DON'T WATCH PORN! It's addictive.
Already addicted? Don't "clean your room"...
Do this:
•Connect With LOGOS
•Break Addiction w/Grace
•Get Married
•Lead Successful Life
•Celebrate #FathersDay

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I am married and was still addicted to porn jacking off in the shower every morning. One day my wife wanted to suck my dick after my shower and I wasn't ready since I just jacked off. That was a big eye opener for me. I'm on like day 5 of not masturbating, going pretty good so far.

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Yes, stop getting yourself destroyed by the (((matrix))) of mind control which is masturbation and/or porn.

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How about instead: Learn self control.

A dog is taught not to do a specific this or that. A man develops personal restraint, discipline, and channels his energy into worthwhile pursuits. A man can tell for himself if something is a ruinous vice or not. A man knows when he is free or not, to the state and to his urges.

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maybe women should stop being so fat and cunty

>How about instead: Learn self control.
Fuck off kike, porn gives you blue balls and dealing with that is a pain IN THE BALLS.

You have a one-track mind. You can only go so far with one track, and never any further.

That might not matter for you, if you have nowhere to go. Especially, anywhere you haven't been before.

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Why don't you eat my shit?

I'm trying to get married but all the girls walking around are 200+ pound sheboons or spics.

The mental hoops these jews go through.
>watch porn=masturbation
>simultaneously furries rise as nationalism rises
>nationalism=furry fandom=scalies
Interesting conclusions you can make when you follow jewish "logic." Or at least the conclusions they would intend you to make when you expand it to other things.

>Get Married
>Celebrate #FathersDay
no, roastie. Noone will marry you. Noone will have children with you. Go find a nigger or a ching-chong to marry and breed with you, its not like you have an option anymore, all those Chads you fucked aren't willing to settle down with you, and all those betas you rejected have nothing but disgust towards you.
Time to pay up, roastie.

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what does snapchat have to do with sex?

>what does snapchat have to do with sex?
massive degenerate sexualization of the youth.

so this faggot decided that screaming logos like a parrot wasn't enough, so now he is copying Varg?

Learn self control with Heroin!

through nude pics of each other?

>so now he is copying Varg?
EMJ has written huge books, including Libido Dominandi:Sexual Revolution as political control.
Your Varg LARPagan just spit out common sene about porn that he has found on the internet.

Yes. You think kids just sent selfies to each other?

>Self control

So ok stop watching porn then?

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>It's addictive.
its really not. i only spank the money when ive got nothing better to do. if im busy porn doesnt even cross my mind.

no idea what people did with snapchat I dont have any friends who use it lol

E Michael Jones is based. Too bad Amerimutts dislike him because they are obsessed with "MUH WHITE SKIN"

You realize that’s what the apps originally was for?

>E Michael Jones shilling

I’ve read his stuff and listened to his YouTube. He’s alright, interesting ideas. My only issue is that he really hates the English. Like he has a weird autistic hatred for the British Isles, and as a British Catholic this frustrates me beyond end.

He constantly points out our atrocities and treats Spain, Portugal, Russia, Italy etc. etc. as totally historically innocent. To me, that’s just blind hatred and I’ve stopped reading. But yeah, stop watching porn. There is nothing more Jewish than porn.

What happened to yellow on /b/?

watch this, he did a talk in England.

Every Catholic should have a duty to hate the English for what they did. It's not without reason. England was the first big Golem for the jews. It's where they started to gain world power and push for their agenda. The Brits controlled by the jews have killed by hanging and quartering Christians in the 17th century. It's an evil empire and it belongs to Satan.
That's where Freemasonry, Modern Science, Usury, Anglicanism, Protestants, Pedophilia rings come from. It all started from there.

porn doesnt give me blue balls but nopom does

>excitement doesn't excite me
>nonexcitment excites me
Nice try huehue.

just wank to cam models instead

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I won’t even bother responding to your claims since they are not based in history. (Forgetting hussites, Luther, etc)

You sound like a liberal that wants to convince people to hate themselves. English Catholics should not have shame for simply being born of the British Isles, and likewise our entire history cannot be thrown out because of the reformation and Churchill. Don’t forget that Newman and others hailed from Britain and that Ireland, Scotland and Wales pretty much preserved Christianity and academics while medniggers were becoming cavemen again.

Thanks for reminding me not to read Jones or his cult of followers again.

maybe we are not talking about the same thing.
what i mean is this:

when i do nopom my balls get swolen, they ache and they get blue/darker after two weeks. they stay like that for 2-3 days. this is also the time where my desire to fap or fuck is at it's peak.

[1]: no porn, orgasm, masturbation or edging

>when i do nopom my balls get swolen
Where is the excitement?

You have sinned too much that's why God has punished you. Anglicanism, Quakers, Evangelicals, Puritans. They all originate from England. I know about Luther, but Anglos are way more Protestant than Germans.
England has killed million of Irish Catholics by starving them. How can a Christian nation do this to their brothers? What about Elizabeth I hating Christians and hanging them on the puiblic square and boiling them? What about Hume, Newton, Darwin, Cromwell? What about the hateful British paying pirates to attack Catholic Spanish boats and steal their gold to give it to their Jewish masters?
Your country is not a Christian country. You may be a good Catholic, but your country and your people have a history of being instruments of Satan.

He has no problem with Ireland, stop lumping everyone together when it suits the english.

Give me loving waifu and I won't watch porn or Fap.

at that point i'll get excited by anything. it's so bad at times that i have to take a break at work so that i'll calm myself down.

Right, and the continental “catholic” countries are without sin. Hilarious. This is why Jones will never be more than a meme.

oh and i work in an university so whenever i leave my office there are hot young girls wearing short shorts and hot milf liberal arts teachers in yoga pants everywhere.

Hungary, Poland, Argentina and Italy are way better than anything happening in England or other Anglo-Saxon countries. Look at what is happening in your country and compare it to historically traditional catholic med countries.
Your cities belong to muslims. London has a paki major. Your children are being taught transgenderism in middle school. British girls lose their virginity at 13 and start drinking and clubbing at 15. The police allows muslims to gang rape white children. You go to jail for questioning the jews. You live in a police state where jews and muslims rule over you. Why do you think God is allowing that? Because England has sinned too much and you deserve it.

got severe issues with anxiety?
stop masturbating, works wonders
thank me later

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Right, and in your fantasy world I’m sure Catholic France is doing fantastic.

France stopped being Catholic in 1789.

It starts with the thought.

It is you doing all the damage, not pornography. There is no justification for your selfishness and weakness. With or without porn, your mind throws suggestions at you and then you choose to accept or not to accept them. While you can bargain, avoid porn but entertain your fantasies because it's not that bad, this lukewarm approach will be harmful in the long term. Again you'll have created your own mental prison.

You are or you are not.

Great excuse. I really admire the intellectual ability of Jones fanatics.

>don’t watch porn for a month
>now I cum in 10 seconds every time I fuck my wife

at least she usually is down for round 2 but still, my performance sucks now

How do I break the circle of self desturction? My parents neglected me and that's pretty much all I know, I learned to get used to it and treat myself the same way. I leave myself hanging, talk myself down and spiral down into depression. That's what I grew up with and that's all I know. If by some accident I happen to have kids I will raise them the same and the circle continues.
How do I break free, how do I stop treating myself(my chidlren) the same way my parents treated me.
Now, I'm talking very much black and white here, I know some things I could do, but that's just not me, that's telling me to be someone else when I ask how I can be someone else.

>"Great excuse. I really admire the intellectual ability of Jones fanatics."
>What is the (((french revolution)))

Stop cumming to it.
Then over time, make the connection between the way the models look and the way real women look.
Realise that sometimes the real girl is hotter than the model, and you won't need porn anymore, because you can imagine all the fetishes and niches in your mind with the real women as a template.
At that point you probably will watch porn and find yourself less horny and less hard than you are when laying on the couch/bed with your eyes closed, and your third eye on the money.

It all starts with not cumming to porn, and only cumming to imagination.
The shortcut is not to fap (and thus not to cum) at all as well.

>t. Personal experience

Ever heard of the Pygmalion effect?
Expectations directly influence the outcome through all manner of signals that you physically broadcast.
Take something small, like going to the toilet.
If you're expecting a big sticky sludge, you're probably gonna get it.
If on the other hand you're walking to the toilet thinking "I expect a clean, tidy poop with little need for aftercare" you'll get it.
Now apply that to other things in real life.
Your parents neglecting you means you think they never cared for or about you, and every time you think that your parents will find a way to prove you right.
It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, how to break free?
Change your mind.
Knowing what you know, you can expect to do better than your parents.
That's a guarantee already, and it's well within your ability to affirm it, as well as risk destroying it.

Expect the best. The good will follow.

Day 12 or so, just when youre about to hit two weeks, is the hardest to me but its only gotten easier since.

>move to a nice little town in bavaria
>find a good paying job
>go to a traditional catholic church and start talking to the priest. See if the things he says are the same that the Catholic Church has said for 1500 years (read Aquinas, thats all you need), if he does, seek help from him
>get baptized and start to frequent the Church
>meet qt girl that has the same values as you
>marry her
>have kids
>enjoy life