Karl Marx has won.

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99.99% chance of victory.. it's over bros..

I think Jow Forums culture has infected norm NPCs so much that they troll pollsters just for fun.

If that faggot got in next US election, it'll be more entertaining than Trump ever was.

Boomer scum are about to get what was coming to them decades ago
>muh socialism
>muh millennial entitlement
get fucked boomers

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bernie is their only chance of beating Trump, and even still I find it unlikely.

Ah yes, the man who created Kim Possible has now resorted to boomer-tier memes. I don’t even like Bernie but this painfully unfunny.

Anybody can beat Trump at this point. All they have to say is that Trump lied to his voters. If anybody questions them, they can easily respond with “where’s the wall?”

Biden is going to shaft him like Hilldawg did
t. these digits


>Dems overwhelmingly want Bernie
>Superdelegates say no, run Biden
>Libtards finally defect, vote Green
>Trump wins again
>4 more of salt
Screencap this

Not really mate, he was obstructed the entire way on that by either RINO's or Dems. Try harder.

Biden is leading Bernie though. Bernie is less popular than kiddie-fiddler.

See this sword? The Prince of Darkness sold it to me.
A poem from Karl Marx to his father.
Karl Marx Poems to Satan

have sex incel

>polls are to be believed
Remind me just how accurate those were the last time? Fuck yourself, turbonigger.

If the socialists actually win, the next president after that won't be some Zion-con it'll be Hitler

I unironically want to know how Trump is different from any democrat. They are all identical at this point

Different people, same system.

Fox poll also said Trump is going too far on immigration. Shows you who is voting in these things.

I want trump to win again so bad, not for political reasons but I just want to see the media chimp

imagine the meltdowns

i bet the bernie bros ate this shit up

You did this to yourselves.

You failed to reign the excesses of capitalism and so people have given up on it entirely

Congrats morons.

Trolling has become a tactical strategy even for normies now.

the media doesn't care anymore, it's just a cynical grift at this point.

>lil marxie wrote satanic poetry
I did not know this and I'm not even close to being surprised by it.

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The young turks livestream will be a bloodbath

Oh they care, you can see the hate from them, he has consumed their lives

No hes not.

Bernie polls TERRIBLY with people over 40. His support is like under 10% of the 55+ demographic. Older people are more likely to vote.

Biden polls really well with older voters and terribly with younger voters.

We are still 2 or 3 elections from the great boomer die-off so for now you get shitty centrist candidates who suck jew dick

if anyone doubts that the Walls being built just go look at foreman Mike's videos of them erecting the wall. They just finished a massive section.

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but the dems will never let bernie get the nomination.

why do you think there are 20 people at the first debate, they do this to limit time from candidates not in the dnc circle like Tulsi and Bernie.

the nobody candidates will also be on stage to take cheap shots at tulsi/bernie and the amount of people on stage will be the excuse to not let Bernie/ Tulsi have a rebuttal, they will do this over and over again to brainwash the democrat voters that bernie/tulsi are not the right choice.

t. happened to Ron Paul in 2008/2012.