Are pathetic. This is your pride rally’s? Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Lmao you guys
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like a town of about 400 people, pretty sure the other 395 are at work.
How do they explain this?
It almost as if magapede altlight is deader than the hard right. At least the NSM crashed a pride parade in Detroit. Say whatever you want about them at least there stunt was entertaining for both sides. The left got their white trash to laugh at and the hard rigjt got to laugh at them calling niggers, niggers to their face and piss on an Israeli flag.
Be more descriptive.
Communists don't know what that is.
Yeah it's really all about who can hold signs like faggots in the streets and get attention
Yeah, it's all about the juju cum and more immigrants than ever.
Is this where you got the picture from? And do you seriously think those boomers browse this website? loool
Cant wait till 2020 to watch aging boomers drop you on your heads all over again
>Another D&C slide thread
Kikes are out in full force today
Why don't all these protesters do something useful instead of sitting around advertising? Is it because daddy government doesn't let them actually do anything productive outside of wage slaving?
Meh, no context. Could be tail end or beginning. Where is this? Lost my interest. I'm ginna go back to reading about fbi glow niggers infecting msg boards.
Gay trannies on suicide watch
Yeah they could be posting on Jow Forums and making a real difference like you and I.
Asking that question is more productive than what this is, took me 5 seconds during breakfast.
Good job user you get a yellow star
it's because everyone else is a faggot, these are the only straight people left
What a pathetic resistance. We will easily destroy you and turn your children into transgender super soldiers.
This. Also, straight people don't wear their sexuality on their sleeve. Not only because it's extremely obnoxious, but because straight people aren't insecure/have doubts about their sexuality. Probably because being straight is normal and healthy while being a faggots is not. Most of them were sexually abused as children, which causes even more mental derangement. I mean, just look at how degenerate their "pride" rallies are.
boomers don't have the energy to get out in the streets but they always make it to the ballot box to get their boomergibs.
they will crush us all with vanilla civic nationalism and when they die we will somehow become the boomer.
h-how did 14 yo me g-get in the pic?
We branching out, nigger.
Trump Military complex and Mall coming soon to an Iran near you.
It's never about how many people are there when it comes to right wing demonstrations. It's about claiming territory. If you can do it without a mob of shitskins and cat ladies coming out of the woodwork to attack you physically, then you win.
>coordinate parades and direct traffic
Don't forget that they also protect faggots very existence against normal Americans that would hang them in the streets.
The loony left can't meme
haha more like incel pride
you need to go back xir