
How would the world be like if none of this countries existed?

Attached: 1560746121231.jpg (499x278, 40K)

israel existing is literally germany's fault


primitive and free

Prolly Islamic countries would be invading other countries at a much higher pace

Nice try, israel isn’t a country, it’s a state and a illegal one at that

If existed EVER it means you wouldn't have a shit ton of technology.
The UK, and Germany has invented a lot of shit over the centuries, and then the recent advancement of America has played a big part.
You'd be like 500 years behind in technology.

>How would the world be like if none of this countries existed?
it'd look a bit like this pic

Attached: 1559295091918.jpg (620x330, 58K)

It's a fucking bless
keep shitposting pajeet, they are the very cause of the muslim problems

Hell of better.

Germany are honorable people, leave them alone you swarthy sunburned cockroach.
God might eliminate the kikes, Brits, and bless the yankies as they are here for the greater lols and keks for mankind


You would speak french by now

Boring as shit. You guys would'nt know what to do with yourselves.

Also, it's a little mean to exclude France from the list of countries that actually Matter.

What about them?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (1200x800, 1K)

unfortunately this

Incorrect, we’d all be speaking Arabic and surrendering to everyone

you could take away one of those flags and solve a lot of problems in the other 3

Less interesting

Yeah exactly French.

No Israel means peace.

Attached: Anti-Israel.png (660x480, 30K)

we would all be speaking Turkish and I would be living in Denmark.