Reddit primarily upvoted news that it 'likes' to hear

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upvotes news*

And yet its still online. So fuck r/polydicks.

'pol' mentioned in that thread.

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>reddit primarily upvoted news that it 'likes' to hear
Confirmation bias?
On Reddit? I don't believe it. And to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Reddit. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Reddit's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Reddit users truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Reddit's existential catchphrase "The front page of the internet" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Reddit's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Reddit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

I'm not caught up on this, why did they get a search warrant?

And Jow Forums doesn’t sage what it doesn’t like

>based user tries redpilling gf
>gf can’t handle the truth
Why am I not surprised

I like how absolutely no one mentions that 8ch doesn't even store the IP data of deleted posts, or that 8ch has an onion link. No one is getting busted over this.
Image related is a great post from that thread.
That kid who shot up the synagogue posted on 8ch about doing the attack just before he did it.

Attached: pol BTFO'ed.png (818x138, 23K)

The primary difference between Jow Forums and reddit is that unpopular shit here gets replies and attention and it is not downvoted to obscurity like on reddit. That and the fact that you can say almost anything you want here.

>once dated a guy
As a gay bottom.

The retards that did the raid have bigger troubles tying their own shoelaces.

>I like how absolutely no one mentions that 8ch doesn't even store the IP data of deleted posts, or that 8ch has an onion link. No one is getting busted over this.
>That kid who shot up the synagogue posted on 8ch about doing the attack just before he did it.
i don't disagree with you but if the first point is true then how do they know it was actually him that posted the thread?

Which kid are we talking about? Like I said I'm not too caught up with this shit

started falling asleep reading that

You are wasting your time trying to get the redddit cancer to understand the difference between a downvote that effectively removes a post from the sight of most users and a sage that does nothing to limit the exposure of others post

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he linked the stream dingus

>That kid who shot up the synagogue posted on 8ch about doing the attack just before he did it.
The next time somebody shot a synagogue he should send emails to every big fat jewish lawyer so the FEDs go investigate them.
Who knows, maybe they can disband some talmudic pedophile rings.

Because he posted just before the attack and the open letter in the pastebin was signed by his real life name. They obviously didn't need his IP.
John Earnest, killed 1 kike in Poway, California and injured a bunch of others.

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he posted a link to a discord server, could've been some guy in the discord and he just relayed the message as a LARP

oh i am getting my shooters messed up, my bad

Its rick and norty copy pasta

Joining the alt right is indeed poison for both social life and sanity. I dont think many people would deny this.

Warrent Nr 35 from many in past and many more in future

Who's discord and can I join?

>I'm watching my ex-wife
Nothing creepy here.

>Women's "opinions".
What more proof do you need than this that women are children?

>Jow Forums literally is cucking redditors
No wonder they hate Jow Forums

Everything but soiboi.

No shit, guess why the reddit niggers are so hated!

Ive been logging her daily schedule and sleeping outside their house in my car, I cant believe she left me for a nazi, reeeee

i don't know, and i don't care what you do, fedposter

KGB mod censorship, left wing brigading tolerated, upvote bits. No one should be using reddit at this point it's way too pozzed.

so some niggers at 8 chin , 9ga g ,discoards got into trouble for being retards who think they can ethnically cleanse some gooks and havent figured out gooks have lawyers

dont expect logic from tyrome. the kkk doesnt need blogs and message boards . the rodney king riots produced enough white supremacists in many states to last through the decade... thats only another year and a half but thats a year and a half

Remember a few years ago Reddit used to release end of year stats about the places most posts were coming from in each state and one was an air force base tasked with propaganda.

Think I'm remembering that correctly.

I didnt know my ex gf was on reddit

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there are other words that change when you type them newfaggot

this is going in my report

Unironically we promote what we hate. They're the blue pill, we're the red pill. A thread thrives on argument. Reddit thrives on upvoting your favorite poster

I don't have an argument against this. I take month plus long breaks from here and generally my life will get better, I'm less angry. That doesn't mean I don't go off about my guns to my anti-gunners girlfriend, she'll learn, I'll break her. Also, more friends have been hitting me up recently, taking a break from here is a good thing, just fill the time in with reading, studying, gym or training, that's what I do in my down time.

>I can save her!

Nothing to see here goyim

I think Jow Forums sages stupidity, or just shitposting slides, more than it does things it doesn't like. The board pretty much started by saying things the mass consensus never liked.

So lEiK omg I was in a super #toxic relationship with my ex boyfriend (see I'm a girl orbiters upvote please x) and it was like so toxic and actually happened not making this up for my reddit gold not toxic

Edit; Wow thanks for the gold ya'll!

And they are located in the Philippines, right? Who even issues the warrant?

Hahaha. I love it when the zee oh gee doesn’t communicate with each other.

Oh, very nice digits. And yes, they got some kind of search warrant, but as other anons have said, it means very little, and it is just for that thread.

The servers are in the US I'm pretty sure. It was the FBI, they also got caught posting in the threads themselves pretending to be anons and also samefagging since the screenshots of posts they had in the court documents still had the (You)'s present.

No shit sherlock? Almost like I avoided them on purpose? Dumbass.

They are Southeast Asia I believe, not the Phillipines. But the country doesn't honor US extradition requests, I know that.

Are you serious? lmao the fedposter meme is unironic

Don't be surprised when they try the same for here.
Few weeks ago there was an obvious glow with images and promotion of killing journalists.
Either alphabet soup or a desperate journalist hoping for clicks

Is this my Jewish ex girlfriend?

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>based, get the high score

my fucking SIDES

They photocopied a fucking cellphone

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>That kid who shot up the synagogue posted on 8ch about doing the attack just before he did it
And it was reported and no one stopped it...

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You can't keep watching threats and terrorist cells if you actually go and intercept them. That defeats the purpose of watching them!

Holy mother of god they made all those posts?
Damn, they also enjoy shilling against Russia. God, it's so fucking transparent.

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>my ex literally brainwashed me with /pol threads by deprogramming my Reddit brainwashing. Whew good thing i'm back here guys. Orange man bad


Wonder what reddit will be like if WW3 starts?