Other urls found in this thread:
well we knew that but its funny all the same
true glow in the dark CIA nigger
read all of his posts, and all i have to say is wow.
lmao what a fucking retard.
Well that confirms it. There's no way I'm not on a watchlist from posting here. I guess lurking in the shadows is worthless for me now. Time to go join a militia or something.
click the ops link and scroll down a bit and it tells you the fedposters id to ctrl+f the archived thread and read them
fck ill do it for you here's his id
and link to archived thread
being on a watchlist doesn't mean shit. just dont say or do anything stupid. most of us are on a list somewhere, doesn't mean a real person is monitoring us. its a tier of priority. you really think we're important? they have jihadist niggers on watchlist yet that never seems to stop them from bus of peacing everyone.
very telling on how savvy these fedposters think they are. really opened my eyes to the constant shilling
funny how they type like raging newfaggots
>you really think we're important?
It's not about current actions, it's about what happens when the data is released, especially if the totalitarianism of so-called "leftist" elements becomes pervasive and intertwined with the government. Until now I didn't know that I was on a watchlist, now I definitely know it. I ain't getting Gulag'd 10 years from now.
i feel so cozy. I never posted in the tarrant threads but every post I made is true to what i really believe, that assassinations/violence isn't the right way forward for this. violence makes sense given what they're doing to us, and they will probably provoke more of it and it's their fault. but we're going to win this through a huge, society-shifting event, and these are the rattles of them realizing that it's happening. European people are going to have their own communities and countries one way or another
guys, all these posts are available to the feds, everything you say is saved and tacked with your personal name on it. post smart and good luck friends
Does hating on Zionists and isreal and wanting to kill them get you on the watch list?
We all know Russia is conducing a campaign to spread disinformation and one of their goals is to discredit the CIA and FBI. For all we know, the OP of this very thread could be a Russian agitprop bot who's tricking anons into distrusting their own intelligence agencies. Ignore this thread and move on.
yup. "imagine if the tech you have now is in the hands of your opponents in 10 years." good way to keep things politically balanced
Nice try fbi
Hey, I'm pretty good at Shitposting. I can be your in. Please I want to quit my job.
Well, now you know who shills against Russia on this site. Glowniggers and JIDF.
Imageboards are 99 shills and me at this point.
Feels good, nothing is more statisfying than calling glowniggers names.
Im confident now 100% of these shooters are mossad false flags.
I love diversity and I love israel
"Guys. Read my posts. I believe that thw ahooter did post on here but there is also more. Ive been here all day. There are at least two others that are posting in a bot, shilllike fashion to promote this. This theead never would have made the first page, where I found it this morning.
think there is outside involvement. Likely Russian.
In the posts not attributed the man himself, these two not only hyped this thread in an awkward way, they continued an odd pattern of posts to keep this thread alive. Look at the parallel language and style. pol does not talk like that.
Look at the memes chosen in these posts. Not even a fucking clown.
While I believe John may have been motivated by hia own beliefs and reasons, I believe that there are other forces at work here that may have provoked him.
The original link leads to a Tarrants Lads group In russian.
He may have been rightfully upset with the way the world is, but he may have been manipulated into this by something that is not.
I’d blame Mossad, the CIA and FBI too, but this time I am not so sure. We know all three of them can meme because we are shilled all day long by them.
He chose a crappy pistol. Anyone would have planned a litte more thoroughly. If BT is a hero to him as he describes, he would have learned from this mistakes, or at a minimun made an effort to emulate him and do the same. To walk in there completey unprepared with a single pistol sends off even more red flags,
This is very unusual. This is not the typical (((conspiracy))) and I am worried. I dont believe this is the end of this.
I hope some one else takes it upon themselves to investigate what I posted above as well."
this is how the CIA brain gets fried seeing russia everywhere. Jew controlled losers.
well, the feds definitely are encouraging them and shilling for others to do the same
>muh russia
and all
my favorite reply he made was the one where he used the (((triple echos))) to describe something
should be outed as anti-Semitic
It really doesn't matter.
It only matters if you have any evidence on you that you are actually planning to do anything.
If all you have are words then wtf are they going to do to you? Arrest you for saying mean things? We aren't that cucked yet. We're not Europe.
FBI agents and cianiggers are worthless nigger bootlicking faggots. I hope they are targeted for murder
They have to pick and choose who they watch.
The watch list has always been too big.
I believe they are looking for cues to actively monitor you..
Not surprised.
>I believe they are looking for cues to actively monitor you..
>user says something edgy
>fbi: holy shit we got'em
>YEARS of online and in person surveillance
>.....user doesnt leave his house once
Are you fucking retarded?
Only glowniggers and journos use this language. Fuck off.
> there is some Russian/Ukrainian involvement! Sloppy job Putin! *cries*
lol what a faggot
Hang on a minute...
That's a photoscan...
Do they literally print screen like in the 1980s and then scan it for upload into their digital archive?
They must have hundreds of thousands of physical, paper, screen caps.
It's funny because it probably works.
lol die you glownigger faggot.
>Look at the memes chosen in these posts. Not even a fucking clown.
Clownposters confirmed CIA niggers.
Reading through this really makes you realize these spooks are absolute trash.
They really go for the scum over there at J. Edgar HQ...
Legit they’re just in the business of starting problems. The exact opposite of what they pretend they’re doing.
morning thread theme
Thank you, even I can do this.
>*Hacker Voice* I'm in.
Based. The FBI were /ourlads/ all along.
Spot the fed
Not reading that now but sometime I think in the 90s the FBI got pozzed. Much had to do with Mueller himself, who basically transformed what was left of the FBI into a branch of the ADL. Look it up.
Yeah we’d be better off if this stuff was allowed to happen. Keeping Muslims from doing terrorism just lets the problem fester until it’s too late.
They don’t give a shit about corporate crimes and are just an arm of the elites, spying on opposing candidates, surrounded by so much bureaucracy that nobody really understands how corrupt they are.
>not reading that now
It's like 1 minute of reading you lazy cunt. All it says is that Hoover saw nothing wrong with Nazism on political or humanitarian grounds and that he worked closely with a lot of nazis.
It obviously got pozzed sometime after Hoover.
Why if i try to go to 8ch i get connection lost?
>implying this isn't a glownigger cia psyop
go fuck yourself
use a dumb fbi's mistakingly being obvious to discredit cia meddling on imageboards
have fun glowfrend
>At one point, another user accuses the fed of being Mossad:
>extremely fake. who believes this shit? sloppy job mossad
>The fed replies:
>No. Not mossad. Stop attacking the board and sliding this thread. Sloppy job putin. Dick
Works fine for me.
Pic related was the banner btw, lol.
They don’t even stop those attacks, read the archive, they encourage that shit.
This is their fucking business.
Bump. Top Kek
>Tries to get anons to back up his evidence for "memes and kek"
>Actual photocopies of screenshots
>Mfw all the posts on here trying to blame Russia are actually CIAfaggots
imagine the size of the file they have on you
Lmao, he’s talking like a teenager, that’s not what people do there. Wastes of oxygen.
6 million bits I'm sure
Confirmed. I'm a privately owned glownigger and I use agitprop to describe shit all the time.
>FBI phone poster photocopied his phone
They're not sending their best.
Sup glow nigger
Go home daikokujin
There have more Russian flag OPs on Jow Forums in the past month or so then in the last two years. They speak perfect English and only post anti-Russian/Putin topics. Very likely niggers using proxies
bump for visibility
you're welcome, fren
First, KYS. Second, the CIA and FBI have been discrediting themselves for years. Finally, KYS
Not only do we have to deal with the discord trannys but now we gotta deal with the glow niggers shilling the exact same shit.
>Oy vey goy it was the Russians why don't you believe what I tell you goy, we're the good guys goy we swear as we shill your board into the ground
Fucking I'd say this board is borderline just shills sock puppeting each other
Found the FBI
You faggots need to stop this BS. Stop betraying your own country and people to serve the establishment.
Literally /ourguys/. Based glowniggers.
atleast our aivd sucks at intelligence gathering
Go away FBI-kun
>glowniggers have been here for at least 10 years
>still get caught samefagging
That in itself is more of a disappointment than the actual evil shit they do, desu desu.
this was a parody post, right?
>Get paid to shitpost
>Can’t even do it right
Sounds like a government program.
Thousands of NEETS with a gift for shitposting who would work for next to nothing, and you give $65,000 a year to some loser who gets caught samefagging 3 times a day.
Just cause Clintons rape and eat children and your 56% degeneracy-drowning nation is ruled by kike Israeli spy doesn't mean Russia is not shit.
Libshits are omnipresent and they are dumb and short-sighted, because they are hedonistic fucks, who only care about their immediate needs and desires and if they can't have them met, they'll attack whatever they think is blocking it from them, i.e. the nation or the regime. USA and Europe only exists to them as an inert stage background, they are the same countries they've seen in some 90s Hollywood movie and pepsi commercial, looking into it closely and inspecting other nations' problems is too high on the Maslow's pyramid for them, so they just idealize it and set it against the current system in their black and white view (kinda like some of you retards idealize this shithole, cause lul based Putler).
You don't really need to spread disinformation, when people are ready to get delusional themselves.
fucking fbi newfag lel
The whole basis of this story is that the screenshots include (You) and therefore must be posts from the FBI themselves, when they could easily be screencaps from any Jow Forums user you fucking mongoloids.
Every post I have made on all the imageboard I’ve been on is an artistic work conveying my actual thoughts. I hope we meet someday soon, agent.
>the state of vietmongs
This is pants on head retarded. You use the source as evidence; not screenshots from some tipster that could be doctored.
This one is too obvious a larp. On my bad days, I can be a convincing glownigger. Practice some more.
>has no idea how 8ch works
>proceeds to pretend he does
I'm mostly bothered by the fact that the FBI nigger was too stupid to understand the "Have a (you)" meme.
Jesus Christ, your law enforcement is full of morons.
there's small possibility that the screenshot were taken by a user who then sent it to the feds
you can't deny it is a possibility
hahaha wtf are they doing. confirmed feds are boomers that can't even make a fucking screenshot
CIA niggers are so fucking stupid
Terry Davis is/was always right.
So much newfag in those posts. What are you even doing FBI?
>these are the people that protect you from terrorists, organized criminal groups and foreign spies
you cant stop us you retard boomers it will only push us further into madness
>Being this obvious
fuck off honeypot nigger