When did the quality of women begin to go down hill?

When did the quality of women begin to go down hill?

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what she hiding in that vage?

Evidence which will convict Hillary Clinton.

About 1.1 billion years ago when gender was invented

das alright

No strong fathers.
Single mothers are basically children rising up other children.
They become hypersexualized retards.

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When you decided to become a bitter incel

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Humanity was birthed in the mud, pulling ourselves out of it is a process that could last forever, but we've gotten real close and now we're going backwards.
Read the story of Adam and Eve again.

Women have been uncrhistian since the first evolutionary step

women are inherently inferior beings incapable of logic. they are twice as likely as men to visit a fortune teller. psychic or consult their horroscope because they employ "magical thinking" like young children do. they need to be treated as children

women only exist for procreation and lactation. they cannot be allowed out of the home, into the workplace or the polling place. they must be kept subserviant. for women who try to demand equality, the answer for such disorders is beatings

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She has an unsightly vagina. Unless you have a perfect trad innie pussy then you better have some hair down there to obscure that monstrosity. The Japs had it right with censored porn and hairy bushes.

When you started enjoying porn. When that happened they monetized the degradation of women. Women, in turn, are too vapid to have self respect and bought in to it.

In short, stop watching porn and women may become more traditional.

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A kilometer of cocks once ridden

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People should read Big Red Son by David Foster Wallace if they want some insight on what porn executives are all about. Great read. Porn is the most degrading thing to a woman imaginable, and being told to write "im a dirty cum slut" on your ass by some sleazy jew makes it that much worse.

Pretty nice but it needs to be longer to be a proper pasta I wouldn't be ashamed to paste

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Girl in your pic is goofy looking, coupled with your rant Im left to imagine you look like pic related

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Somewhere around suffrage

tits AND gtfo roastie

did she tuck in her roast? lmao

>english teacher not getting easy nip poon

she looks so soft

1080p you could star to see the imperfections

60s but so more the 00's.

Fedora is the best mainstream GNU/Linux distro

I'm never get a girlfriend because I'm a loser incel beta

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sorry that you're ugly m8

uhh. looks alright to me user.

for srs though, they have always been shit but social media made them way way way worse. and it will only keep getting worse.

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Obviously feminism first, but because of feminism came the sexual revolution. Men who think it's good to sleep with as many women as possible are only heaping gasoline onto a dumpster fire.

Seriously though m8, you need to get laid

Unironically voting rights, there was a definitive power structure prior, the same seen in pack animals. Now empathy and a human invention of justice has convinced men to relinquish the alpha status. So naturally women are trying to bite mens throats and claim the alpha. Give an inch take a mile deal. It would be fine if they were capable of maintaining alpha however instead we get pic related and naked she devils screaming about abortion, race traitors and jezzebels. Nay, now they have been given equal status, they choose to mimick our evils and vices, so they have the temptations of man on top of their pre existing vices. Ironic in a bitterly humorous way, a few social justice warriors plunge us into an era of suffering, because justice is to suffer equally. Our final justice is death, i hope to God he skips the rebirth

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End of the Victorian era

and since Queen Nasim died

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Hack yo ass?

on a scale from based to redpilled, im gonna go ahead and rank this post both based & redpilled.

Women have always been shitty. But nowadays they have the means to be even more shitty.

When they ate the Forbidden Fruit