Daily reminder arranged / forced marriage is our best option now

Right now you should be trading your sister or cousin to a healthy white redpilled friend you trust in exchange to breed with his sister or cousin.
And when we do finally have an ethnostate we start a ''white sharia'' like system by these methods
step 1: abolish all female rights, they will become under new law defined as property of her father, or husband, or the state depending on the situation
step 2: set up arranged marriage laws and culture so that men must ask a females father for permission to marry her
step 3: set up anti divorce laws for both men and women, getting rid of alimony and splitting ownership of possessions. making it illegal to divorce until children are grown up. etc
step 4: set up several positive eugenics systems based in science to objectively improve the white tribe as well as maintaining a sustainable 2.1+ national birth rate

>b-b-but that's not our culture reee!
it was 100 years ago and still is today in Amish communities and the elite.
>what about whamens feelings you fucking incel reee!
white birthrates, biological functionalism, and the tribe's survival are more important than your (((boomer))) tier moral code.
>arranged marriage is somehow the same thing as incest reee!
weak strawman and misinformation. nice try.
>you just need other men to help you get laid f-fucking loser virgin reee!
you want to know how i know you're a female or a kike? because you try to use the leverage of social consensus and demoralizing tactics instead of explicitly refuting my talking points.

roasties, femcels, and white knight beta boomers need not apply

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please elaborate on
>several positive eugenics systems based in science

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have sex incel

>arranged marriage
>look at calendar
>it's current year
>look out the window
>it's still current rancid society
None of this fucking matters until societal collapse throughout all the west cause that's the only way we'll ever see ANYTHING change for the better.

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there's a million ways to set up eugenics dude but here's one idea i had
we can have state run tournaments every year that test both physical and mental abilities of any male in the tribe that chooses to enter.
the few top winners or maybe just first place gets to choose any female in the nation that's single to marry regardless of whether her father or her agrees.
have white babies femcel

you're pretty based, do you like christcucks?

You're going to hell misguided whore.

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this is not a thread about how to achieve the ethnostate or even the collapse.
this is a thread about arranged marriage law culture and eugenics ideas and debate
only if they are completely 1488 and are also willing to live among other white religion groups in peace like pagans or vril society etc
i want a secular fascist nation state

I have the impression that pol's christcucks are always the biggest feminists. Every argument is always about "muh children", never true interest politics.

don't fall for the kike divide and conquer tactics.
i'm christian and want a secular state and i want to live and grow with pagans.
both religions actually need to be completely reformed in my opinion to fit 1488 culture and law
i would take any spiritual repercussions for changing the bible that way.

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artificial gestation would be much more feasible, reliable, and efficient.

as an eco fascist i want the tribe to become one with nature and replacing the ability to biologically reproduce anymore kindof goes against that

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i'm with you user let's make the world a better place

The mental gymnastics OP has gone through because he cant get laid is impressive. I don't even pity him

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>i'm christian
>I am going to change the bible

Actually if i remember correctly while commies were ideologically opposed to christianity (Almost opposite spiritual nature. Orthodox chirch calls common man "slave of god" (and often acts "accordingly") and communists have seen themselves as liberators of all enslaved) things like buddhism or paganism were not prosecuted so much, if restricted at all as long as they were not organised cults with sacrafices'n sheet as they did not considered them dangerous. (And yes islam WAS frowned upon but the thing about muslims - the only way to fix them is butchering and as soon as they start starving they turn into raiders, so "accidental local famine" does not work.

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You know you’d be in the first or second wave of those sterilized or just put down, right?

>Replies only with a pic that has no accuracy he saved specifically for a reply like mine
I didn't need any more proof op was an incel but there it is

there's positive and negative eugenics.
if there are undesirable genetic people in the tribe we can trick them by baiting them with free housing and segregating them away from everyone else.
no need to sterilize anyone.

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>Stop calling me incel you virgin REEEEE

>It's not like any christian dared to change the bible before. Modern bible is like totally the same book that was written by saints.

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>implying (((they))) wouldn't use this to force race-mixing

I don’t understand why anyone would need this, it’s not like finding women is difficult.

If you can’t, you need to look at yourself and wonder why.

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Yes it is
Gods said his word would be preserved

>we can have state run tournaments every year that test both physical and mental abilities of any male in the tribe that chooses to enter.
>the few top winners or maybe just first place gets to choose any female in the nation that's single to marry regardless of whether her father or her agrees.
So basically, chads would get pussy and retards like you would still live out their lives like wanker incels. So basically, the same thing happening right now.
Even with classical arranged marriages, no father would give their daughters to some retarded incel.
Your only chance to actually breed ironically is the current hookup culture where some ugly bitch might actually loom at you and see past the autism.

then you have nothing to worry about right? unless of course you are trying to project your possible shortcomings in a system like that onto me

>then you'd have no problem with reconstructing the entire society into an incel fantasy that solves nothing
Gtfo retards, want pussy, work harder on yourself and actually become a likeable human being. If you truly want to save the west as you claim, then join people who support the white ethnostate. Once that is done, all our problems will be gone.

nope this isn't negotiable anymore. we are taking away female rights in the ethnostate

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>incel is more focused on his virgin rage than on the saving of the west
Talk about why even the Jow Forums right wing thinks you guys are retarded

how is taking away female rights and setting up arranged marriage and eugenics virgin rage

>how is being angry at women and wanting the system to force them to have sex with me virgin rage
Gee I wonder

Why do low IQ people always use this talking point?

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>the Amish
The Amish were such a disgusting community, they were first expelled from Switzerland and later from Upper Hungary (present-day Slovakia). Literally more hated than the Jews
>hating wahmens and insisting they must be vapid by default
American sickness. Sadly, it is slowly spreading. Still, American women are 1000% stupider than our girls
>arranged marriage
We didn't repel muslims for centuries on my home river just to become them
>I reject society, therefore I am better
Good job, m8. I'm not going to say that you should have sex. Have a pint with your buddies in the pub.

You are extremely jewed. Are you one of the Foreskinless?

A question for American and Semitic Intactfags: do you notice that the Foreskinless have lesser souls, or no soul at all?

This is a retarded argument, faggot. Men didn't just suddenly start sucking 10 years ago. The great recession wiped out jobs and money, and the whores that are modern women decided to let those men rot and suffer because they weren't as rich as the characters (fake people) they saw on television.
Right now, the first major crisis that happens in this country will be like a wrecking ball that cracks everything open. Average men will not fight for a society that doesn't work for them. They won't protect women they don't see as 'their' women--and right now, a lot of men just flat-out resent women. This country will continue to rot from the inside until trouble strikes, and then it's just going to be everyone for themselves. We're probably 10 years out from an American ISIS. And that will be the fault of faggots like you who overindulged women and had nothing but lectures for men.

>incel cope

>women are at fault because jews and neocons destroyed the economy with bad trade deals and illegal immigrstion
You fucking incels couldn't be more delusional. You have only one singleminded frustration and would go at any lenghts of mental gymnastics to bend any facts into supporting your incel headcanon.
Work on yourself, join the revolution, build the ethnostate. Crying over stacy won't solve anything.

Trips of truth. Also I think eugenics is just retarded: just because you're killing off 'undesireables' it doesn't mean you're increasing the amount of good population, you're just decreasing the 'waste' proportion. But these people aren't actually waste: you can find all sorts of uses for people of low ability, it's just that muh eugenicists are too lazy and think being a genocidal asshole is the way about it. Plus killing everyone who isn't chad doesn't kill off bad genes, he will still have recessives that are crap, that will come out in the due course of time. As will mutation produce extra deficiencies with time.

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I don't entirely believe that sexual slavery is the answer. But it will happen sooner or later if nothing is done to change society. And you faggots whose only answer is to scream that men are just shitty so fuck 'em are a big part of the problem.
The bottom dropped out ten years ago and you all don't give a shit. You act like men with shit jobs can just get jacked, but women don't think like that. You faggots think like that, but women will only marry and have families with men who make more than they do. That is a social and biological fact. You shipped all the jobs out and imported illegals to drive wages down. You didn't even try to hold the degenerate bankers who ruined this country responsible for their crimes. Instead you just went the full feminazi traditionalist and buried your heads in the sand.
Well when the shit hits the fan, that's on you. Breeding is ultimately an amoral thing. The survival of bloodlines is an amoral thing. You aren't going to purge the animal out of men or women, so you better do something to shore up men or there will be hell to pay.

how do you like my new OC?

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>parents controlling a girls sexuality because women, especially young girls are not capable of choosing a good man
>imagine how much less fucked the world would be if parents still made sure their kids married quality spouses from good families

At this point it's some lame i think you're just a jidf paid to post low quality slide threads.
Also saged

>animal out of men or women
>hurr durr no jobs, immigrants drive wages down
>woman won't be seen dead with a poor man
That is YOUR rotten mess, not ours. Your cultural problems have nothing to do with the economy, ethnic makeup of your country, or jews. It's fucking you.
I can see it when Gates pays for "donate to African condom charity" ads and Soros pays for "Slovak moms, your daughters are beautiful (displays black kid on ad)" (none of these were ironic, they are real), when faggots from American-style private universities make faggot marches in Bratislava to promote eating onions, grapefruit juice, and having childless families because muh overpopulation (aka making room for niggers and serbs).
It's nothing but your own filth, and enslaving half of the white population of America won't fix it. It's a defect of American culture. Your very state was built out of the refuse of Europe - English puritans, British prisoners sold off to slavery, the Italian poverty, hungry Germans (pre-unification Germany was a poor, hungry shithole from which Germans emigrated eastwards as far as the Volga). American culture is the evolved sum of every rejected idea from Europe. You have a female entitlement problem because, among other things, you spent the last 50 years promoting table-waiting, lowkey prostitution, and porn as legitimate and praiseworthy careers for young women

A 'good parent' will just force the daughter into marriage with a refugee for muh karma points

Women vote for two things, their right to kill their children and their right to use the guns of the state to rob men.

When I read this, I immediately know that you are a christcuck. It is time for pol to discuss the christkikie question.

Multiculti cities are Babylon, mother of whores.

White Christian old stock Americans are Ephraimites and they make the ancient Ephraimite mistake of confusing their wealth given to them by God for intelligence and they allowed Babylon to prosper in their lands, but they are not all part of the cancer.

The elders are almost worthless in this struggle, they want a secure retirement first and foremost and will support the status quo till the cities burn

Only fear God
Jesus is Lord, Messiah and King and the kikes hated and still hate him because he told the truth

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have sex

Most of what you describe was practiced when the catholic church was the primary authority

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>somehow equates being anti-prostitution as being a christfag

People will only get the ideas you implant in them. We had less miscegenation problems when the communists offered help to African and Arab students and dedicated entire schools purely for foreigners than we have now when every other advertisement shills for color mixing of some degree. Independent Estonia demonstrates that you can unironically have an atheist society and not have American problems so as long as you don't have American advertising and entertainment (in short, no American culture).

Except that Catholics were not a primary authority anywhere outside of Rome, where catholic houses reigned with money, dick, and wombs. Catholics have no real religious authority outside of Italy. They are simply too degenerate to be taken seriously.

Religious "ownership" of these parts passes many times from catholic hands to anticatholics and back. History speaks of the Hussites as a Czech religious-military movement, and thus it is almost always forgotten that the anti-catholic armies were present and active in modern-day west Slovakia. In one instance, a nobleman and lord of a fort changed his denomination four times in the course of one religious war, and the primary way the Hungarian Palatine maintained control was with generous amounts of gold.

Not to mention that my former local priest had 2 kids and begged for money...

Verily I say unto you, everything bad comes from the West

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excellent proposals OP. Agreed. Maybe one more: if it's black send it back.

I can't read this.

forced marriages discourage competition, and bring the species as a whole backwards by allowing subpar genes to continue(look at the average indian man). by forcing pair mating youre just prolonging the inevitable.

frankly if the huwhite race is resorting to breeding programs like some retarded endangered species that cant fuck each other naturally then they deserve to go extinct. the better men have clearly won at this point, let natural selection take its course.
might = right, right?

>tfw no loli waifu
why live bros?

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>might = right, right?
Not true if you can not have female slaves. We live in a matriarchy.

and what genes do women choose by?
intelligence? health? dedication to the tribe? hard working? wisdom?
or do they choose based on dick size, height size, wallet size, and social game skills?
Now which of those do you think are most important to the white tribe?

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Pagans and Christians are still opposed on so many values that attempting to ally with them is foolish. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, it just means I have two enemies. There is no more middle ground. There will be no more tolerance.

if they're both 1488 how does it matter if theyre opposed or not on subjective or materialistic things?
even if what you say was true it's still not a problem. we can just segregate them away from each other and let them build their own communities and ways of life in peace under a fascist government.
stop trying to divide and conquer kike truth is on our side.

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Find love

Lol. If evolution is true maybe africans are like that because of females sexual selection?

Nah, not even africans are dumb enough to give women decision making power.
