Doesn't matter, jews will still be the gold medalists in the oppression olympics
>Trump refuses to secure the US border
>Israel names a piece of land it stole from Syria after Trump
They conquered the Golan during a war.
If outcomes of war is stealing that USA is a stolen land from the natives, and then from the British because they lost the war.
Israel most definitely stole the Golan heights. I am sure you will be fine with Russia "conquering" more of Ukraine then just Crimea.
Are you the same pro-kike Ukrainian that has been posting on Jow Forums since 2016? There are not very many Ukrainians on Jow Forums but the few who do post are typically kike apologist
"They definitely can't stop the construction now or move us off, we named the settlement after our number 1 Goy!"
Trump's Good Goy points are paying off.
Sand Nigger spotted
>If you criticize kikes you must be a sand nigger
I agree with all territorial changes purely because I like seeing changes on maps
Would you like Mexico to expand and encompass sections of New Mexico too?
I imagine the people who are going to live there will eventually sue until the name trump is removed, once he's out of office.
>If you criticize America you must be an American
Fuck you habibi, you're only alive because you didn't cross my field of fire.
I'm Israeli traveling here.
Your mental gymnastics have no power to change definitions. Krimea wasn't conquered in a war, it was annexed and the people held a referendum and they chose to become Russia. Why? Because krimea was always Russian, it's whole population is. If you can't conquer regions via war then what is war good for? Retard
They know its stolen syrian clay so they need to make sure the dumb amerigoys will be angry when assad seeks to reclaim it
Fuck you GPS, I'm not updating.
>I'm Israeli traveling here.
Kill yourself immediately
All potentially hurtful comments I've made have been satirical and/or done for research purposes. Racism is bad.
This is embarassing for everyone involved.
The sign will be replaced after Trump loses in 2020, guaranteed. All those GBP gone to waste.
It's kinda brilliant. Trumps legacy will be one for the history books. Not many people get remembered for ages in such a historical part of the world whether we like it or not. Especially the so called holy land.
>"it is a privilege to die for israel"
best goy