Historical pol pictures

I'll start:
>captured Indian pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan getting treatment from Pakistani Army circa 2019

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-12-20-38-06-1.png (1394x1592, 2.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Disgusting brown skinned subhumans

Post the one where they served him tea in the mess hall and the "price" was his Mig.

>all those OSINT twitter accounts getting purged because of butthurt Indians and the Indian government because people called out their BS with open source data

Nvm found it.

Top bants.

Attached: Pakistan_Air_Force_Joke.jpg (560x767, 105K)

I got you bro.

Attached: D3aw8SJX4AEebha.jpg (884x1200, 173K)

Kanye in the middle?

Absolutely lethal banter.

Top kek, I love pakis now

Dont do this again

Attached: 1559031752439.webm (640x352, 2.4M)