women go on vacation there to be sexualy satisfied. These guys saved so many white marriages. Thry honestly did more for the white race than you incels

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I think its awesome jews will burn in hell since youre all evil little imps

>What happens here?
The most nigger region of Africa.

Battles for control of the Niger River.

the great nigger Jihad chimp-out

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Benin :-----DDDDD

France happens there

War, ethnic cleaning, genocide, ebola and somehow we need more of them at home.

Nigeria and Ghana aren't too bad

Somebody have to stop them from killing each other.

Nigeria will soon fall in a civil war. The desertification, the lack of water and the demographic bomb will not help.

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French economic exploitation and a lot of kanker niggers

Supply issues and going around the coast to dab on italy

Such a beautiful diverse place with breathtaking culture!

ooga booga

Rape and aids.

LMAO This guy. I'm a fan of this guy, really.


Canada has already pleadged for 1 million nigerian immigrants and probably another million of "refugees" we don't know about yet