Bolton provide?
What will
The US is demanding proof too.
Can we make a code when we all get v& and sent to a fema barge?
>OP is a phoneposter
Feed a bucket full of Jewish babies to hungry dogs for creating this thread
You can go ahead and kill yourself
Bolton will add Japan to the “Axis of Evil” and demand we need another regime change in East Asia. Millions of Japanese people die and all of their politicians are replaced with US spies and zionist shills.
>kikes try to start war with obvious false flag
>Trump doesn't want to start war, so he says he believes Iran did it
>now everyone believes Iran didn't do it because fuck blumpf
deep concern
stop being a nigger and say arrested. this is a international board. hans can barely speak english. he might have a hard time and think youre asking if every one can get a v8 (drink) and go to a fema camp which he might think is some kind of summer camp. so hes picturing faggots frolicking and not being sodomized by american soldiers
Japan already knows it was an attack by Israelis but wants to see the level of fraud the US is willing to undergo.
>implying they need proof
They'll go into Iran and Japan will stand aside powerless. A final screech of the zionist world order. Hopefully they won't get very far.
>newfags demanding everyone stop using ancient chanspeak so the other newfags and the esls can understand
You have to go back.
*smacks lips*
is this proof enough?
Clearly this calls for more blurry photographs only this time things will be circled in red.
Japan know what happened on 911
Jewish tears and cries of anti-semitism.
Nothing good ever happens. The will pressure Japan to be quiet and they will
Not what I heard.
Japan and China know what happened on 9/11
Russia knows
There is no way the Iran situation will escalate.
Bolton doesn't know what happened on 911
He's a politician not a Plasma Physicist
What do China and Japan know about what happened on 9 11?
Peak glowposting
At least act like a human you CIA niggers
Israel has our backs...bent over a stump.
A piece of paper that includes phrases like “Iran did this” highlighted in yellow. Then a bit at the bottom that says “its antisemitic to question the anything stated on this page” highlighted in yellow.
They know that scalar resonance was used to bring down the towers.
The CIA know too since they worked with Tavistock and the News Media to release the fake images.
We dont really care what Japan thinks because we arent going to demand their aid if we invade Iran
We wont though, the most we will do is airstrikes.
China wont let you invade Iran
It's that simple.
And you bet your bottom dollar Rockefeller knows this.
Yup. Itd take three trilkion dollars or and not make us any money. Thats why we will settle with blowing up either economic or military assets belonging to Iran.
Yeah but this is the final play
>we arent going to demand their aid if we invade Iran
Iran will get Full Chinese support then.
bolton will say
>fuck you english teacher
>2 nukes weren't enough
and then post black and white mushroom clouds
just like every other burger nigger
He will send a dick pic, it's the only evidence he has.