These guys are much whiter than Balkanians but also Central Europeans...

These guys are much whiter than Balkanians but also Central Europeans. How come Ukrainians are almost Nordic-tier but border half-Turks like Romanians and Hungarians?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png (1200x800, 881)

Attached: 29665177_891378064378510_7627311443921493378_o.jpg (1365x2048, 675K)

The same goes with nation

1. They're not. Don't believe the memes.
2. They're genetically Russians.

Finnish, Hungarian, Ukrainian
Why are Finno-Ugrics such absolute subhumans and how can you be fixed?

Attached: fhu.jpg (1197x604, 313K)

>but border half-Turks like Romanians
Romanians are the worst shitskin in Europe, even turks are far whiter than romashit gypsoids

The same? Identical compering to those mongoloids? Such a disgusting fake!

Attached: Генофонд_мтДНК.jpg (559x467, 69K)

>almost Nordic-tier

Are Macedonians Turks?

Hoho! It was invented almost in living memory.
Ukrainians (i.e. those in the western part who don't reject this identity) are largely Balkanites mixed with Russians and Turkics.